My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1779 Revenge to your heart's content

Chapter 1779 Revenge to your heart's content

Liu Yinglian moved lightly, pacing slowly on the precious carpet.From time to time, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Young Master Liu who was lying on the ground and tied up by five flowers.

Seeing Young Master Liu's aggrieved expression, Liu Ying slowly squatted in front of Young Master Liu, showing an extremely arrogant smile, raised her hand and gently held Young Master Liu's chin and blew a breath of fragrance.

"How about it, Xiao Mingming, you thought that my sister was fighting alone. Do you really think that my sister's two daughters are for nothing?"

"I still want to be at odds with my sister. You are really capable. My sister gave you a chance, but you are useless."

Young Master Liu vigorously moved the half-tight and half-loose towel tied around his mouth, and looked at Liu Ying's triumphant expression with aggrieved eyes.

"Liu Ying, don't be arrogant, if it wasn't for Wanyan Wanyan, the traitor who secretly tapped my acupoints, believe it or not, this young master beat you and my grandfather even when they crawled out of the coffin, they wouldn't even recognize who you are!

Especially you, Huyan Yunyao, when he was in Dangyang Academy in the past, his mentor told us brothers and sisters more than once to love each other and not fight in the same room. Senior brother never thought that you would treat me like this. Is the rope tied to your own people? "

Huyan Yunyao looked at her senior brother staring at her unwillingly with some anxiety, and wanted to say something, but when she saw the fearless smiles of Liu Ying, the empress and the two daughters, her heart also settled down.

Taking a deep breath, she leaned towards Liu Ying and stood firmly in the team.

Liu Ying let go of Young Master Liu's chin and patted her palms lightly twice.

"Xiao Mingming, it seems that you are quite unconvinced, anyway, my sister will play for you today.

Sister Wanyan, you go to the feather duster to find a relatively long chicken feather, and then get a fine brush. "

The empress seemed to understand Liu Ying's meaning, she pursed her cherry lips and smiled faintly, her bright eyes looked at Young Master Liu with sympathy: "Okay, sister Ying!"

"Girl Yunyao, help my sister hold Xiao Mingming's legs, my sister will take off his shoes and socks."

"Ah? Okay, Yunyao understands."

Seeing Liu Ying's weird smile, Young Master Liu understood what Liu Ying wanted to do, and immediately struggled and squirmed on the ground.

"Liu Ying, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated. Don't go too far, otherwise I won't let you off even if I'm a ghost."

Liu Ying didn't care about Young Master Liu's words and threats, and took off Young Master Liu's shoes and socks.

"I won't let my sister go even if I'm a ghost. My sister is so scared. In this way, my sister can't be soft-hearted. Sister Yunyao, let my sister hold it down."

"Good sister."

At this moment, the empress does not look like a mature and elegant beauty in her early thirties, but she is as lively and clever as a beautiful girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, holding a chicken feather in one hand and a brush in the other squatting on Liu Ying's bed with a smile. around.

"Aunt Liu, I was wrong, give me a chance, I admit it, can I admit it? Don't say they are your sister, you say they are your aunt, can I recognize them? Give me a note Live."

With a smile, Liu Ying flicked Young Master Liu's cloth socks lightly.

"It's late, who told you not to obey my sister, my sister is very vengeful!"

"Sister Wanyan, put on the instrument of torture!"

"Yes, sister Ying, my little sister will help you take off Xiao Mingming's shoe."

Liu Ying saw that the empress was about to take off Young Master Liu's left shoe and sock, a look of panic flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Without a trace, he stopped the empress' jade hand back.

"Sister Wanyan, you don't need to take off the shoe and sock on this foot!"

The queen looked at Liu Ying in astonishment: "Why, isn't it more uncomfortable to walk with two feet together?"

"With two feet together, Xiao Mingming will get used to it slowly, so it will be fine."

As Liu Ying was talking, her words paused, and she looked at the queen with strange eyes.

Liu Ying suddenly realized that the empress even gave birth to a daughter to her nephew, and she must be aware of the scar on the sole of her nephew's left foot, and there seemed to be no need to hide it.

"It's better to say that my sister is right, then come with both feet, let Xiao Mingming experience what double happiness is."

The empress nodded with a smile on her face: "No wonder my younger sister and older sister agree in love, and they married Jinlan. It turns out that they share similar interests."

Young Master Liu looked in horror at the movement of the Queen waving the brush towards the soles of his feet: "Wanyan, you vicious woman, my young master has worked so hard to serve you comfortably, it's not for you to join others to torture me."

