Chapter 1772
Wei Yong calmly looked at Young Master Liu sitting there dazed and wandering, sighed silently and drank his tea quietly.

Wei Yong also understood in his heart that the reason why First Young Master Liu is in this state is that his words just now had too much impact on him.

But Wei Yong had no choice.

The truth of the matter is like this, I originally wanted to bring some old grievances from the past into the coffin and let them be buried underground forever.

However, Liu Mingzhi kept asking, so he had no choice but to confide some things about that year.

There was silence for a long time, and the room fell into a temporary silence.

One of the two quietly sipped tea, and the other took a sip of wine from time to time, relatively speechless.

I don't know how long it took, Liu Mingzhi instinctively lifted the jar of wine and brought it to his lips, but when he didn't drink anything, he realized that he had drunk the jar of wine unknowingly.

Putting down the wine jar silently, Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong opposite him with a strange expression.

"Thank you, Minister Wei, for your teaching. The mist that has been in my heart for many years has been completely cleared away to see the blue sky."

Wei Yong looked at Liu Mingzhi with strange eyes, and smiled playfully.

"The prince is not afraid that the old man will make up a story at will to deceive the prince? After all, His Majesty has already done well, and no one can prove whether the content of the old man's words is true. Could it be that the prince is so sure that the old man is not trying to survive, just talking nonsense about the past?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently: "You won't. A person who can even face death calmly will not bother to lie. This king still has the insignificance of people."

Wei Yong nodded knowingly: "My lord is very kind!"

"However, what the old man said just now still counts. If the death of the old man can eliminate the hatred in the prince's heart and resolve the grudges from the past, the old man can still die.

It's just that this death was not because the old man felt any guilt towards Ling Cishi's family, what the old man felt guilty for was those loyal ministers who were killed by His Majesty as a knife. "

The matter has passed, and His Majesty has been active for several years. Frankly speaking, the old man and Prince Duan were killed by His Majesty as a murder knife, and many of them were loyal and righteous.

But if you want to blame, you can only blame them for standing in the wrong team.

It is understandable that they are on the wrong team. What they are wrong is that they should not want to restore the old master.

Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Miao Ji, Minister of the Household Department, and Minister of Rites. They all stood behind Duan Wang and others back then, but after His Majesty ascended the throne, he immediately came to his senses and strongly supported His Majesty to become emperor.Assisting His Majesty in governing with benevolence, these years have not been the same in the court, and the people are dignified.

Those who died were all sour Confucians who didn't know how to adapt.

Regardless of your talents and virtues, as long as you don't know how to adapt, you will die.

It is obvious that the general trend has been achieved, but if you have to go all the way to the end, no one can save you.

The general trend of the world is like this, how can three or five people be able to change it?
How can some courtiers be able to turn things around?
But the old man is also quite guilty, not for those who don't know how to be flexible, but for the family members who are hurt because they don't know how to be flexible.

To put it bluntly, the fate of your third uncle's family is considered good, at least the children will be preserved and the incense will continue.

The family members of some officials even cut off the incense.

The past is vivid in my mind, and the old man will occasionally wake up from the nightmare.

The youngest girl is only four years old.

Since the old man was able to save the maid, how could he be a person without conscience?
But their patriarch went against the sky.

The old man couldn't bear it and couldn't help it.

If they don't die, the old family will die.

However, the old man still feels guilty.

Perhaps it is good to die, at least the old will not have to suffer from the condemnation of conscience. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong's sad and gloomy expression, nodded with a wry smile.

"It's true that the Tian family is ruthless. Although I feel sorry for those officials, from a rational point of view, I don't think that my father has done anything wrong."

"Don't think that this king is a bit ruthless in saying this. They insist on going to the end. If the father doesn't use more ruthless means, once they succeed in restoring the king and uncles rebel, the number of people who die will be ten times, a hundred times. , or even a thousand times.

