Chapter 1771
Wei Yong sighed faintly.

"Your Highness should also know about Ruizong's ascension to the throne, so the old man will stop talking.

Your Majesty ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, the court is always safe and sometimes dangerous, and the safety is naturally due to the Weihe military disaster, which made the two countries outside the pass frightened and did not dare to act rashly, so as to test our great dragon soldiers.

What is at stake is the internal affairs, which naturally come from His Majesty's brothers.

Like Duan Wang, Cheng Wang. That is, the later Huainan Wang Minggong and his brothers.

Although His Majesty has ascended the throne in a dignified way, the situation he is facing is almost the same as that of the former Emperor Wuzong. You princes and princes are unwilling to wait for the opportunity.

Your Majesty is known as the hero of the world, how can it be so easy to deal with.

Many princes and princes can't even be called the enemies of His Majesty, and their alliance was easily dismantled by His Majesty, and they were cleaned up one by one.

To say something disrespectful, if the first emperor had had His Majesty Ruizong's means, he would definitely not have ended up like this.

However, His Royal Highness King Shu's personality is very similar to that of His Majesty Ruizong, both in means and heart.

There is such a brother who is unwilling to be inferior to others below, and Wu Zong is destined to suffer some disasters.

After His Majesty settled the court, he began to devote himself to rectifying the administration of officials and developing the people's livelihood.

And your third uncle Ling Daoming is also under the rule of Huainan Wang Li Yugang, the governor of Jianghuai. "

Liu Mingzhi tightened his palm holding the teacup, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he had a little understanding of what Wei Yong wanted to express in his words.

"Then my third uncle's grievances with you are also due to this?"

Wei Yong took a sip of tea lightly.

"Your third uncle did execute the old man's son, but this son is not the illegitimate son as in the rumors, but the old man's adopted son, an adopted son adopted by the old man as his own son."


"Yes, son!"

"This son is also predestined to be with the old man. It was born to a young girl who was rescued by the old man on his way home after drinking at the lantern festival outside the city one year."

"This girl should have just suffered the pain of breaking the melon. It can be said that she has been devastated. From her clothes, she can vaguely guess that this girl is a court lady."

Liu Mingzhi was shocked, a thought popped up in his mind, suppressing the shock in his heart, Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong quietly.

"Go on."

"The old man brought this girl back to the mansion, asked the doctor for her pulse, and learned that she had taken saffron and other abortion decoctions. The old man had also heard about the things in the palace, so he felt kind and took her in.

However, God's will is impermanent. This woman drank the saffron decoction, but she still conceived and gave birth to a boy.

The old man thought, this son is also predestined with the old man, so he accepted him as his adopted son, but there are very few people who know about it.

Later, when the child was three years old, a man in black broke into the old man's study, and the old man also understood how amazing the identity of the adopted son he had accepted was.


As for the specific identity, it is inconvenient for the old man to explain.

Since then, the old man has taken great care of him and dare not belittle him.

But he also developed his domineering and domineering character.

Although this son is domineering and domineering, he is by no means as unbearable as the rumors say. He knows how to advance and retreat, and understands the general situation, but his personality is a little impulsive.

As for what happened later, it was almost indistinguishable from what was recorded in the dossier. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently. According to what Wei Yong said, the identity of this child coincides with his guess just now.

"Later, due to some incidents, Cheng Wang Li Yugang was relegated to Jiangnan as the King of Huainan. After a few years in Jiangnan, the King of Huainan kept courting state officials on both sides of the river and Huaihe River in private, and your third uncle Ling Daoming was among them."

"The matter of King Huainan and the White Lotus Sect, you will deal with the bandit suppression yourself, so you don't need to talk about it anymore."

Liu Mingzhi swallowed his saliva: "So, my third uncle's collusion with the traitors of the White Lotus Sect is not because of your righteous son's affairs, because of your personal revenge, planting and framing, but the fact?"

Wei Yong nodded slightly with complicated eyes: "Your third uncle is just a poor wretch who was kept in the dark. He thinks that he is an honest and honest official and has won the hearts of the people. He is a rare good official. For some reasons, it is inevitable that he will be a little bit emotional. , It's a pity that he is not in the court, and he doesn't know the affairs of the court, so he was implicated for no reason."

Liu Mingzhi drank the tea in the cup dry-mouthed: "But so many Jianghuai officials are in contact with Ming Gong, why is my third uncle alone punished? Isn't it because of you?"

Wei Yong smiled wryly and lifted the pot to pour a cup of tea for Liu Mingzhi: "It's different, it's so different."

"The rest of the Jianghuai officials have no roots, but your third uncle is different.

"Bow to the elder brother, that is, your uncle Song Yu was the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs at the time, and the second brother to your father Liu Zhi'an to inherit your grandfather's family business and wealth.

When the three brothers were in the south of the Yangtze River, they "colluded together" and made Dangyang Academy into a mess.

Think about it, if your third uncle attached himself to the king of Huainan, the servant of the official department, and the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, he would be unknowingly tied to the king of Huainan's chariot.

