My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1774 Wei Yong's ambition

Chapter 1774 Wei Yong's ambition

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong with a somewhat gloomy expression and remained silent. He didn't know what to say at this moment.

Wei Yong's image in his heart has undergone earth-shaking changes. There is no surprise at all, Wei Yong is definitely a bad guy, but he can't be called a bad guy in the true sense.

In terms of being a human being, Wei Yong can definitely be said to be full of evil. No matter what the reason is, no one can change the fact that he killed Zhongliang.

But in terms of being an official, Wei Yong is a conscientious official. As Wei Yong just said, as long as he handles government affairs, there will never be any mistakes.

It can be said that Wei Yong's image is completely polarized.

Not a good guy, but not an absolute bad guy either.

Liu Mingzhi silently took a sip of his drink, bent over and began to inspect the map.

"Let's continue, Wei Xiang."

Wei Yong nodded slightly, took a bamboo pole with obvious pulp from the table beside him, and tapped it on the map.

"Let's see, my lord, if the court can implement benevolent government according to what the old man just said, it will only take three to five years to look forward to overseas countries after unifying the world.

Our big dragon elite soldiers can split into two groups to launch a thunderous offensive against the western barbarians. "

Liu Mingzhi had already vaguely guessed Wei Yong's plan in his heart, because Wei Yong's thoughts were very likely to coincide with his own.

Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything, because he wanted to know how many surprises Wei Yong, an old fox, could bring him.

"Wei Xiang continued!"

"My lord, we want to start a business in the West, but relying on the [-] officers and soldiers on the Dragon Fleet on the Haining Hou'an River to patrol the West is far from being able to launch a thunderous offensive against the vast Western countries.

The first is the shortage of troops, and the second is that the supply of food and grass cannot be replenished in time. Although it is possible to intercept the food and grass of the Western countries to supplement itself, once the officers and soldiers of the fleet encounter some difficulties, those who have been captured from the Western countries will be very likely The Eighty-Nine Society rebelled and broke away from Haining Hou's control.

Therefore, if we want to capture the Western Ocean, we must go out together by sea and land to achieve our expected results.

The speed of the fleet is much faster than that of the soldiers on land, so we can use the officers and soldiers of the fleet as an auxiliary party to control the strength of the western barbarians and help the soldiers on land to transport food and grass, and plan the route of the expedition.

As long as the cooperation is good, it is not a big problem to want to capture the Western countries.

Our big dragon elite soldiers and land soldiers can also divide their troops.

All the way up north, all the way down west.

Go north to attack Tsarist Russia marked on the map, and go west to send troops from the Western Regions to India and other countries.

Liu Mingzhi suppressed the shock in his heart, and nodded silently.

"What are the main forces of the two armies?"

"Soldiers and horses going north to bring in our Dalong to rule the Turks, the old soldiers of the Jin Kingdom united with our Dalong's elite army. The situation in the north of Yinshan Mountain, except for the former champion Hou Huo Qubing, no one in our Dalong knows where it is. What is the terrain like?

But the Turkic people are different from the Jin Guoren. The rise of the Jin Guoren is related to the northern border, and the Turkic people are very familiar with the situation north of Yinshan Mountain.

After all, there are as many Turkic tribes close to Yinshan as the hair on a cow, and it is common for them to go to Yinshan to graze.

Therefore, we must put my dragon soldiers and horses in a secondary position.

After all, compared to the Turkic people and Jin people, we can say that we are blind to the situation north of Yinshan Mountain, and have to obey the orders of the old Turkic people who are familiar with the situation in Yinshan Mountain.

At that time, the world was unified, regardless of each other, in fact, there was no such thing as a big dragon, a Turkic state, or a golden state.

It's all for the court. "

"Then what about the soldiers and horses going west?"

"Naturally, the soldiers from the Anxi Protectorate's Mansion and the soldiers from the Western Regions are the main ones. They understand the terrain in the west of the Western Regions far better than we do. No one is more suitable than them as the main vanguard. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wei Yong who was talking eloquently, with an indescribable meaning hidden in his eyes.

Gently sitting on the chair, Liu Mingzhi folded his hands on his chest and looked at Wei Yong with a complicated expression.

"This king is suddenly curious about one thing. I wonder if Prime Minister Wei can enlighten me?"

Wei Yong was startled, looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise, he said that he was talking about the Western affairs well, why did the King of Side-by-Shoulders suddenly change the subject?
Although he couldn't figure out what Liu Mingzhi meant, Wei Yong still nodded silently.

