My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1787 The Power Is A Little Big

Chapter 1787 The Power Is A Little Big

Because of the note, Liu Mingzhi did not set foot in the courtyard where the empress and Huyan Yunyao lived for two consecutive days.

He was not angry at her because of the Queen's questioning, but the Queen's words sounded a wake-up call for him. For two consecutive days, Liu Mingzhi spent all his food and lodging in the study to deal with affairs.

As the sun rose, he changed his clothes under Yinger's service. After washing, Liu Mingzhi casually drank a bowl of thin porridge, sat down at the table again and got busy again.

Seeing this, Ying'er naturally wouldn't disturb the young master's business, picked up the tray and quietly left the study.

Liu Mingzhi flipped through the piles of papers on the table with piercing eyes, carefully examining the contents written on each paper.

In the whole study room, there was only the sound of the wind blowing in from time to time and the sound of Young Master Liu flipping papers.

Liu Mingzhi concentrated on examining the information on the note.

The Queen's words made First Young Master Liu become very preoccupied these two days, and the Queen told what happened in the Dalong Court, which showed that the influence of the Admiral and Secret Agent in the Queen's hands had already penetrated into the Dalong's court.

Perhaps in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, there were nails planted by the admiral, along with the imperial guards guarding the Qinzheng Palace and the soldiers of the Imperial Army.

The empress has an admiral in her hands, and one of her vassals has her own power in her hands. As a Turkic Khan, her junior brother Huyan Yunyao, how could she not have her own minions in her hands?
However, the reason why Liu Mingzhi was so preoccupied was not because there would be nails planted by the empress and his junior in the imperial court.

Liu Mingzhi knew this kind of thing in his heart long ago, and it was not uncommon for Dalong to plant hidden stakes in the courts of the two countries as well.

What makes Liu Mingzhi uneasy is that the power of the Queen's admiral has become so terrifying, so what kind of spy shadow, who has always been feared by the old man, will be so powerful?
Liu Mingzhi put down the note in his hand, got up, walked to the window and stopped, looking at the scenery outside the window with a calm expression.

"There are so many spy shadows, they are all pervasive, and it is really impossible to find out with spy shadow methods"


Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked towards the source of the voice.

At the door of the room, the little cutie was clasping the door with both hands, looking at herself.

Following the little cutie's movements, the cloud hairpin between the braids moved from time to time, making the little cutie's already lively appearance even more perfect.

Liu Mingzhi smiled and walked towards the door.

"Yue'er, why are you here? Come in and warm up."

The little cutie nodded hurriedly, opened the door and ran into the study, squatting by the stove and putting her fair little hands aside to warm up.

Liu Mingzhi bent down and hugged the cutie in his arms, wrapped the cutie's petite body with the thick cloak behind him, and walked towards the chair beside him.

"Yue'er, why don't you lead your brothers and sisters down the river with firecrackers to fry fish today? How could you be willing to come to Daddy's place?"

The cutie looked at her father with a smile, her big and exquisite eyes were crescent-shaped: "Yue'er misses my father now."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie happily, raised his hand and pinched the tip of the little cutie's flawless nose twice: "You stinky girl, you didn't come to Daddy's place if you had nothing to do, you went out to play like crazy.

Tell me, did you get into trouble again and want to ask your father to settle it for you? "

The little cutie hastily shook her head like a rattle: "No, no, Yue'er is so obedient, so she won't cause trouble for Daddy.

Daddy! "

"Huh? What's wrong?"

The little cutie bit the corner of her mouth lightly with her silver teeth, and her two slender, white little fingers shook.

"Daddy, did you quarrel with mother?"

"No, why do you ask that?"

Like a weather-beaten old man, the little cutie sighed bitterly, and changed her posture to look into her father's eyes while holding her chin.

"Daddy hasn't been to mother's place for two days, and Yue'er heard from Aunt Yunyao that there seems to be a conflict between father and mother because of a note.

Yue'er went to her mother's place, and she seemed very unhappy to see her mother.