In this way, he will naturally be cut off in the middle as a rope connecting the chariot. "

With a clatter, the teacup in Liu Mingzhi's hand slipped down on the table, and the tea boiled.

"In other words, the cause of the third uncle's death was not because of any grievances with you, but because he strayed into a struggle between the imperial powers and was against the imperial powers!
In other words, the third uncle is actually against the father!
The so-called being framed by you is just a pretext. "

Wei Yong looked at Young Master Liu in amazement with a wry smile and nodded.

"Probably so. Your third uncle can be said to be a political victim of the struggle for imperial power."

The old man has always been called the biggest treacherous official in the dynasty, but to be a traitor also requires skills, without skills, even if you want to be a traitor, you are not qualified.

What is a loyal minister?What is a traitor again?

Since the old man's reign, although he has been reprimanded by treacherous officials, since the prince entered the court, has any government affairs that the old man has handled made mistakes?
The name of treacherous minister is nothing more than forming a party with King Duan for personal gain, suppressing dissidents, and gaining the name of a power struggle with Tong Xiang.

However, bearing the name of a traitorous minister, the old man naturally did a lot of things that a traitorous minister should do.

If you want people not to know, unless you do it yourself.

Do you think His Majesty can't find any evidence of what the old man did?Do you think Tong Xiang can't find any evidence?
The evidence that can put the old man to death in Tong Xiang's hands is probably not enough to fit two big boxes.

But the old man is still alive and well, and has been sitting in the position of the left minister for more than ten years.

It is precisely because Tong Xiang knows in his heart that the two of us are actually dependent on each other for life and death.

Divide to benefit both, join together to perish.

Once the old man falls, he will dominate the family in the court, and he will not be far from death.

Exactly so, His Majesty thought so too.

He hoped to see constant internal fighting in the court, because he knew that after the old man died, no one would be able to control the power of Tongxiang.

You will feel that His Majesty can support a person at any time to weigh the child's appearance, but it is too difficult to support such a person under the right time, place and people.

That being the case, it is better to use a pawn that is comfortable and safe.

Because I am a famous treacherous official in the world, I must rely on Your Majesty to be safe and sound.

Your Majesty knows better that I, the most famous treacherous minister in the world, is the most loyal minister in the court, because the old man depends on him to survive, and he can only be loyal to the court.

It is just like this that the old man can stand in the court for decades without falling down. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "I don't need to explain this to Mr. Wei, this king understands it in his heart."

Wei Yong nodded silently: "The willow leaves in your father's hands are famous all over the world, do you think he can't find evidence that the old man bent the law for personal gain, embezzled and accepted bribes?

What if he found out?Not only does His Majesty want to keep Laoji, even Tong Xiang, Laoji's biggest opponent, will try every means to keep Laoji.

With these two protective umbrellas, who can move the old man?

Therefore, in order to save his life, the old man can only do his best to be a traitor, take bribes, and bend the law for personal gain.

I don't even want to be corrupt.

The old man does not take bribes, His Majesty is not at ease, and the officials under the old man who eat with me are not at ease.

Above the court, there are intrigues and intrigues. Enemies may not be enemies, and friends may not be friends.

Everything pays attention to a word of profit.

Profit first, this is something no one can escape! "

Liu Mingzhi sneered, and shook his head helplessly: "It's deafening, do you have any wine?"

"Hold on!"

A moment later, Wei Yong took out a jar of wine from the side room next to the main house, took off the mud and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

"30-year-old Zhuyeqing, let's drink it alive!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the wine jar and drank heavily. Holding the wine jar in his arms, Liu Mingzhi exhaled lightly.

"That's what Prime Minister Wei said just now. It's probably the same for a while. The officials who died in the hands of you and Uncle Duan Wang didn't die because of you, did they?"

Wei Yong smiled wryly and nodded: "Talking to a smart man like Wang Ye saves effort."

"Before the prince entered the court, the number of officials who died at the hands of the old man and King Duan was unknown.

Their identities are all the same, they are all officials who stood beside the other princes in the past, His Majesty has just ascended the throne not long ago, so naturally he can't deal with them in his own name.

In this way, the role of treacherous ministers also came.

For treacherous ministers, suppressing dissidents and mutilating colleagues are just commonplace.

The so-called treacherous officials are nothing more than a sharp knife for murder.

A murder knife in the hand of a king.

It's just a sharp knife to remove those officials with evil intentions one by one!
We are nothing but pawns used by His Majesty to create momentum.

When the lord entered the court, His Majesty's great power had already been established, and our murderous knives should become blunt knives, and we should stay dormant and do our duty loyally for His Majesty.

But although the sharp knife has become a blunt knife, the name of the traitor can never be removed. "

"Chess pieces, you must have the awareness of chess pieces!"

"Actually, this old man feels sorry for your third uncle, but the young man is full of arrogance and self-importance. Naturally, he will inevitably have to pay the due price for his ignorance."

"It doesn't matter if you are loyal or treacherous! It's just a matter of black and white."

"There's really no difference."

"Black and white, yin and yang, and the mysteries of heaven and earth, how can ordinary people like me understand them?"

"The only thing we can do is... oh...forget it..."

(End of this chapter)

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