My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1775 Covenant Chapter 3

Chapter 1775
On the main road of the capital.

First Young Master Liu staggered, and his stumbling figure once again turned into a chest raised and head raised, walking like a tiger.

He didn't look like he was alone and drunk at all.

Young Master Liu stopped, looked at the pedestrians coming and going on the street, and let out a sigh of relief.

His eyes were a little hazy, with a hint of drunkenness. It was obvious that Liu Dashao was a little drunk after drinking two and a half jars of wine from Lao Jiang's and Wei Yong's homes.

But it definitely can't reach the point where even walking is wobbly.

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the gray sky with a sense of loss in his eyes.

'Third Uncle, is it right or wrong for my son to do this?Wei Yong's life is far more meaningful than his death. '

Young Master Liu, who was muttering to himself, suddenly turned his head and looked towards a certain corner of the street behind him. For a moment, he felt as if someone was secretly watching him at that position.

But except for the cold corner and the white snow on the corner, there is nothing at all.

Is it my own illusion?

Liu Mingzhi instinctively walked towards Minxiang Street, stopped at the entrance of the alley, looked at the empty alley, Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently, raised his hands and kneaded his temples.

Maybe I really drank too much, so I had an illusion.

Young Master Liu gently kneaded his temples, turned around and walked towards the main street.

After walking about five or six steps, Young Master Liu's figure flashed back to the alley just now and looked into the alley, but there was still nothing there.

Seeing this, Young Master Liu heaved a sigh of relief and turned around and walked slowly in the direction of Liu's mansion.

The time when Young Master Liu left the alley for half a stick of incense, a refined figure walked down the door of the folk house on the left side of the alley, looked towards the entrance of the alley for a moment, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, quietly Rubbing a pair of bright iron guts in his hands, he walked towards the place where First Young Master Liu came from.

"Master, you are back!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the respectful Liu Yuan and responded with a light smile.

"Uncle Liu, you're back."

"It's good for the young master to come back. It's freezing cold, and it's easy to catch the cold if you go outside for a stroll. You better go back to your room to warm up."

"Okay, I'll take care of Uncle Lao Liu, where's the old man?"

"Master has gone out. He said that the Spring Festival is approaching, and he wants to go out for a few drinks with some old friends whom he hasn't seen for a long time. It's been a couple of hours, and he should be back soon."

Liu Mingzhi sneered a few times: "This old man, no one can compare to his life in a chic and comfortable life!"

"Willow, I'm going back to the inner courtyard first, be careful to keep warm."

"Thank you, young master, for your concern, young master, go slowly."

Young Master Liu, who was walking towards the corridor, quickly backed away, looking at Liu Yuan who was somewhat stunned with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Uncle Liu, has my monstrous aunt gone?"

Liu Yuanming realized it, and shook his head slightly with a playful smile.

"Miss Chang said that she missed the young master and didn't want to go back immediately, so she settled down at the mansion and planned to stay for a few days before going back."

Young Master Liu's expression froze, he nodded mechanically, and walked towards the inner courtyard stiffly.

He lowered his head and took out the "Yi Qi Jing" from his arms and flipped through it a few times, looking at the dazzling and wonderful content on the pages, he couldn't help but blushed a little.

Walking to the arch of the inner courtyard, First Young Master Liu stuffed the book into his arms with a sad face.

With Liu Ying at home, I was afraid that I would be empty-handed with precious books, but I wouldn't be able to find a place to use them.

Such a treasure is bound to be dusted under Liu Ying's 'excessive power'.

Thinking of what happened to Xiao Mingming who came out of the window that night in previous years, Young Master Liu still shuddered involuntarily.

Listening to Qianggen and hearing such a situation, only Liu Ying, an evildoer, could do it.

Young Master Liu walked through the inner courtyard and walked directly towards the courtyard where Mr. Sai Huatuo lived in the Xikuan courtyard.

Smelling the smell of medicine in the air, Young Master Liu knew that old man Sai must not have gone out.