Daddy, don't be angry with your mother, okay? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie's pleading eyes, and raised his hand to caress the little cutie's hair: "Silly boy, why is daddy so stingy, because he is angry with your mother for such a small matter.

The reason why Dad didn't go to Mother's place was not because there was any estrangement from her, but because Dad had been busy with business these two days. "

"Really? Daddy and mother really didn't have any conflicts?"

"Of course not. Daddy has been bored in the study for the past two days dealing with business, not to mention mother's place. Daddy also hasn't been to your other aunts' place either.

If you don't believe me, you can ask your aunts to see if your father has lied to you. "

Looking at the sincere and true eyes of the old man, the little cutie let out a sigh of relief and started laughing.

"It's fine if you don't have it, it's fine if you don't have it, Yue'er believes in Daddy."

"Daddy, then go ahead and get busy, Yue'er won't bother you to deal with business."

"Okay, Yue'er is so good. Be careful when you go out to play and wear more clothes. The weather is a bit abnormal now, so don't catch the wind and cold."

"Yue'er, Yue'er knows, Yue'er is leaving first."

The little cutie tore off the cloak that wrapped her, and jumped off Young Master Liu's lap.

As soon as the little cutie landed on the ground, there was a light clang, and two black lacquered iron bumps rolled out of the small bag that was slung across the waist of the little cutie, and stopped slowly on the carpet.

Young Master Liu looked at the two iron bumps that fell out of the cute little bag, the corners of his mouth trembled twice, and his eyes were filled with deep fear.

Seeing the action of the little cutie bending over to pick up the iron lump and trying to sneak out, Young Master Liu strode up and grabbed the little cutie's two braids.

"Hey, dad, what are you doing?"

Young Master Liu stared closely at the things that cutie wanted to hide in the satchel: "What is in your hand? Hand it over."

The little cutie slowly turned her head to look at her father, and shook her head with a half-hearted smile, with an indescribably tangled and distressed look on her face: "It's nothing, it's just a firecracker, it's just a firecracker of frying fish, Dad, let go of the moon!" Er, Yue'er is going to play with her sisters and brothers."

"It's just a firecracker? Take it out!"

Looking at the father's face that gradually sank, the little cutie shrank her neck and swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva.

"Daddy, aren't you still busy? Yue'er won't bother you anymore."

"Take it out, Dad doesn't want to say it a third time!"

The corners of the little cutie's mouth twitched, looking pitifully at Young Master Liu's gloomy gaze, her big eyes blinked non-stop, and she twisted her waist to look cute.



Seeing that her tried-and-tested coquettish method was no longer working, Little Cutie slowly stretched out a pair of small hands like a defeated rooster, and handed the two iron bumps on the palm to the old man.

First Young Master Liu took the so-called firecracker that cutie handed over, and held it in his palm. With trembling corners of his mouth, he looked at cutie who shrank her neck and didn't dare to look at him, and her face became gloomy again.

"Yue'er, this firecracker battle is quite powerful, where did it come from?"

"Daddy, listen to my sophistry. No, please listen to Yue'er's explanation."

"Where did it come from?"

"From our warehouse."

"How much did you take?"

"Eighty, no, no, fifty or so, just these two!"

Young Master Liu almost didn't bring it up in one breath, and took a few deep breaths to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

"Don't tell me, all the fish feasts our chef cooks during this time are all fried by you and your brothers and sisters with these bastards."

"Amount. Mmm."

"Hang Chi."

First Young Master Liu coughed twice, slowly put down the iron lump in his hand, and walked towards the feather duster in the study.

"Little bastard, you can really do it with a grenade and thunderbolt to fry fish. Are you so fucking lawless?"

The little cutie watched her father's movements, and hurriedly waved her little hand: "Daddy, don't be impulsive, you will hurt yourself if you get angry!"

"You are my father, I won't show you some color today, you really don't know what your last name is."

"Daddy, I was wrong. I'll go back to read first. I won't bother you. Goodbye."

Young Master Liu looked at the petite figure of the cutie who was sprinting away, and chased after him waving a feather duster.

"Little bastard, you stop for me, you are going to be turned upside down!"

(End of this chapter)

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