Chapter 1789
There was a faint suspicion in Liu Mingzhi's eyes, and he stared at Liu Xuan intently.

"Really? Brother remembers that ever since you started to use rouge powder when you were eight years old, you have always chosen the gardenia-flavored rouge powder, and it has never changed.


As Liu Mingzhi said, he grabbed Liu Xuan's bright wrist and put it down towards the tip of his nose, and gently sniffed.

"This is the scent of orchids. I seem to have smelled this scent somewhere."

Liu Xuan broke free from Eldest Young Master Liu's palm, and gently rubbed the wrist that had been left with fingerprints by her elder brother.

"Of course you have smelled it. Sister Qingshi, Sister Yinger, and Sister-in-law Ya all use orchid-flavored cosmetics. You all sleep together in the same bed and get along day and night. Would it be strange if you haven't smelled it?
Surprisingly, there is nothing to be surprised about. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at his younger sister Liu Xuan's aggrieved expression with suspicion, and pondered for a while.

"You're right, among all kinds of cosmetics, Qingshi, Sister Ya, Yinger's favorite cosmetics are orchid-flavored, but the fragrance of the cosmetics on your body is a bit unique, definitely not the ordinary orchid flavor.

The orchid with this sub-smell seems to be the orchid produced in the southerly area. Where did I smell this kind of smell? "

Liu Xuan looked at her elder brother's pensive expression with her head lowered, a faint look of panic flashed in the depths of her peach blossom eyes.

"Brother, don't be suspicious.

You have been away for many years, and the days at home are few and far between. I won’t talk about the past few years, but this year, we brother and sister haven’t seen each other for a long time. As soon as we met, you asked about some cosmetics.

Well what does that mean?Do you regard Xuan'er as a wanted criminal who has been arrested at sea? "

Seeing Liu Xuan's coquettish look, Liu Mingzhi smiled bitterly helplessly.

"You're right, big brother knew he was wrong, Xuan'er, don't be angry, maybe it's really because big brother has been made suspicious by some things in the past two days."

Liu Xuan snorted and rolled her eyes at her elder brother: "It's not bad, if you dare to do this next time, don't think that Xuan'er will pay any attention to you."

Liu Mingzhi grabbed the feather duster on the side and pointed towards the study room: "Brother will settle the matter of this stinky girl, Yue'er, in the future, and I will accompany my brother to the study room to deal with the rest of the matter, and we will go together later The old man greeted his mother there."

"Okay, Xuan'er listen to elder brother! Second elder brother is back too. When elder brother finishes your work, we will go to find him. We siblings haven't talked about old times for more than a year."

"It's good that you're back, big brother is waiting for you to come back. I have turned down several invitations these days! You should be content now!"

Liu Xuan nodded with a smile, Ou Arm grabbed Liu Mingzhi's arm and hugged her in her arms, and walked slowly towards Young Master Liu's study.

"Xuan'er, these years you can be said to be a dragon who sees the head and sees the end, and the elder brother can't see your shadow when he comes back. Tell the elder brother, where have you been all these years? What have you been doing?
It's not good for a good lady to learn the principles of husband and son, but it's not good to run around all the year round. "

Liu Xuan stuck out her clove tongue at First Young Master Liu, her girlish aura was undoubtedly revealed.

"Brother, can you stop lecturing Xuan'er all day long like our father, you are only thirty-two, and how you talk is as boring as the old man.

There's really no point in chattering like a half-century-old man. "

"You stinky girl, brother is concerned about whether you understand or not.

You also said that the eldest brother is 32, and half of the people buried in the loess have so much more experience than you, what's wrong with you.

Don't be ignorant of good and evil, let alone a stinky girl, the elder brother of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty can say whatever they want, and they are eager for the elder brother to teach them a few words.

If you don't listen to the words of the elders, you will suffer in front of your eyes. "

Liu Xuan nodded reluctantly, obviously very helpless with her elder brother's nagging: "Hey, it's alright, alright, Xuan'er understands."

"What's your attitude, it's not big or small."

"What's wrong with Xuan'er's attitude, the eldest brother pointed at Xuan'er as soon as he came up, can't Xuan'er refute a few words?

Big brother said that Xuan'er Shenlong can't see the beginning and the end, and you can't see Xuan'er a few times. You can tell your conscience, is it because Xuan'er Shenlong can't see the beginning and the end that makes the eldest brother not see it?It's obvious that you are an adult and not at home, okay?

Do you count how many days you have stayed at home since you entered the dynasty?
At the beginning of the 27th year of Xuande, you were sent as an envoy to Jin, and you were not with you when Qinglian's sister-in-law gave birth to a son.

