My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1791 The eldest brother is like a father

Chapter 1791 The eldest brother is like a father
Liu Xuan stared blankly at her elder brother looking at her inexplicable eyes, and fell into silence for a while, not knowing what to reply.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the terrified look in the depths of his little sister's peach blossom eyes, and patted Liu Xuan's cheek with a light smile.

"Silly girl, why are you in a daze? Hurry up and leave!"

"Huh? Oh, okay."

Liu Xuan peeked at her elder brother's calm and light smile, and the slender fingers tucked into Yunyan's cuffs kept intertwining, obviously her heart was extremely restless.

"Brother, is the Orchid of the Empty Valley also a kind of orchid? Otherwise, how could there be such a beautiful adjective."

"Well, it's just a name and it's not a big deal, it can be called Orchid in the Empty Valley or Orchid in the Hillside, don't take it to heart.

In the eyes of the elder brother, the beautiful flowers are not as good as the alluring appearance of the younger sister, you Bi Huajiao. "

Liu Xuan's pretty cheeks blushed involuntarily: "Brother can say nice things, how can he praise his sister so much, and if it spreads, he would think that little sister is a cheeky woman who knows nothing about her heights."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and brushed Liu Xuan's beautiful hair and walked slowly: "Silly girl, what do you care about other people's eyes? Our Liu family lives for ourselves, not for others' eyes.

The mouth grows on one's own body, and others can say whatever they want.

Dalong Law has not been convicted of speech, our Liu family's face can be even stricter than Dalong Law.

Tell me, where did you go to see the world this year?Going south?go north?East?Or go west? "

"Hee hee, then Xuan'er has to tell you a good story, the girls have been involved in one or two places in the north and south of the river, except for the war-torn northern Xinjiang, the girls have probably gone wherever they can go.

If it weren't for the fear of causing trouble for you, my younger sister would still want to go wandering around northern Xinjiang, but because she was worried that you would be distracted from the war, my younger sister gave up this idea. "

"Hey, big brother really envies that you can travel around the world without any worries, unlike big brother, who is busy with government affairs all day long, and can't be free for a moment. You canary, you can finally learn to go forward in the wind and snow and preen your feathers .”

"Brother, look at what you said, my little sister is not so powerful."

"Xuan'er, since you have been to almost every corner of the country, I wonder if you have been to Qingzhou, the hometown of your fourth sister-in-law?"

Liu Xuan nodded hurriedly: "Of course I have been there. Back then, big brother, you left a long-lasting and unstoppable great achievement in Qingzhou. How could my little sister not go to see it.

Brother, you don't know that all of Qingzhou's eight prefectures now have your ancestral temples.

Compared with the local earth temple, the prosperity of incense is not much better. When the little girl first arrived in Qingzhou, she was shocked.

Even if there is a three or five-year-old child on the street, if the little girl asks him casually, he can tell you clearly about your deeds in Qingzhou, saying that you are the great benefactor of the 40 people in Qingzhou Prefecture.

Because of you, Lord Qingtian, Qingzhou has not had people starve to death for nearly ten years.

You, the imperial envoy who was short-lived in Qingzhou, can be said to have won the hearts of the people! "

Liu Mingzhi looked at his younger sister Liu Xuan who was eloquent, and hastily stretched out his hand to signal her to stop.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about the past, just ask if you have been to Qingzhou, who told you to talk so much.

I have even been to Qingzhou, it seems that the elder brother really underestimated you, then have you ever been to the place where your sister-in-law Qinglian grew up, where is Miaojiang in the Shu region? "

"No, I heard that there are snakes, insects, rats and ants everywhere. Xuan'er was afraid of these weird things, so she didn't dare to see them."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Liu Xuan's plain expression, and nodded thoughtfully: "That's right, let alone you little girls, even some old men will inevitably be terrified when they first see these things.

But I want to go in the future, let your sister-in-law Qinglian guide you, she is a local snake in Miaojiang, as long as she is around, you don't have to be afraid of any snakes, insects, rats and ants. "

"Okay, I will definitely go when I have a chance in the future."

"Xuan'er, after all these years, have you met your favorite Mr. Ruyi? You say you are not old, you say you are not young, you have already reached the age to leave the court.

