Chapter 1785

The three of Liu Mingzhi talked and laughed all the way to the first threshold of the harem, the Imperial Study Room.

After the three of them greeted Li Ye's newly selected eunuch, they asked him to inform Li Ye, and then they stopped outside the imperial study room, waiting for Li Ye's summoning.

A moment later, Li Ye's figure appeared in front of the hall: "I kept the three lovers waiting for a long time."

"Your Majesty, I will see you, long live long live."

Li Ye hurriedly bent down to support the three young master Liu who wanted to salute.

"Uncle, hurry up and excuse me, you are not in the hall, there is no need to be so polite between me and you, hurry up and take your seat in the back hall.

Zhang Aiqing and Song Aiqing also sat down in the apse together. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, please!"

Liu Mingzhi straightened up and followed Li Ye towards the apse of the Imperial Study Room. From the corner of his eye, he glanced sideways at Li Ye who was walking directly in front.

Compared with more than ten years ago, Li Ye no longer looked pale and dull, and his body was emaciated and stooped.

After more than ten days of self-cultivation, Li Ye's complexion has obviously recovered, which is almost the same as when he went out to fight years ago.

Li Ye sat on the dragon chair, looked at Liu Mingzhi with a light smile and waved his hand: "Uncle, please sit down, and the two lovers also sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the three sat down, Li Ye looked at the little eunuch beside him.

"Serve tea for me and my three lovers."

"We obey the order, please Your Majesty, there are three adults waiting."

The little eunuch withdrew from the apse respectfully, and Li Ye sat on the dragon chair and looked at Young Master Liu and the others calmly.

"Before the three love ministers came, I was dealing with some papers accumulated by the court. I don't know that the three love ministers are not at home to prepare for the New Year. Why did they come to the palace at this time?"

The three of Liu Mingzhi looked at each other silently. With Yunyang and Nangong Ye acting first, it is impossible for Li Ye not to know the purpose of the three of them coming.

Li Ye's behavior of not being ashamed to ask his subordinates, who clearly had everything under control, made the three of them vaguely see a shadow of Li Zheng.

Li Ye at this time is so similar to Li Zheng in the past.

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Li Ye's faint smile, and stood up first after recovering.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, now that the war in the northern border has ceased, the frontier is peaceful, the rear is stable, and there is no war in the four seas, the minister and the other three entered the palace to fight the soldiers.

Now that the dragon is peaceful, it is really against etiquette for us ministers to hold the tiger talisman in our hands. "

Zhang Kuang and the two also got up and stood up, echoing what Young Master Liu said.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, what the side-by-side king said is justified. The meaning of the minister and the two entering the palace to face the saint is the same as that of the side-by-side king, and they are also here to fight the talisman."

Li Ye nodded knowingly: "It turns out that the three Aiqings and Old Yun Aiqing have the same purpose of entering the palace, I thought some major event happened in the capital, which could alert the three of you to enter the palace together.

The three lovers, sit down and talk, sit down first and then talk. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The three of them had just sat down when the little eunuch who had just retreated came in with a tray, and placed a cup of freshly brewed tea in front of the four of Li Ye one after another.

Li Ye picked up the teacup and blew on it, then glanced lightly at the young eunuchs around him.

"You guys retreat first, no one is allowed to enter the palace without my order to disturb my conversation with the three lovers."

"We obey."

After the group of eunuchs retreated, Li Ye frowned slightly and looked around at Young Master Liu and the three of them.

"Three loves, after the heavy snowfall, it's hard to say whether there will be an outbreak next year. If the epidemic does not break out, I still have the idea of ​​gathering troops to conquer the two countries again.

There is absolutely no need for you to hand over the military talisman at this time, otherwise once you use troops in the next year, you will definitely waste several months of opportunity if you choose a commander and a general.

The war opportunity is fleeting, and this soldier talisman is still in your hands for the time being. Let’s wait until the next year. If God has no eyes and really brings the epidemic down to my dragon, and it is certain that I cannot go out, it will not be too late for you to hand over the tiger talisman.

I believe that even if you hold the Tiger Talisman to command the three armies, you will not commit any treasonous acts that endanger the imperial court and me.

Zhang Aiqing was deeply valued by her grandfather. Since she took charge of Longwuwei, she has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements and established immortal achievements for the court.

Song Aiqing was the commander of the imperial guards in the past, so there is no need to doubt her loyalty to the imperial court, otherwise her grandfather and father would not have entrusted their lives and safety to Song Aiqing's hands.

