Chapter 1790
Under Liu Mingzhi's guidance, Liu Mingzhi's brother and sister skillfully avoided the previous topic, talked about some interesting things, and walked into the study together, talking and laughing.

Young Master Liu watched his younger sister Liu Xuan curiously wanting to change the layout of her study, and reached out to hold Liu Xuan's bright wrist.

"Little sister, wait a minute."

Liu Xuan paused, then turned her head to look at First Young Master Liu in doubt, not knowing why he stopped her.

In the past, when I came to my eldest brother's study, I always wanted to do something, and my eldest brother never asked.

Liu Mingzhi let go of Liu Xuan's wrist, and wandered around the study with a flat face. After a while, Young Master Liu walked over to a chair with more than a dozen strands of hair in his hands and sat down, pinching the strands of hair to the side. Only then did Liu Xuan smile twice in the book.

"You can see it now, don't let the big brother make a mess, I have to clean it up again."

Liu Xuan stared at the strands of hair caught in the book in astonishment, and couldn't help swallowing her saliva twice.

"Brother, you must be too careful in our own house. As for putting so much hair?"

"You don't understand this. As the saying goes, there is no big mistake if you are careful. Sometimes it is the most inconspicuous thing that can be the deadliest.

In particular, there is a saying that goes well! "

Liu Xuan looked at her elder brother's pointed eyes, and asked curiously, "What slang?"

"Defense by day and night, house thieves are difficult to guard against, so even in our own home, sometimes we may not be able to guarantee that the secret that big brother wants to hide will be safe.

I don't know, Xuan'er, what do you think of this sentence? "

Liu Xuan looked at Eldest Young Master Liu's meaningful gaze, and her delicate pretty face froze for a moment before returning to normal.

"Brother, you are just being too cautious. Our father seems to be extremely kind and honest, but he has never been merciful to those who dare to harbor evil intentions against the master.

Those sacks in the warehouse, there are many in every year.

Such a heavily guarded place, what kind of house thief would plot evil! "

Liu Mingzhi chuckled twice, picked up a note and silently flipped through it again.

"You're right, maybe it's really because the eldest brother is too suspicious.

I hope, brother, just be careful and make no big mistakes.

You can take a look at it at will, and when the eldest brother finishes processing the information, we will go to see the old man and your second brother together. "

Liu Xuan raised her eyes to glance at the thick stack of information in front of First Young Master Liu, and walked over slowly.

"Brother, the things in your study have not been changed all the year round, and the younger sister still looks the same. You haven't seen the second brother for so long, and the younger sister is afraid that the second brother will not be able to wait, so why don't the younger sister help you sort out the information together?" Bar.

You can't even trust the little sister's character, are you afraid that I will reveal the secret about you? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Xuan who stood at the table and sat down with a slightly coquettish expression, and shook his head with a smile without hesitation.

"How could it be, how could the elder brother not even believe you? If you want to help the elder brother, just help the elder brother for a while. Just pick out the information that you think is not important and put it aside. After seeing your second brother, the elder brother will come back as you like." It’s good to have a review.”

"Yeah, Xuan'er listens to big brother."

Liu Xuan got up and picked up the kettle on the stove by the side, and poured a basin of clean water alternately between hot and cold. After washing her hands slightly, she sat back down again, picked up a small stack of papers and carefully read them.

After about a cup of tea, there was still only the faint sound of flipping paper in the study.

The two brothers and sisters carried out their actions silently.

I don't know how long it took, when Liu Xuan read half of the rice paper in front of her, Liu Xuan's delicate body, who was reviewing the intelligence newspaper, trembled imperceptibly.

Raising her eyes to glance at the elder brother who was staring at the note with full concentration, Liu Xuan'e's eyebrows trembled twice, and she rubbed the top note in front of her in an imperceptible movement.

Liu Xuan stared at the few words written on the note in surprise and anxiety, and her movements seemed a little unnatural.

As for why Liu Xuan was surprised and why she seemed uneasy, only Liu Xuan, the person involved, knew best.

Glancing at the opposite side again, she was concentrating on checking the information, and didn't notice her elder brother at all. A piece of paper was folded a few times by Liu Xuan, and with a flick of her fingers, the note entered the sleeve that wrapped her wrist.

The slight movement was fleeting, and Liu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, then buried herself in helping her elder brother read the information on the note.

