Chapter 1778
Liu Ying looked at Young Master Liu's dumbfounded expression of embarrassment, and for a moment she showed her fangs as if seeing a tempting prey.

Even Huyan Yunyao, who was ignorant at the side, saw a gleam of happiness in Liu Ying's soft and charming eyes.

Naturally, Huyan Yunyao is not some cute little girl, so she realized it in an instant, it seems that things are not as simple as what the senior brother said just now.

Ever since, Huyan Yunyao carefully looked at the layout of the room, and imitated Liu Ying, sniffing the smell in the air.

However, no matter how hard Huyan Yunyao racked her brains, she still couldn't figure out what the faint fishy smell in the air meant.

Huyanyun Yao'e frowned together, and subconsciously tilted her fat jade neck slightly to see if she could find out something from the whispers between Liu Ying and her senior brother.

Huyan Yunyao's actions naturally did not hide from First Young Master Liu's eyes.

Looking helplessly at Liu Ying, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, he grabbed Liu Ying's wrist and pulled her up from the chair, and walked towards the corner of the wall.

"Auntie, if it's just the two of us, it's fine if you mess around a bit, but can't you restrain yourself in front of your junior brother? You understand it when you understand it. If you miss something, what do you want your junior brother to think of me and Wanyan?

I'm a manly man, it's okay to be thick-skinned, but have you ever thought about putting it bluntly?

She is not only a woman, but also the emperor of Jin Kingdom.

Are you happy to let her lose face in front of her junior brother? "

Looking at Young Master Liu's deeply frowned eyebrows, Liu Ying suddenly turned into a look of weeping, her beautiful eyes were instantly watery, and she looked at Young Master Liu pitifully.

"Xiao Mingming, you are vicious of my sister. Do you know how much my sister has sacrificed for you? You are a heartless person, and you are so angry at my sister indiscriminately. My sister will never love you again.

Boom, woo woo woo”

Liu Ying's reaction immediately made Young Master Liu at a loss. He had never seen Liu Ying so teary and ready to cry.

Every time Liu Ying confronted her in the past, it always ended in her own failure, and Liu Ying returned with a big victory. .

Young Master Liu couldn't help but wonder, could it be that what he said just now was a bit harsh.

"Auntie, Zhi'er didn't mean that, don't take it to heart, Zhi'er didn't mean to blame you, Zhi'er just did"

Liu Ying looked at the bewildered Young Master Liu with tears in her eyes, and sneered: "Do you dare to attack my sister next time?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, even if you kill me, I don't dare to show face with you, aunt again."

Liu Ying blinked her eyes a few times, took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes: "It's not too bad, if you dare to flirt with my sister next time, I will ignore you for the rest of my life."

"Okay, okay, whatever my aunt says, and next time, Zhi'er accepts punishment and will never say a word."

Liu Ying stretched out her slender fingers and grabbed Young Master Liu's ear and twisted it half a circle: "For your good attitude, sister, I forgive you, but."

"But what, just say it, auntie."

"My sister stayed in the steaming room with the stove, and my body was covered with fine sweat. I want to take a bath at night, can you help me wipe my back? Maybe my sister will have a chance to show you what is called real intimacy and detoxification!
My sister has never seen such a big wind and waves playing and singing, I promise to let Xiao Mingming know the taste of you. "

"Hang Chi."

Young Master Liu let out a muffled cough, and looked at Liu Ying helplessly, wondering why he had withdrawn to this kind of topic again.

Aunt, are you really angry, or are you playing tricks on me?

"Auntie, can you be normal? I am tired enough to live. You are teasing me like this. I really do."

Liu Ying stretched out her jade hand to cover Young Master Liu's mouth: "Sister knows, sister will definitely decide how to treat you according to your mood in the future. Let's talk."

Liu Ying glanced at Huyan Yunyao, who was tilting her waist a few steps away and wanted to eavesdrop: "Xiao Mingming, tell me the truth with my sister, you are afraid that my sister will reveal the matter, because you are afraid of your polite little Is the baby not good-looking? Or are you afraid that your junior brother, little baby, will feel uncomfortable?"