At the end of the year, you helped Qingzhou, a prefecture and eight states, and you were not by your side when Sister-in-law Yun gave birth.

In the 28th year of Xuande, you suppressed bandits in the south of the Yangtze River.

In the second year of Ryan, you went to the Western Regions, and it took two and a half years.

In Rui'an, you went to the north to serve as the governor of the two governments for six years, and it took a year and a half, almost two years, to leave.

In the last year of Ryan, you set off at the border.

In the first year of Tai'an, and in the second year of Tai'an, you were still on an expedition.

In the first year of Yongping, you were on an expedition again.

Count on your fingers, from the 26th year of Xuande to the 12th year of Yongping, how many days did you spend at home?

Xuan'er was only six years old at that time, but now Xuan'er is ten or eight years old, how long have you really been by Xuan'er's side?
Do you have any impression of how tall Xuaner grows in a year?Remember?

It's obvious that you didn't put your heart into it as a big brother, but it's the same as Xuan'er and I.

It's not Xuan'er, but you, big brother, who really sees the beginning and end of the dragon. "

Liu Xuan muttered and complained about her elder brother's irresponsible behaviors over the years, breaking out one by one.

Liu Mingzhi paused in his light walking steps, then stopped suddenly, and slightly lowered his head to look at Liu Xuan who was already as tall as his shoulders, with deep guilt in his eyes.

"Xuan'er, I'm sorry, it's my elder brother who made a mistake.

You are right, it has been 12 years, and the big brother has hardly fulfilled any responsibility of being a big brother to you.

I'm sorry, don't resent big brother. "

Liu Mingzhi's eyes became more and more melancholy, and he raised his hand to stroke Liu Xuan's beautiful hair.

"It's so fast, the little girl who only reached the waist of the eldest brother back then, and the little girl who was carved with pink jade, turned into an outstanding young girl in the blink of an eye.

You have grown up, Feifei, Yiyi and their brothers and sisters, and the siblings have also grown from babes to half-grown boys and girls.

12 years.

It's been like that for 12 years. "

Liu Xuan looked at Liu Mingzhi with a somewhat gloomy expression, and her expression also became a little flustered.

"Brother, Xuan'er didn't mean it, don't be angry, Xuan'er didn't blame you, really, Xuan'er didn't blame you at all.

What you have done all these years is for the better and better life of our family. Xuan'er didn't say those words on purpose. Don't be angry, okay. Xuan'er was wrong. Xuan'er will never say that about you again. "

"Smelly girl, I don't blame you. I will go back to northern Xinjiang with my brother after the new year. My brother will try to spend more time with you and your sisters-in-law until the day you come out of the cabinet in a beautiful and happy manner."

"Xuan'er is not going, Wu. Well, Xuan'er will go with you."

"Wu what?"

"It's nothing, Xuan'er still wants to go to the martial arts for a while, but after thinking about it, it's better to stay with the elder brother and sister-in-law, so I won't go to the rivers and lakes."

There was a gleam in Liu Mingzhi's eyes, and he suddenly lowered his head to look at Liu Xuan: "This is what every lady should do. By the way, Xuan'er, how many martial arts masters do you have in your martial arts alliance now?"

"Probably. Wu. Wumeng, Wumeng, what are you talking about, brother? What is Wumeng?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Liu Xuan lightly, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's nothing, the eldest brother thought of some other things, and said that he confided, it has nothing to do with you!

Xuan'er! "

"Brother, tell me!"

"I have no objection to wanting to go wandering in the rivers and lakes in the future. It is good to see the world under the premise of ensuring your own safety.

But you are still a woman, and you are so beautiful, there are mixed fish and dragons in the rivers and lakes, black and white are mixed up, you must have an extra heart.

People's hearts are separated from each other, and no one knows how hideous evil intentions are hidden under the face of a seemingly honest person.

When you meet people and say three points, you can't give up all your heart.

Do you understand? "

"Yeah, little sister must remember the teachings of big brother. Let's not talk about little sister, let's talk about big brother's expedition this year.

Brother, do you still intend to continue fighting?

With regard to your relationship with Yue'er and matters concerning the Kingdom of Jin, can't we be flexible? "

Looking at Liu Xuan's complicated eyes, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently.


"Xuan'er, what you don't understand is that fighting is flexible, and not hitting will never be flexible.

Fighting, suffering for one generation, not fighting, suffering for generations!
The cornerstone of the dragon is too strong! "

"What do you mean?"

"Hehe. Silly girl, these things are not your business!"

(End of this chapter)

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