Luckily, Liu Xuan didn't notice that the big brother who had been staring at the news newspaper with full attention, after her sneaky little move, a faint smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

It's just that Liu Mingzhi didn't reveal anything, and still silently flipped through the information in his hand.

After a long time.

About one stick of incense, two sticks of incense, maybe half an hour later, the sound of boiling tea was heard in the room.

Liu Mingzhi got up and moved the copper pot on the stove aside, looked at the only three or five pieces of information left on the table, stretched his hands high and stretched.

"Xuan'er, the remaining few pictures are mostly irrelevant things. It doesn't matter if I wait until the evening to read them. Let's rest for a while. Let's go to the inner courtyard to see my father later."

Liu Xuan, who was sorting the notes, stopped, and pushed the same few notes left to the front. Like her elder brother, she stretched her sore waist with her lotus arms, and a soft voice came from her cherry lips. Moaning, Liu Xuan stood up slowly.

"Xuan'er is really exhausted, and I don't know how you endured being bored in the study for two consecutive days, big brother.

If it was Xuan'er, let alone a day, Xuan'er couldn't bear it even for a day, she must go crazy. "

Liu Mingzhi tapped Liu Xuan's pure white forehead lightly with his fingers: "Elder brother doesn't want to work so hard, but as the saying goes, those who are capable work harder.

The eldest brother can only work tirelessly.

Unlike you who haven't left the cabinet yet, your eldest brother will also have a big family and business after setting up his own family. For the sake of the whole family, your eldest brother has no choice.

When you get married in the future, you will be able to appreciate the hard work of your sister-in-law.

It's not so easy to take care of a big family. "

"Okay, you're lecturing again, Xuan'er's head is about to explode."

"Hehe. Okay, okay, don't talk if you don't want to listen to big brother, wash the ink on your hands, let's go to the old man's place."

"it is good."

Liu Mingzhi watched Liu Xuan go to the stove to prepare warm water for washing his hands, retracted his stomach slightly and opened the drawer, took out a handkerchief from a brocade box in the drawer, rubbed it in his palm for a while.

Slightly glanced at Liu Xuan who was bent over and began to wash her hands, Liu Mingzhi looked at the withered and blackened corner of the handkerchief, raised his hand, put the handkerchief under the tip of his nose, and gently sniffed it a few times.

Smelling the faint, almost imperceptible fragrance on the handkerchief, Liu Mingzhi frowned subconsciously twice.

How familiar is the faint fragrance.

Liu Mingzhi put down the handkerchief, sat on the chair and fell into silence with deep eyes.

"Big brother?"

"Big brother!"

"Huh? Washed up so soon? Did it clean up?"

Liu Xuan raised her ten slender, white and tender fingers and waved them twice in front of Young Master Liu.

"It must be cleaned, Xuan'er is not such a person who doesn't like to be clean! But why are you so dazed, brother!"

"It's good to wash it clean, just wait a moment, and the eldest brother will wash it too."

"Okay, but you have to hurry up, don't be so clean like a big girl like me, or you won't be able to call a stinky man."

"Smelly girl, I see, it will be fine soon."

Liu Mingzhi turned his back to Liu Xuan and began to adjust the water temperature. Looking at the blazing fire, Liu Mingzhi took out the exquisite and perfect silk handkerchief from his cuff, pondered for a moment, then threw the handkerchief into the fire, and then began to wash his fingers. ink marks on the

"Hmm! Brother, what did you burn?"

"It's nothing. Some things that shouldn't exist in this world are a disaster if they keep them. It's better to let them disappear as soon as possible."

Liu Mingzhi bent down and tidied up the vents on the stove, then turned and walked towards Liu Xuan who was waiting at the door.

"Let's go, go see the old man first!"

Liu Xuan nodded with weird eyes: "Okay, listen to big brother, why does Xuan'er think big brother is weird?"

Liu Mingzhi locked the door and walked slowly towards the inner courtyard.

"Is there any? If you want to say it's strange, the eldest brother thinks there is a strange sentence."


"Your spirit will never change, your heart will never change."

Liu Xuan, who was following Liu Mingzhi, trembled suddenly and smiled unnaturally.

"Brother's sentence is so beautiful, I don't know what it describes?"

"Empty - valley - secluded - orchid!"

(End of this chapter)

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