"Auntie, what are you talking about? I must be. I. I."

As Liu Mingzhi was talking, his originally eloquent tone suddenly became hesitant, and he remained silent for a long time, still unable to utter the following words.

Involuntarily turned around and peeked at Huyan Yunyao behind him, Liu Mingzhi fell silent.

Is my junior brother Huyan Yunyao really just the feelings of his senior brother?

Maybe so.

Or it might be more than that simple.

Liu Mingzhi can't even give himself an accurate answer now.

I don't even have an accurate answer, so how should I answer Liu Ying's question?
Seeing this, Liu Ying's charming phoenix eyes protruded faintly, and it seemed that the matter that her elder brother discussed with her was far simpler than she imagined.

Angrily, Liu Ying tapped Young Master Liu's forehead with her fingers.

"You, you are really a passionate seed. How could your father, who is so unwavering in his feelings, give birth to such a passionate son like you!"

Young Master Liu sneered and curled his lips: "What, you look down on the old man too much, doesn't he want to be affectionate? He doesn't dare to be affectionate. Just like a man in front of me, my mother said something in private, he Don't even dare to fart.

If he is really passionate like me and finds me a second mother, third mother, younger mother or something, I don't think Xuan'er or Mingjie will have a chance to be born.

Even Mingli, a bastard, might not have the chance to be born. "

Liu Ying let out a muffled laugh when she heard the words: "You dare to arrange him in private, why don't you dare in front of him?"

Young Master Liu rubbed his nose resentfully: "Who told him to be my father? I have to save him some face. Speaking of which, the Spring Festival is only a few days away, why hasn't Xuan'er returned home yet?" , where did she go?"

"Xuan'er is eighteen this year, and it's time for her to leave the court. Could it be that some bastard kid tricked her into going home for the New Year?"

Liu Ying looked at Young Master Liu's gritted teeth, her beautiful eyes dodged for a moment.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Xuan'er doesn't have any man she likes yet. The day before yesterday she sent a letter to her sister, saying that it's the same as Mingli, and she might rush home on the 26th."

Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good, my sister is beautiful, a rare beauty in the world, she can't be cheated by some flamboyant dude, she wants to marry You have to find a good gentleman with both ability and political integrity that I like."

"With no conscience, a mess is happening outside"

With a slight anger on Wanyan Wanyan's face, he rubbed his temples and walked out of the screen, and was stunned when he saw the situation in the main hall.

After reacting, she hastily shrank back, and after a cup of tea, the queen came out neatly dressed, and nodded slightly to Liu Ying.

"Sister Ying!"

"Hey, sister Wanyan."

First Young Master Liu slapped his forehead suddenly: "Are you two sick? What are you calling indiscriminately? Isn't it all nonsense? Auntie is used to messing around, so I politely say that you will also mess around."

The empress glared at First Young Master Liu arrogantly, and raised her crescent eyebrows.

"Who messed around? I have already married Jinlan with Sister Ying in the morning. You will call me little aunt in the future, do you understand? Xiao Mingming?"

The empress's tone of voice and emphasis on the three words "Xiao Mingming" seemed to be emphasizing something!
Looking at the corners of Young Master Liu's trembling eyes, the Empress let out a sudden realization.

"Forget, forget, my old lady is your second aunt, and she is your little aunt. Right, little fairy!"

Young Master Liu looked towards Huyan Yunyao with a stiff face, only to see Huyan Yunyao nodded helplessly, walked towards Liu Ying and the two girls, gently took Liu Ying's lotus arms, and looked at her strangely. Follow Young Master Liu.

"Master Xiao Mingming, from now on we will talk about our own business. You call me Auntie, and I call you Xiao Mingming!"

"I, I, I fucking committed crimes!"

"Liu Ying, I'm fighting with you, my young master is at odds with you, I'm not as bad as you!"

(End of this chapter)

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