Chapter 1776
The three chapters of agreement between Young Master Liu and Empress Wanyan Wanyan are getting better and better.

Many maids passing by heard the familiar and unfamiliar notes, and their pretty faces quickly looked like a red apple. They looked at each other, their eyes were a little shy, they gently covered their lips and snickered and left the courtyard of the wing room.

The young master is also true, don't you know how to pay attention in broad daylight?

'He has no conscience, this action is too much.'

'Predecessors plant trees and future generations enjoy the shade, existence is reasonable. '

"But it's too silly."

In the side room, Liu Ying's slender fingers gently folded the black chess piece in her hand, and her charming eyes raised her eyes from time to time to take a look at Huyan Yunyao who was sitting cross-legged across from her.

The door of the wing room was closed tightly, and the hot stove made the temperature in the room warm like spring.

A low table was spread on a precious carpet, and on the table were two cups of fragrant tea with faint smoke.

Opposite Liu Ying, Huyan Yunyao was wearing a well-tailored Confucian scholar's robe, as handsome as Mr. Pian Pianjia, and it was pleasing to the eye.

It's not just beauties that make people feel attractive, but "men" who are easy to see to a certain extent are also pleasing to the eye.

Huyan Yunyao, who was wearing a scholar's robe, was the kind of 'man' who could make a woman's heart tremble involuntarily and couldn't help but peek.

On the other hand, Liu Ying didn't seem to care that her chess opponent was a 'man' at all. The splendid clothes that wrapped her exquisite and plump body had long been reduced to flimsy obscene clothes.

With the movement of playing chess, some round parts that make the man's blood boil are exposed from time to time.

People in the know know that the two are indeed playing chess, but those who don't know think that they are doing something more interesting in the name of playing chess.

Liu Ying made a coquettish voice, and slowly stretched her waist. Following Liu Ying's movements, the thin and flimsy clothes couldn't stop anything at all.

But the "handsome young man" opposite him didn't care to appreciate it at all.

"Mr. Huyan, it's already half an incense stick, haven't you figured out which step to take?"

"Ah? Think it over, think it over, Yun Yao will come down here."

Hearing Liu Ying's inquiry, Huyan Yunyao came back to her senses and casually dropped the white chess in one place. As for whether the placement was reasonable, Huyan Yunyao didn't even have time to look carefully.

Liu Ying smiled lightly and shook her head, picked up the chess piece and put it in a place.

Looking at Huyan Yunyao on the opposite side, Liu Ying had already noticed that she was absent-minded.

He picked up the tea in front of him and blew gently.

"Master Huyan, do you think we need to continue playing this game of chess?"

Huyan Yunyao was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Liu Ying opposite, her phoenix eyes were slightly puzzled.

"Sister Ying thinks that Yunyao's chess skills are too bad, making sister Ying unhappy?"

Liu Ying sipped the tea and shook her head slightly: "Mr. Huyan's chess skills are naturally not bad, but he is a rare master, but I think Mr. Huyan's mind is not above the chess game."

"Three games of chess, Mr. Huyan has already lost two games. Some chess pieces, Mr. Huyan, would not lose at all, but they still lost in the end. Obviously, my chess skills are too bad, so Mr. Huyan can't arouse his interest in playing chess with heart. "

Huyan Yunyao looked at Liu Ying's narrow eyes and hurriedly waved her hands and shook her head.

"No, no, absolutely not, sister Ying, you must not misunderstand, Yunyao will never dare to perfunctory sister Ying."

Liu Ying put down the teacup in her hand, slowly raised her waist, and leaned her delicate body towards Huyan Yunyao.

Looking down at Huyan Yunyao's stunned phoenix eyes, Liu Ying gently blew on Huyan.

"Mr. Huyan, your reaction is a little too extreme. Why do I feel that you are uncomfortable staying with me, son? We don't have much interaction, so you shouldn't have done anything that is ashamed of my conscience. Bar?"

Huyan Yunyao glanced at the plump position where Liu Ying was about to stick in front of her eyes, and there was a look of envy in her phoenix eyes.

It seems that the women I know are more spectacular than my own.

Yes, the old woman, the plump woman in front of her, Sister Ying, yes, even her niece Huyan Lianlu is stronger than herself.

Huyan Junyao swallowed her saliva, lowered her head and glanced at her chest, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

Glancing at Liu Ying again, Huyan Yunyao's eyes became even more melancholy.

Nine points of envy, seven points of entanglement, three points of unwillingness, and one point of helplessness revealing very uncomfortable.