At this point, what should be said and what should not be said has been fully confessed by myself, and now there is almost nothing that needs to be concealed.

"Excuse me, my lord, if it's not about some secret matters, I will try my best to clear up my lord's doubts."

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment, and a weird smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Wei Xiang doesn't need to worry too much, what this king asked is just a trivial matter to Wei Xiang."

"Frankly speaking, although this king has been an official in the same dynasty as Wei for more than ten years, he has not had a deep friendship with Wei Xiang, and his understanding of Wei Xiang is limited to normal debates at the court.

What Wei Xiang said today can be said to make this king look at him with admiration.

Therefore, this king is very curious, how a hero like Wei Xiang was defeated by a clown like Ren Wenyue, the head of state.

In other words, did Wei Xiangzhi really choose to stay away from the court because he couldn't compete with Ren Wenyue?
Leaving aside the past, just Wei Xiangzhi's remarks today, let alone Ren Wenyue, even three or five Ren Wenyue is just a stronger ant in front of Wei Xiang.

Therefore, this king is quite curious about the real reason why Wei Xiang became an official.

At least this king can be sure that it was definitely not caused by the failure of the party struggle with Ren Wenyue. "

Wei Yong stared blankly at Young Master Liu for a long time, then gave a wry smile helplessly.

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the prince. Ren Wenyue is just a small person who has gained power, and in the eyes of the old man, he is really not a person.

Perhaps when he was the governor of Chengzhou, he had the means to turn clouds and rain in Chengzhou.

But in the place of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon like Chaotang, if the court officials didn't look at the Empress's face, he really wouldn't be able to make any troubles!

The old man really wanted to know him as well, even if the empress came forward, there was nothing he could do to keep his handwriting. "

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a while, then looked at Wei Yong curiously: "Then why did Prime Minister Wei resign?"

"My lord doesn't know something. When my lord went north to conquer the enemy country, the situation in the court was a bit turbulent, making it hard to see the reality. The rise of Ren Wenyue was somewhat unreasonable, as if someone was secretly supporting him.

The old man couldn't find out the identity of the person behind Ren Wenyue through open and unannounced visits, so the old man planned to retreat bravely.

For one thing, only a treacherous official is needed to balance the right prime minister in the court. If the old man continues to stay in the court, sooner or later he will become a stepping stone for Ren Wenyue.

I am deeply touched by the horror of Ren Wenyue's people behind the scenes.

Ren Wenyue, a clown is nothing to fear, but the person behind him is anything but ordinary.

The old man gave birth to being wise and safe, and nodded his head bravely.

Secondly, the old man is actually tired of the intrigues in the court, and has long thought of retreating, but the assistant minister's imperial order is in him, so the old man can only continue to serve His Majesty.

It happened that Ren Wenyue, an unbelievably latecomer who rose up, came, and the old man went along with it. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, and sneered twice.

"As expected of an old fox who has been in court for many years, he is really cunning."

"Wei Xiang has said what should be said, what should not be said, and this king understands the cause and effect of everything. It is time to send Wei Xiang on the road."

Wei Yong was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a faint smile, his expression as calm as autumn water.

Bending down to roll up the map on the desktop, Wei Yong put the map in front of Young Master Liu.

"I hope that the prince can assist this dynasty into an unprecedented prosperous empire."

"My lord, please do it, and beg your lord to give this old man a good time."

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, and drew his sword out of its sheath sharply.There was a loud sword chant from the Heavenly Sword, and the cold blade caused the temperature in the room to drop for a moment.

Liu Mingzhi lifted the Heavenly Sword lightly, picked up the wine jar with his left hand and held it in his hand.

"This king drank your wine, and sending you on the road will definitely not cause you too much pain."

Wei Yong nodded silently, and slowly closed his eyes.

First Young Master Liu raised the wine jar and drank freely, and the remaining wine was wiped out within a few breaths.


Young Master Liu hiccupped, and threw the wine jar on the ground with a drunken eye.

"Didn't I go to Tianxiang Tower? What kind of broken place is this? Why is it so simple? It seems that I drank too much again and entered someone's house."


First Young Master Liu hiccupped again, staggeringly held the Heavenly Sword and walked towards the door.

The attitude of a lonely drunk alcoholic.

Hearing the sound of the door closing suddenly, Wei Yong slowly opened his eyes and sighed.

"Why bother, it's better to give the old man a good time."

After Wei Yong finished speaking, he turned his gaze to the Junzi sword that he had been wearing in the past hanging on the wall, and walked over slowly.

There was a soft clang, and the people's courtyard returned to tranquility.

(End of this chapter)

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