My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1786 Eyes Are Deceiving

Chapter 1786 Eyes Are Deceiving

What Young Master Liu said made Zhang Kuang and his father look at each other, not knowing what Young Master Liu was up to.

The meaningful smile left by Young Master Liu at the end made them even more confused. Why did Liu Mingzhi feel that there was something in such a seemingly ordinary sentence when it came out of Liu Mingzhi's mouth?

The two lowered their heads and muttered for a while, Song Qing seemed to understand something vaguely, but he couldn't grasp the main line he wanted.

The two looked at each other silently, and hurriedly followed Liu Mingzhi.

"Zhi'er, we've already finished the matter of the military talisman, and it's almost the end of the year. How about the three of us go to Tianxiang Tower together?"

Liu Mingzhi took the reins from the imperial army, and shook his head slightly at the two of them with a light smile: "No, Mingli and Xuan'er may go home in these two days. I haven't seen you for so long. If they come back, I won't be here." It's not suitable at home.

Let's talk about it when we have a chance later, you two are really fine, so it's okay to play around by yourself.

If I have nothing else to do, I will go home first.

Uncle, brother, let's meet again. "

"Okay, let's go slowly."

Liu Mingzhi got on his horse and walked towards Liu's mansion at a leisurely pace. Looking at the people on the street who were buying new year's goods, Liu Mingzhi slowed down and walked slowly, looking at both sides of the street from time to time. , apparently looking for something.

After leaving the main street of Qinglong, Young Master Liu pulled the reins subconsciously, and looked at a beautiful figure in apricot yellow skirt and goose yellow cloak who walked into the folk alley with a slight smile on her face. meaning.

Scanning the surrounding scene with eyes full of light, Liu Mingzhi turned his horse's head and walked towards Minxiang.

"Shan'er, I'm here for your husband."

A beautiful figure quickly walked out of the door of a folk courtyard in Minxiang, and ran towards Young Master Liu like a flying swallow returning to its nest.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly got off his horse and opened his arms with a smile.

Murong Shan threw herself into Liu Mingzhi's arms, her arms tightly wrapped around her husband's waist, not willing to let go.

"Husband, I miss you so much."

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the beauty's eyes full of longing, lowered his head and pecked lightly on her cherry lips, and raised his hand to caress the beauty's back.

"Good Shan'er, thank you for your hard work. These days, you have suffered so much living and sleeping outside the city."

Murong Shan shook her head hastily: "This concubine is not suffering, not at all, as long as I can help my husband, no matter how hard or tiring my concubine is, I am willing."

Liu Mingzhi looked around Minxiang cautiously, took the beautiful woman's wrist and walked towards the mount.

"Shan'er, it's inconvenient to talk here, let's talk while walking on the horse."

"it is good!"

First Young Master Liu got on his horse nimbly, stretched out his hand and lifted Murong Shan, who was also in good shape, into his arms, pulled the rein of the horse and walked slowly towards the street leading to Liu's Mansion.

"How is it? Have you seen Rong Rong?"

"Well! After the concubine went out of the city and informed the guards at the post station to build up momentum for her husband outside the city, she went to find Sister Rongrong and told her everything you told my concubine."

"It's good when the notice arrives. It's hard for you, and it's even worse for her. You should have read the letter I sent to you, right?"

Murong Shan nodded silently, took out the dragon seal of Young Master Liu and the King from the hidden pocket behind the cloak behind Liu's waist, and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"I received it a long time ago, the concubine and the sisters completely followed the orders given by the husband to the generals, and after they verified the authenticity of the king's seal, they all followed the orders.

Now that everything has been settled, the king's seal should be returned to its original owner. "

Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything polite to Murong Shan, he took Wang Yin's entrustment, looked down at the delicate seal in his hand, and began to think.




"Huh? What's wrong?"

Murong Shan turned her head, her beautiful eyes stared at First Young Master Liu with a hint of worry.

"Husband, is it really okay to order the soldiers to withdraw to northern Xinjiang? Once something happens to the capital, the soldiers will be in trouble if they don't have time to help.

The concubine really can't figure out why you secretly dispatched troops to garrison several cities on the border of the capital, and why you let them go back to the northern border to defend.

Doesn't this make them rush twice in vain? "

Looking at Murong Shan's puzzled and worried eyes, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and put Wang Yin into his sleeve.

"Naturally, the soldiers and horses in Northern Xinjiang will return to Northern Xinjiang to garrison, which is their final destination. As for transferring them back, it's just...hehe, you don't understand.

