Chapter 1780
After Liu Ying left, the room fell into a brief silence.

Young Master Liu looked at the rope on his wrist that was untied at some point, or maybe it was because he had struggled for a long time that caused him to fall off, and his face gradually turned crimson.

Liu Mingzhi knew that his acupoints had been touched by the empress, so he couldn't use his internal strength at all. Now he had to get rid of the ropes before the two women noticed.

Looking at the dazed expressions of the two girls because of the departure of their aunt Liu Ying, First Young Master Liu secretly untied the rope on his body.

The empress is very skilled, so she has sharp ears and eyesight. When she came back to her senses, she was startled when she heard the soft voice, and a feeling of bad feeling that sent chills down her spine gradually came to her heart.

Sure enough, as soon as the queen turned around, she saw Young Master Liu holding the rope with both hands, pulling it up from time to time, staring at herself and Huyan Yunyao with 'cold' eyes.

"When did you untie the rope?"

Hearing the Queen's surprised and flustered voice, only Huyan Yunyao, who had a superficial skill in her body, turned around and looked around belatedly. Naturally, she also found the sad expression of senior brother Liu Dashao.


Young Master Liu turned the rope and walked slowly towards Huyan Junyao, with a mad look on his face: "Call? You broke your throat and no one came to save you. The whole Liu Mansion is fucking me people?

You tortured this young master so happily that I can't live without dying, now it's your turn to make me happy with this young master, right?ah?My good junior! "

Huyan Yunyao looked at Young Master Liu's treacherous and unscrupulous smile, her delicate body trembled involuntarily, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

I clearly know that my brother's acupoints have been tapped by the old woman, so he may not be an opponent in terms of superficial kung fu because he can't use his internal strength.

As long as I work together with the old woman, I may not be my brother's opponent.

But looking at the somewhat strange eyes of his senior brother, he still couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.

Young Master Liu slowly approached Huyan Yunyao, and directly skipped the empress on the side.

Now that my internal energy has been blocked, I can only pick the persimmon first. As long as I subdue Huyan Yunyao, a junior who will become a helper, no matter how advanced the queen's skill is, I have plenty of ways to deal with her.

Just now, I have practiced a little bit of Kung Fu in the Sutra of Yiqi, and I seem to have vaguely explored the weakness of the empress.
"Master, brother, what are you going to do? I warn you, don't mess around? I know kung fu!"

"It doesn't matter, I am not afraid of your struggle, the more you struggle, the more excited I am."

Seeing that her threatening words and deeds were fruitless, Huyan Yunyao couldn't help but look at the queen who had been watching from the sidelines.

"Old sister Wanyan, help me quickly."

Huyan Yunyao already had feelings for his senior brother, but the situation he imagined was not like this.

The queen at the side hesitated for a moment. She wanted to promote the good thing between the unscrupulous and the little goblin, but she wanted to stop the unscrupulous.

Maybe deep down in my heart, I'm still a little jealous.

However, just as the queen was about to make a move, her pretty face suddenly changed, and she subconsciously looked at her wrist.

Why can't I use all my strength.

The queen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly looked at the teacup on the table next to her. Was there something wrong with the tea that Liu Ying handed her just now when she let her rest for a while?

The words Ruanjinsan couldn't help appearing in the Queen's mind.

Could it be that the glass of water has been softened and loosened?
Young Master Liu has been secretly watching the Queen's every move, and naturally noticed her weirdness.

Looking at the empress' limp palm, Young Master Liu raised his brows, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Although I don't know why the queen can't use her internal strength like herself, what is certain is that the person who threatens her the most in the wing room has become the person who threatens her the least.

"Hey hey, God help me too, I will make you guys reflect on your behavior, come here for me! I haven't tried to bind you yet? I'm going to make fun of you today."

Young Master Liu rushed towards Huyan Junyao while talking, and the rope went straight towards Huyan Junyao's fair neck.