Leaving aside, isn't the matter of the first emperor and the king of Shu their brothers the best example?
A few people died, but a military disaster was avoided, but every character knew how to choose. "

Wei Yong looked at Liu Mingzhi in amazement, and let out a heavy breath.

"It's really not just a chance for the prince to be appreciated by His Majesty Ruizong, but because the prince can understand Ruizong's thoughts.

Ruizong is a great talent and general strategy. When the country is rising and the country is in decline, he can cut through the wind and waves and stand out from the crowd. Naturally, there is something extraordinary about him.

We are courtiers, and our eyesight can never be compared with that of the emperor, and our foresight is far from enough.

All we can do is do our part.

Maybe it's because old people have killed too many sins, that's why they will die without heirs. This should be the cycle of retribution. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong's sad expression in surprise: "Since the rumor is wrong, it's just because you are a treacherous minister's slander, which means that Wei Xiang, you are in good health, and you are not delaying the important affairs of human relations. How can there be no incense to continue?"


"The old man is fine, but my wife is..."

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, it turns out that the root cause lies in Mrs. Wei Yong.

"The old man was also a poor man back then. He studied hard for ten years and was lucky enough to meet...
That is, the miscarriage left the root of the disease, and she could no longer have children. If the wife hadn't had a bowl of hot porridge back then, the old man would have become a dead bone. In order to avoid the wife's heart, the old man did not take concubines or marry a flat wife.

The madam has always recruited young beauties for the old man, just hoping to leave a line of incense for the old man, but was later rejected by the old man with various reasons.

The elder brother's second and third younger brothers' families are full of incense and grandchildren, as long as my Wei family can continue, it doesn't matter whether the old family has children or not.

People, contentment and happiness.

The old man has already seen it. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong with respect, no matter how bad he is, is Wei Yong a bad guy?It should count!
"Madam Wei?"

"I have been away for more than ten years, and the root cause of the disease cannot be cured for a long time. I will be old and enjoy the blessings."

"Well, I won't talk about these things. It's been more than ten years, and nothing can be changed after talking about it."

"I unintentionally mentioned Wei Xiang's sad things, but I hope you will forgive me."

"It's okay, it's okay, the past is the past."

"This is probably the case in the past, the prince has already known the truth, and the old man has nothing to say. Whether to kill or cut the old man is up to you."

"In any case, what happened to Ling Shishi's family has always had a cause and effect in it, and I don't want to justify anything."

"If the prince wants to do something, he hopes to give this old man a good time."

"I have one more merciless request. There is a will that I have already prepared in the desk. After I die, I hope that the prince can hand it over to my two brothers instead."

"Although the old man is a villager now, please see the old man's love for the old man who has been an official in the same dynasty with the king for many years, so that the old man can die with dignity."

Liu Mingzhi looked into Wei Yong's open-minded and indifferent old eyes, his arms trembled, he wanted to touch the hilt of the sword but he couldn't do it.

"This is Wei Xiang's last words?"

Wei Yong pondered for a while and looked at Liu Mingzhi calmly: "When a bird is about to die, its song is mournful; when a man is about to die, his words are kind!"

"I don't know if I should say something or not, but I take the liberty to say it."

"My lord, it's time to find yourself an opponent."

"One cannot be a loyal minister."

"There are no treacherous ministers in the court, and the prince will not be a loyal person."

"If there are no bad people, the prince can't be a good person."

"My lord wants to be a good person, so I naturally need a bad person to set it off. My lord's power is too great now, and if there is no one to weigh it, it will not last long."

"If the prince has no opponent, your loyalty will only harm others and yourself in the end."

"It's easy to be a bad person, but it's too difficult to be a good person."

"Because good people don't make it themselves, but others say it."

"Other people think you are a good person, you can be a good person."

"As for this other person, the most important link is His Majesty today."

"That's all the old man said, and it's up to the prince himself whether he listens or not."

(End of this chapter)

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