Sometimes you can't just look at things on the surface. "

Murong Shan looked at First Young Master Liu blankly, and nodded slightly: "Okay, it's not convenient for my husband to say, so naturally I won't ask too many questions, as long as my husband is safe and sound, I will be content."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and hooked Murong Shan's Qiong nose, with a doting look on his face: "You are such a considerate little fairy, after we go back, my husband will give you a surprise."

"What surprise?"

"You'll know it when you go back, and I promise to give you a pleasant surprise that you'll never forget."

Murong Shan looked at the perverted smile in her husband's eyes, and instantly realized the meaning of Young Master Liu's words.

Qiao blushed a little, looked around like a thief, and was relieved to see no outsiders passing by the street, and lightly touched Young Master Liu's abdomen with her elbow.


"It seems that Shan'er is not willing, so forget it, as a husband, you should be a decent person."

"you dare!"

Murong Shan raised her hand and gently twisted it on Young Master Liu's thigh.

"I am waiting for you!"

"That's right! It's an old couple's business, so there's nothing to be shy about. Did Rongrong come back with you?"

"No, Sister Rongrong said that she would rush back to the capital after explaining to the generals of Dalong the soldiers and horses belonging to Gumo Kingdom under his command."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "It's still Rongrong's thoughtfulness, since that's the case, let's wait, I have already sent someone to arrange for her safety, there will hardly be any crisis."

"Let's go back to the mansion first. Some things are inconvenient to say on the road. I am always worried that the walls have ears."

"Listen to you, drive!"

After two cups of tea, the two rode back to the Liu Mansion.

Liu Mingzhi wanted to tidy up with Murong Shan first, but Qi Yun's whisper made him give Murong Shan an apologetic look, turned around and went out towards the courtyard where the queen and the two daughters were staying.

Qi Yun looked at her husband's back in a hurry, grabbed Murong Shan's jade hand and patted it lightly.

"Sister Shan, don't blame your husband for not being able to stay with you for a while, it's just that there is still a small matter in the house that needs to be dealt with by him."

"Yun'er, what are you talking about? How can my sister be dissatisfied with her husband? He is destined to be a busy person, how can he delay important matters because of the love of his children."

"You can rest assured thinking about my sister like this."

"Wanyan, Junior Brother, what can you do with me?"

As soon as Liu Mingzhi entered the room, he walked towards the two women sitting on the chairs, found a chair and sat down casually.

The empress looked at First Young Master Liu resentfully, with complicated meanings hidden in her eyes.

"Without conscience, do you really want to destroy Wanyan's country so much?"

Young Master Liu looked at the Queen blankly: "What do you mean?"

The queen grabbed a piece of paper from the table, flicked it with her fingers, and the note fell into Young Master Liu's hands.

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the note in his hand, looking at the content on the note, with a strange expression on his face, a little surprised.

After reading the contents of the note, Liu Mingzhi put it aside casually, looking calmly at the empress's mournful gaze.

"It seems that I have underestimated your strength. You can't even hide what happened in the Dragon Court. You really have a hand and an eye."

The queen stood up straight, her bright eyes stared at First Young Master Liu.

"What comes first is the chicken or the egg. In order to destroy the country of Wanyan, you can even make up such a nonsense reason. You must think that Wanyan is too worthless."

Huyan Yunyao sensed the weird atmosphere between Young Master Liu and the Queen, and she didn't want to leave or stay, so she could only pick up the tea and taste it to cover up her existence.

Liu Mingzhi stared at the queen quietly, and nodded a few times from time to time.

"Yeah, in order to destroy your country, I can even make up such nonsense reasons.

Then do you think that if I tell in front of all civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty that the snowfall in the Kingdom of Jin and the grasslands is several times that of Dalong.

There may be an epidemic in Dalong, and your grassland and Jin Kingdom will only get worse. What do you think will be the result?
They have lived in the court for a long time, and they don't know the sufferings of the people. Naturally, they don't know about the situation of your two countries in the north of the Northland. But I understand that I have gone deep into the hinterland of your two countries several times, and the things I know are not much worse than yours. "

"It's true that I, Liu Mingzhi, is a loyal minister, but is the matter as simple as what you see?"

The empress's bright eyes were startled, with a slight look of surprise in her eyes, and Huyan Yunyao, who was on the side drinking tea, also paused, and raised her eyes to examine her senior brother.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the reaction of the empress and the two daughters, deep in his eyes there was a deep sense of melancholy.

"Eyes are deceiving."

"If you come to me because of this matter, I will go back first."

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he went straight out of the room and walked towards the inner courtyard regardless of whether the two would keep him.

(End of this chapter)

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