The empress narrowed her eyes and glared at First Young Master Liu: "Curse, scold, the more you scold, the less guilt I will feel."

"Let me bluntly say, my dear dear, I was wrong, I was wrong, can I give you a chance... um."

As Young Master Liu was talking, his body suddenly trembled, and his legs suddenly stretched out and wriggled on the carpet.

"Haha. Oh. Uh. Ah. Haha"

"Liu Liuying Wanyan politely said Huyan Yunyao, the three of you, oh, here, to my young master, oh, wait."

The soles of the feet were tortured by the brush and chicken feathers at the same time. Young Master Liu struggled and writhed on the carpet, with a look of wanting to cry but no tears on his face.

As a result, there were screams similar to but different from that of a pig being slaughtered in the courtyard of the cross-court wing room.

The passing maidservants fled the courtyard in panic, and reported the situation to Liu Yuan, the head housekeeper.

On the roof, the corners of Liu Qi's mouth twitched as he looked at Young Master Liu in the room where he was being tortured to death, with a hint of impatience in his eyes.

"Fourth brother, let's just watch like this? How about going to rescue the young master. This is too cruel! At least you can die happily!"

Liu Si glanced at Liu Qi lightly, shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and stared at the beautiful figure of Liu Ying squatting in the room, plucking her feathers in horror.

"If you haven't forgotten Liu Yi's tragic situation back then, you can try your loyal behavior and rescue the young master. You can really save the young master from the hands of the eldest lady. Fourth brother, I respect you. Man."

Liu Qi froze for a moment, her eyes were filled with memories.

After a while, Liu Qi shuddered involuntarily, staring at Liu Ying's beautiful figure with a trembling corner of her mouth, apparently thinking of some frightening past.

It's hard to imagine what tricks Liu Ying used back then to make dead men like Liu Si and Liu Qi tremble uncontrollably.

Liu Qi frowned twice, took out two cloth strips from his bosom, handed one of them to Liu Si, and tied the cloth strip in his hand to his eyes.

"Forget it, the eyes are out of sight and the mind is calm. It's not that our subordinates don't work hard. It's because the opponent is too unrivaled."

Liu Si glanced at his young master sympathetically, tied the cloth strips over his eyes, and then lay directly on the roof with Erlang's legs up and dangled.

"Old Qi, do you think that Miss Chang's attitude towards Huyan Yunyao, the Great Khan, is a bit strange?"

"Hey, so fourth brother, you also found out. I thought I was the only one who felt a little strange. Today, Miss Chang's attitude towards this great khan is"

"Like what?"

"Eh, I told you, don't spread the word!"

"Don't worry, fourth brother is notoriously strict with his mouth, tell me what it looks like?"

"Like those mothers in the brothel coaxing those inexperienced little girls! Fourth brother, do you think this is the feeling?"

"Fourth brother? Fourth brother? Liu's fourth? My mother, Liu Si, I believe your evil, you stop me, you dare to spread the word that I will never end with you."

After a few sticks of incense, Liu Ying looked at Young Master Liu who was lying limp on the carpet like a pile of rotten meat, and smiled and threw away the feather in her hand.

"Sister Wanyan, sister Yunyao, sister is a little tired, so I will go back to rest first, and the rest will be up to you."

Hearing the words, the empress and the two daughters suddenly became at a loss when they saw First Young Master Liu who was lying on the ground trembling from time to time. Liu Ying was about to leave, which made them seem to lose their backbone in an instant.

However, Liu Ying didn't give them a chance to react, she straightened her clothes and walked towards the door, and closed the door very consciously.

Liu Ying secretly took out a delicate copper lock from her bosom and put it on the bolt.

With a snap, Liu Ying looked at the locked brass lock, smiled casually and threw the key in her hand, clapping her hands and walked cheerfully towards the courtyard where she was staying.

Sakura whispered with a weird smile on her lips.

"Xiao Mingming, when you recover, take revenge to your heart's content, take revenge on the two of them with all your resentment and humiliation.

My sister has helped you build momentum for so long, if you don't live up to it, my sister will have to eunuch you!
As long as the three kingdoms are in harmony with each other, sister and your father will no longer have anything to worry about you! "

"Little fool, don't hate my sister. As long as you and Xiaoxi can have a good future, even if my sister is risking her life, she will pave the way for all the hardships and hardships that may occur in your life."

(End of this chapter)

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