Huyan Yunyao let out a cry, hugged her head and shrank in the corner of the wall.

Huyan Yunyao's thoughts were extremely complicated, and her mind told herself that as long as she resisted vigorously, she would probably escape from the open window for ventilation in all likelihood.

However, no matter how clear the mind was, my heart did not obey the command of the brain, and chose a move to catch it with nothing.

Young Master Liu directly put the rope on Huyan Yunyao's fragrant shoulders. At this moment, he had long forgotten the so-called difference between men and women. '.


First Young Master Liu was startled, and subconsciously looked around the room, but found nothing and started his own actions again, preparing to perform a classic binding method on Huyan Yunyao.


Young Master Liu frowned, subconsciously looking towards the door.

The first time was an illusion, and the second time is definitely not an illusion.

"Liu Song?"

Young Master Liu asked inquiringly.

Sure enough, Liu Song's voice came from outside the door again: "Master Hui, it's young."

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and let go of the rope in his hand for a moment, glanced at Huyan Yunyao who was shivering in the corner and walked towards the door.

First Young Master Liu was not angry because Liu Song interrupted his revenge action, he knew Liu Song, as long as there was no particularly important matter, he would not easily come to the inner courtyard to disturb him.

He pulled the door twice, but the door, which could have been easily opened, did not move at all.

"Master, the door is locked outside."

Young Master Liu looked back at the empress and the two daughters with a strange expression, and walked towards the ventilated window.

"Come to the window."


Liu Mingzhi stopped in front of the window sill, looked at Liu Song who was coming and leaned over: "What's wrong?"

"Marquis Huguo. Huguogong came with Young Master Song and said that he has something to discuss with you."


"Yes, I am waiting in the main hall at this time."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, Zhang Kuang and Song Qing came hand in hand, could there be some big trouble again, otherwise why would he bother the two newly promoted Dukes to come to look for him together.

Liu Mingzhi bowed his head and thought for a while and nodded slightly: "I see, I'll go there now."

"Okay young master, I will take my leave first and prepare some tea."

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly: "Understood."

After Liu Song left, Liu Mingzhi looked at the two women with complicated eyes.

"Your accountant master has the opportunity to settle the accounts for you."

With a regretful expression, Liu Mingzhi went out of the wing room through the window, tidied his clothes and walked towards the main hall.

He had vaguely sensed Liu Ying's intentions.

She also knew that this was a good opportunity to pierce the layer of window paper between herself and Huyan Yunyao.

But Zhang Kuang and the others couldn't just ignore their arrival.

It can only be said later.

At least according to Huyan Yunyao's reaction today, it seems that it is not as complicated as she thought.

After Young Master Liu left, Huyan Yunyao untied the rope around her neck with complex eyes, and leaned against the wall with her hands on her knees, dazed in a daze.

First Young Master Liu stepped into the main hall, looked at the two madmen who were quietly drinking tea, and walked towards the main seat with neat movements.

"Uncle, big brother, why did you come together? Could it be that there was some turmoil in the capital again, why didn't I hear any movement?"

Zhang Kuang and the others put down their teacups and nodded in response.

In private, the relationship between the three of them does not require any formality at all.

Zhang Kuang and the two looked at First Young Master Liu who was holding up the teacup to taste the tea, and looked at each other with a hint of discussion in their eyes.

After a long time, Zhang Kuang walked to the chair closer to Young Master Liu and sat down.

"Zhi'er, now that the national war is over and the war in northern Xinjiang is over, shouldn't it be time for us to hand over power?"

Liu Mingzhi stopped drinking tea, and raised his eyes to scan Zhang Kuang and the two, with a hint of surprise hidden deep in his eyes.

Is this what Zhang Kuang and the others mean?Or what Li Ye meant.

Liu Mingzhi put down the teacup in his hand with a calm expression.

"Hand over power, what power do you hand over?"

(End of this chapter)

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