My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1784: Just Satisfied

Chapter 1784: Just Satisfied
December 24, the first year of Dalong Yongping.

Today is the day that Young Master Liu, Zhang Kuang, and Song Qing agreed to enter the palace and hand over power. Young Master Liu got up early in the morning to wash, organize his clothes, and prepare for entering the palace.

Qi Yun tied the python-patterned jade belt for Young Master Liu, and handed the thick cloak to her husband. The closer the Spring Festival gets, the colder the weather will be. If you don't pay attention to keeping warm, you will catch the wind and cold.

Qi Yun looked at her husband wearing a cloak, with a hint of sadness in her phoenix eyes.


"What's wrong, Yun'er?"

Qi Yun hesitated for a moment: "Husband, now sister Yan'er has some doubts about the identity of the distinguished guest living in the side room across the courtyard, should I tell the truth about the identity of the Golden Empress and the others?
Sister Yan'er is the third princess of Dalong after all, if she knows the identities of the two of them, the concubine may cause some disturbances.

If you don't tell me, Sister Yan'er is one of the housewives of our family after all, if she is not afraid of hurting her husband's face, she can go to the cross courtyard to see the identity of the distinguished guest in person.

In the past two days, I really don't know what method to use to achieve consummation. "

Liu Mingzhi paused while putting on his cloak, and his brows gradually frowned.

"What you said is indeed a problem, because my husband has not been punished by His Majesty for arbitrarily mobilizing troops from the Western Regions, and now many people are staring at him.

Now being a husband can be said to be on the cusp of the storm, if someone with a heart knows that the Emperor of Jin and the Turkic Khan are currently staying in the Liu Mansion, it will definitely cause an uproar.

At that time, if someone guides you a little bit, it will be a difficult trouble to deal with.

It's okay not to tell Yan'er.

I will never doubt your feelings for me, and I believe that even if Yan'er knows their identities, she will not do anything that is not good for her.

It's just that it's hard to say whether she will do things that are not good for Wanyan and her junior.

As you said just now, she is always the third princess of Dalong, and we have to consider some things for her. "

Qi Yun'e frowned and sighed: "Then what should we do? We can't say it, and we can't hide it. It can be described as a dilemma."

Liu Mingzhi fastened his cloak, and wandered in the pavilion with calm eyes. After a long time, Young Master Liu stopped and looked at Qi Yun calmly.

"Yun'er, now that the road is blocked by heavy snow, there is no possibility of returning to the country with my junior brother, if you are trapped on the official road in the ice and snow, you will know what will happen to your husband even if you don't say it.

It is not impossible to let them live in other places, but it is a big problem for my husband to worry about the identities of the two of them.

Yu Gong, if the two of them have problems in Dalong, even if the road is blocked by heavy snow, there will be a bloody storm. In private, how could a husband have the heart to see the two of them get hurt.

Therefore, they can't leave our home in public or private, and look at Dalong, and there is no place in our home that can better guarantee their safety.

Wei Fu just thought about it, and now he can only tell Yan'er the real situation. "

Qi Yun bit her red lips tightly, her jade hand grabbed her husband's palm and clenched it tightly.

"After telling Sister Yan'er, what if your safety is involved in an accident?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head slightly: "Yan'er would not do such a thing, she still has a lot of confidence in her husband's heart.

How about this, you first reveal a little bit to Yan'er, don't make it too clear, let's see how Yan'er reacts, and let's talk about the rest after entering the palace and handing over the military talisman. "

Qi Yun nodded silently: "This is the only way to go now, husband, be careful on the road."

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and kissed Qi Yun's fair forehead lightly.

"Don't worry, as a husband, I can't bear to let you charming little wives stay in empty rooms alone.

It's just handing in a soldier talisman, it's not a march to fight, and you won't encounter any danger, so I went first for my husband, so don't worry about everything. "

"Well, the concubine knows."

Qi Yun looked at the back of her husband going away, and wandered in the living room lightly with lotus steps, raising her hand to beat her palm from time to time, with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Standing on the seven stars, stepping on the seven stars, is this really a predestined result?"

Qi Yun muttered to herself for a moment, then turned and rushed towards the courtyard where her sister Qi Ya lived.

"Master, mount."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and took the reins from Liu Song, got on the horse and galloped all the way towards the palace.

After half a stick of incense, Young Master Liu tightened the reins and stopped, looking at Zhang Kuang, Song and Qing who had been waiting outside the palace gate for a long time.

They didn't know how long they had been here, and they were clasping their hands in the embroidered robes, hunched over and turning around constantly, using this to resist the cold wind that penetrated into their bodies.

"Uncle, brother, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"The lower official is insolent."

"Song Qing, I have met the King of Side-by-Shoulders!"

In front of the imperial guards, the two saluted First Young Master Liu respectfully. There was a difference in their rank and inferiority, so they naturally wouldn't embarrass Young Young Master Liu in front of outsiders.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi stopped being polite, got off his horse and walked towards the palace gate.

"No courtesy, follow me into the palace to face the saint."

"Yes, my lord please."

The commander of the Forbidden Army, who was somewhat unfamiliar to Young Master Liu, politely searched the three of them, and then put the three of them in the palace and continued to stick to their posts.

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the majestic imperial guards standing on both sides, and slowed down to walk with the two of them.

"How about it, have the other generals entered the palace and handed over power?"

Song Qing nodded silently, and gestured towards Zhang Kuang: "Let uncle tell you, he knows some things inside better than me."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Zhang Kuang, waiting for his next words.

Zhang Kuang looked around for a while, and slightly moved closer to Young Master Liu.

"Just three days after the old man and Qing'er came back from visiting you, your uncle Yun Chong and the four of them came to the old man's house to meet with me. What the old man said was almost the same as what the old man told you. It's all about soldiers.

The few of them have roughly the same meaning, they all want to hear from the old man, and they want to see what you, the king of the one-word side-by-side and the commander-in-chief of the army and horses in the middle, mean.

The old man implicitly informed them of your attitude. Although they didn't say anything explicitly, they have already expressed their understanding of your attitude.

Among them, the meaning of your uncle Yun Chong has been pondered over by the old man, and nine out of ten it is the instruction of Old Master Yun.

The old man heard that three days ago, Marshal Yun entered the palace together with Marshal Nangong, and handed in his seal of the tiger talisman commander. "

Liu Mingzhi thought for a moment, then nodded with a light smile.

"It seems that the attitude of the generals is very clear.

How did His Majesty respond? Have you heard the result? "

The two shook their heads in unison.They said in unison: "No!"

Zhang Kuang looked a little relaxed: "Although I haven't heard about the results of His Majesty's response, judging from their reactions after leaving the palace, the results are quite good. I think His Majesty is extremely satisfied with the attitude of our courtiers."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with deep eyes.

"Satisfied! Just satisfied!"

I'm afraid there are other deep meanings hidden behind the satisfaction.

Liu Mingzhi didn't say this sentence in front of the two of them, but discussed it secretly.

After returning to the court, Liu Mingzhi felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the court.

As for why, Liu Mingzhi couldn't tell.

It can only be said to be a kind of intuition.

(End of this chapter)

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