"Snake venom can kill, but it can also be used as medicine to cure diseases and save people. Coptis chinensis is bitter, but it can be cured"

"Old Sai, are you here?"

Young Master Liu looked at the open door, and walked in without hesitation.

The door was wide open, indicating that Sai Huatuo did not do anything secretive.

Sure enough, as soon as Young Master Liu entered the room, Sai Huatuo was pacing in the room, shaking his head and talking about something.

On the opposite side of Sai Huatuo, Liu Yaoyao was holding a delicate brush, and was writing something carefully on the table with her head bowed.

Hearing First Young Master Liu's voice, Liu Yaoyao stopped moving, and smiled with bright and flexible eyes.

"Dad, why are you here?"

When Young Master Liu heard his daughter's voice, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Good girl, you are learning medicine from Grandpa Sai again!"

Liu Yaoyao nodded hurriedly, pinching the rice paper on the table and waving at First Young Master Liu: "Yeah, Yaoyao is now recording Grandpa Sai's unique prescription."

"So cute, it seems that our Liu family is really going to produce a little fairy doctor, Yaoyao, you should go and familiarize yourself with some prescriptions given to you by Grandpa Sai just now. Daddy has something to ask Grandpa Sai for."

"Yeah, Yaoyao understands, daddy will be busy first."

Liu Yaoyao put down her brush, picked up a stack of rice paper and ran out of the door.

After the sound of Liu Yaoyao's footsteps disappeared, First Young Master Liu looked around wretchedly, took out the "Yi Qi Jing" from his arms, and handed it to Sai Huatuo who was a little stunned.

"Old Sai, this young master found a good book, please help me see if the content in it can be used for cultivation!"

Sai Huatuo stared at the three big characters "Yi Qi Jing" on the book in Young Master Liu's hand, his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't wait to grab the book in Young Master Liu's hand and flip through it.

Sai Huatuo completely turned a blind eye to those dazzling and imaginative illustrations, staring closely at the meridian diagrams on the side of the book and the illustrations described in regular script.

After a long time, Sai Huatuo closed the book with a startled expression.

"It turned out to be the supreme classic of Taoism, "Yi Qi Jing". I don't know where the young master came from?"

Major General Liu said it briefly, and Sai Huatuo looked at Young Master Liu enviously.

"The young master is really a person of great fortune. To be able to get two supreme secret books from the same person is really enviable."

"That is to say, the exercises and moves above can be cultivated?"

"Of course it can be cultivated. It is said that the exercises in the Sutra of Yiqi are mysterious, complex and difficult to comprehend, but once you enter the path, it will have wonderful effects far surpassing other secret books of mind methods.

Some people even say that once the practice is completed, it can even prolong life, but the old man does not know whether it is true or not.

This scripture is absolutely true, the young master can practice with confidence. "

Young Master Liu nodded happily, took the scriptures in Sai Huatuo's hands, looked through them, and walked towards the door.

Sai Huatuo directly chose to ignore Sai Huatuo's reluctance to stare at the scriptures.

He's an old man in his 80s and [-]s, so what's the use of seeing it.

First Young Master Liu carefully picked up the scriptures, his chin clenched and his gaze kept rolling, obviously thinking about something unhealthy.

From time to time on the corridor of the inner courtyard, dirty laughter that made the passing maids turn pale.

Young Master Liu looked around, then turned towards the empress, and walked over to the wing room where the two daughters, Huyan Yunyao, were staying.

There were two powerful bombs living in the house, Young Master Liu felt that it was necessary for him to have a good chat with them.

At least three chapters must be agreed.

Now the situation in the capital is complicated and inexplicable, even I have to be careful!
"Wanyan, reading a book! Where's the younger brother?"

"I was taken to play chess by your aunt."


"That would be great... Uh... What a coincidence! To put it bluntly, come and sit here, this young master thinks there are some things that I should talk to you about."

"Talk about what?"

"You and your junior brother have special identities..."

"What are you doing with the surname Liu? Aren't you going to make an appointment with my old lady for three...boom...close the door!"

(End of this chapter)

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