Liu Ying was condescending, and had already had a panoramic view of Huyan Yunyao's every move for a moment. Looking at the uncomfortable color in Huyan Yunyao's eyes, Liu Ying's flaming red lips raised a faint smile.

"Are you envious? Want to touch it?"

"Huh! Ah? Sister Ying, what are you talking about?"

Liu Ying patted Huyan Yunyao at an indescribable position with teasing eyes.

"Ah! Sister Ying, you."

Huyan Yunyao involuntarily shrank her body, looked at Liu Ying with trembling eyes, never thought that Liu Ying would be such a rascal.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Liu Ying smiled at Huyan Yunyao with the corners of her mouth smashed, and sat down gently cross-legged.

"Master Huyan, I wonder if you have heard a word?"

Huyan Yunyao's shy eyes gradually dissipated, and she looked at Liu Ying on the opposite side curiously: "Sister Ying, please enlighten me!"

Liu Ying clasped her arms around her chest, leaned on the cushion beside her, looked narrowly at Huyan Yunyao's curious expression, and chuckled twice.

"A full fruit is inseparable from a pair of hardworking hands."

Huyan Yunyao was stunned for a moment, then found Liu Ying's gaze, this time she completely understood the meaning of Liu Ying's words.

Immediately, her pretty face became hot, and she didn't dare to look at Liu Ying.

Originally, she thought it was enough for an old woman to speak lascivious words, but only today did she know what it means that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

Compared with Liu Ying, the elder brother's aunt, the old woman is not at the same level at all.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the small filth sees the big filth.

To say that old women are dirty is to praise old women.

The woman on the opposite side is simply the best among the big filth, it can be said that she is filthy!

"Sister Yingying, let's continue playing chess."

"Oh? You want to play chess with my sister? You have been absent-minded since half an hour ago when you heard the maid said that my little Mingming came back. Do you really still want to play chess with my sister?"

"I, I. Of course it's okay. The main reason is that Yunyao is a little uncomfortable. I think it's caused by the unpredictable weather. It's not a serious problem."

"I see. My sister is really embarrassed. I didn't see that Mr. Huyan is sick. It's just my sister. I'm afraid Mr. Huyan's illness is difficult to treat."

"It's okay, just find some doctors to give you a pulse! I'm worried about my elder sister."

"Really? Can lovesickness be cured with medicine stones?"

"Of course, all things in the world are born and restrained by each other, as long as it is sickness, love, lovesickness? Sister Ying's words are somewhat incomprehensible to Yunyao."

Liu Ying looked at Huyan Yunyao's erratic, phoenix eyes, who started to dodge, slowly stood up, pacing lightly on the carpet.

"Huyan Gong, no, no, it should be called Huyan girl. You don't mind my sister calling me that?"

Huyan Yunyao didn't look surprised at all, and nodded hesitantly.

"Of course, as long as Sister Ying is happy, you can call Yunyao whatever you want."

Liu Ying sighed silently: "Girl, as the saying goes, heart disease requires heart medicine. Some things can be won by yourself, and you can't wait."

"For example, my sister, I have been coveting Xiao Mingming for more than ten years. Although I failed repeatedly and couldn't get it, my sister never gave up. My sister thought, one day I will succeed."

"Do you understand what my sister means?"


Huyan Yunyao looked at Liu Ying staring at her with deep meaning, bit her red lips and bowed her head in silence.

Seeing this, Liu Ying revealed a hint of cunning in her beautiful eyes, she knew that she had achieved her goal today.

After a long time, Liu Ying put her clothes on neatly.

"Girl, let's go, let's talk to Xiao Mingming, and I won't come to say hello to my sister when I come back. It's really an unforgivable heinous crime."

"Yunyao listened to sister Ying."

"Sister Ying!"

Liu Ying, who was about to open the door, paused, and looked back curiously at Huyan Yunyao who looked a little embarrassed.

"what happened?"

Huyan Yunyao hesitated for a moment, subconsciously raised her white jade hand and looked enviously at a certain position of Liu Ying.

"Hardworking hands can really change. Can it be useful?"

Liu Ying was startled, and immediately supported her willow waist and burst out laughing, her coquettish laughter resounded like silver bells in the room.

After a while, Liu Ying rubbed her stomach, looked at Huyan Yunyao's stunned eyes slightly out of breath, and nodded slightly.

"of course."

"But how many women have you seen farming?"

"If you want a good harvest, you have to rely on hardworking men."

"do you understand?"

Seeing Liu Ying's enchanting figure coming out of the door, Hu Yanyun chased after her with a faint blush on her pretty face.

It really is a foul law.

(End of this chapter)

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