You can take care of your own affairs, so as not to become an old girl who can't get married in the future. "

Hearing her eldest brother talk about her marriage, Liu Xuan's pretty face blushed again, and the embarrassment in her beautiful eyes was extremely obvious.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Xuan'er doesn't want to get married!"

"What's there to be shy about? Brother still says the same thing. It's an eternal truth that a man should marry a man and a woman should marry a woman. This is an eternal truth. When you meet your favorite Mr. Ruyi, bring him back and let your brother have a look and check for you. Don't be so crooked, everyone who is dubious will take it home.

Otherwise, don't blame the elder brother for not saving you face and beating him out with sticks.Ruyi Langjun, Ruyi Langjun, must be worthy of the word Ruyi. "

Liu Mingzhi stomped his lotus feet lightly, and gave Young Master Liu an angry look: "Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? How can a daughter's family take a man to her own home!"

"What's the matter, sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, why bother to stick to common etiquette, elder brother and your sister-in-law Qinglian are still married with a son, it's different to live a happy reunion.

The family style of our Liu family has always been not sticking to the vulgar etiquette that those scholars said.

But there is a saying that you have to remember for your eldest brother. Before the day when you leave the cabinet, don't hand over your body easily, understand?

People's hearts are separated from the belly, who knows what kind of fancy intestines are hidden in the belly.

Lu Yao knows the horsepower, and sees the hearts of the people over time, and he must not be careless in life's major events. "

Hearing the big brother talking about men and women, the blush on Liu Xuan's pretty face spread to the tops of the pearly round ears, and she buried her head tightly on her chest: "Brother, you are talking about these things, and Xuan'er will ignore you! "

"Elder brother is like a father, elder brother said this for your own good, don't feel shy, elder brother is from experience, that's why he told you these things.

You have to understand the painstaking efforts of big brother.

Gua Wazi!Do you really want to know? "

As Young Master Liu was talking, he suddenly uttered a sentence in Shu dialect, and then immediately stared at the expression on Liu Xuan's face with burning eyes.

Seeing the blank expression on Liu Xuan's pretty face, Liu Mingzhi was startled, and lowered his head to think.

"Brother, what are you talking about? What kind of melon, do you insist on getting it?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a strange expression: "It's nothing, it's just a sentence from the soldiers to teach people to be kind, and I found it interesting, so I said it out of the way!"

"Well, brother, you are really well-informed."

"Xuan'er has a lot of knowledge! By the way, Xuan'er, where did you rush home from?"


"Jiezhou! Jiezhou is much warmer than the capital city. You have to keep warm just after you come back. Do you wear enough clothes? Don't catch the wind and cold. It's a cold day, but some of you will feel uncomfortable. Big Brother Let's see how many inner linings you are wearing, if there are not enough clothes, I will ask your sister-in-law to make a few for you and send them over to wear first."

As Liu Mingzhi spoke, he grabbed Liu Xuan's right wrist, and when he didn't react, he couldn't help but stroke the Yunyan cuff on his arm.

Looking at the glaring cinnabar mark on Liu Xuan's creamy lotus root arm, Liu Mingzhi's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a strong color of doubt in the depths of his eyes.

"Your Majesty, although your Majesty has intercourse, but the pulse condition is not slippery, indicating that the intercourse is not excessive, but the body is weak"

"Brother, what are you doing? You have been abnormal since Xuan'er came back, and you are still abnormal now, what's wrong, can you just tell Xuan'er directly?"

Young Master Liu came back to his senses, looked at Liu Xuan's dissatisfied expression, chuckled twice and loosened Liu Xuan's wrist.

"Smelly girl, can't the elder brother care about you for a while? Seeing that you are wearing three inner linings, it is enough to keep you warm, so the elder brother can rest assured.

Elder brother is like father, how old is elder brother, shouldn't he care about you? "

"You care about Xuan'er, of course Xuan'er is touched, but why does your reaction make Xuan'er so?"

"Brother, little sister!"

Liu Mingli's voice suddenly came, disturbing the two of them.

Only then did Liu Mingzhi come to his senses, talking and laughing, he had already walked into the main hall of the inner courtyard.

Looking at the second younger brother Liu Mingli who hadn't seen him for more than a year and had matured a lot, Liu Mingzhi gave his younger sister Liu Xuan an apologetic look, and walked towards Liu Mingli.

"Good boy, I haven't seen you in a year, you've become so much stronger, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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