Not to mention my uncle, he did his best to help his grandfather and father, and he was even more loyal and responsible to me.

Rescued me from danger several times.

I won't be worried at all with the soldier talisman in your hands, it's not an exaggeration to say that I can sit back and relax.

As for you, let's take charge of the military talisman temporarily, I don't need to take it back for the time being.

It's not too late to talk about everything after a year. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the sincere and sincere eyes of Li Ye and the three of them, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the teacup and took a sip, put down the teacup and took out a Tiger Talisman from his arms and cuff, holding a handsome seal in his hand.

Put the Tiger Talisman Commander Seal directly on the dragon case in front of Li Ye.

"Your Majesty, regardless of whether there will be another outbreak of the epidemic in the coming year, or whether you will send troops to the north to conquer the two countries again, this Tiger Talisman Commander Seal must be returned to you. This is a custom.

It is an honor for your majesty to trust you, but you have to abide by the ancestral etiquette, and after the war is over, you still hold on to the military power.

In this way, it will definitely not be able to block the mouths of all the people in the world.

The minister can understand His Majesty, but it is difficult to say what the colleagues think.

People's words are terrible, for the sake of clear governance and stability of the government, please ask your majesty to take back the seal of the tiger talisman. "

Afterwards, Zhang Kuang and the other two took out the soldier talisman on their bodies and put it on the side of Young Master Liu's tiger talisman.

"Your Majesty, the ministers will second the proposal."

"Your Majesty, if you are lucky enough to be able to send troops to the north next year, it will not be too late to choose a commander. If His Majesty does not take back this tiger talisman, I will be terrified.

Your Majesty is magnanimous and has the demeanor of a wise monarch. He can understand the ministers and the other three, but the colleagues who don't know the reason don't know what happened today.

If it is because of secretly speculating that the ministers and the other three support the soldiers and respect themselves, it would be a disturbance if there is no king.

In order to prevent my great dragon from causing further confusion, please take back the soldier talisman, Your Majesty. "

Li Ye looked at the three of Liu Mingzhi and the others with hesitation in his eyes: "It's enough that I can understand the three lovers. If there are rumors and rumors, I will naturally come forward to clarify the rumors for the three lovers."

"Your Majesty, as the saying goes, one thing more is worse than one thing less. For the stability of the court, Your Majesty will take back the Tiger Talisman!"

"I implore Your Majesty to take back the military talisman in order to stabilize the court and stabilize people's hearts."

Li Ye watched the three of them kneeling on one knee, clasping their fists in a respectful salute, hurriedly got up and walked out of the dragon case, and helped the three of them up one by one.

"The three lovers are free of courtesy, I accept it, I accept it!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The three of them stood up when they saw Li Ye put away the commander seal, one tiger talisman, and two soldier talismans.

Liu Mingzhi breathed out lightly: "Your Majesty, the intention of the minister and the three of them has come to fruition, so it's time to resign, and don't delay your majesty's handling of the memorial."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the minister and the other two also retired together, and will not bother His Majesty with his busy government affairs anymore."

"How can this be done? Breakfast is about to come. The three lovers entered the palace in the severe cold early in the morning. They must be starving and chilly. Why don't you accompany me to have dinner and warm up before going back."

"I don't dare to wait. State affairs are the most important thing, so I will resign later."

"Well, the three lovers insist on leaving, so I won't force them to stay anymore."

"Your Majesty is wise, I will take my leave."

"Uncle, two lovers, I will see you off."

"Don't dare, Your Majesty stay."

The three of them slowly exited the imperial study room and walked straight to the outside of the palace.

Li Ye watched the backs of the three of them walking out of the palace gate, looked down at the soldier talisman seal on the table, and slowly sat on the chair and fell into deep thought.

Liu Mingzhi was speechless all the way, and hurried towards the palace gate.

Zhang Kuang and his wife were talking softly, and from time to time they glanced at First Young Master Liu who was leading the way.

Zhang Kuang and the two stopped talking, and chased after Liu Mingzhi.

"Zhi'er, Your Majesty's three words of tiger talisman show that we are not afraid of the fact that we haven't handed in less tiger talisman for so long after returning to court. Fortunately!"

Liu Mingzhi paused, turned around and glanced at the majestic Qinzheng Hall, and chuckled twice.

"Mo Xiao, the young dragon with narrow scales, dares to compete with Kunpeng for the sea.

pity!pity! "

Zhang Kuang looked at First Young Master Liu in astonishment: "What a pity?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced back at Zhang Kuang, left him a meaningful smile, and left straight away.

(End of this chapter)

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