Chapter 1795
Liu Zhi drank his tea quietly, apparently he had no intention of responding to Young Master Liu, such a reaction made Young Master Liu froze and didn't know what to say.

The main reason was that Young Master Liu was quite helpless, and he understood what the old man said just now.

But the old man didn't know what he had talked with Ming Li before, and he reprimanded himself based on the latter words, whether it was a bit out of context.

First Young Master Liu helplessly scratched his forehead with his little finger, and winked at Liu Mingli and his little sister Liu Xuan, signaling them to find a way to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Liu Mingli caught the elder brother's gaze, hurriedly got up and walked towards the door, picked up a few gift boxes and put them on the table.

"Father, mother, aunt, the children came back in a hurry, and I didn't prepare any good gifts for you. I bought some random gifts on the street. Please don't dislike them, you three elders, please accept them with a smile."

Liu Xuan followed closely behind, and also picked up a few gift boxes from behind the door on the other side and put them on the table.

"Father, mother, aunt, Xuan'er, like the second brother, also bought some random gifts to honor you, please accept them."

Looking at the well-behaved second son and only daughter, Liu Zhi'an put down the teacup and cheerfully took the gift boxes from their brothers and sisters and put them on the table.

"If you have a heart, it's fine if you have a heart. It's better than some people. Don't talk about buying some random gifts to honor the old man. It's a thought of the old man to bring a bunch of shit back. It's a pity that the old man didn't even see a fart.

It's still because you brothers and sisters have filial piety, and your father didn't raise you for nothing. "

Liu Mingli, Liu Xuan brothers and sisters came to listen to their father's eccentric words, looked at each other in embarrassment, smiled twice, and helped Liu Zhi'an to sit down.

"Father, sit down and drink tea to calm down."

As for the person Liu Zhian was talking about, he sat on a chair drinking tea with a helpless expression, pretending he didn't hear anything.

Feeling the narrow eyes of his mother and his evil aunt, Liu Mingzhi shrank his neck and glanced at his unscrupulous father.

I don't know how he had the cheek to say that he didn't bring him any presents, and he didn't see anyone take any of the special medicine he got from Beijiang.

It's not that I haven't seen the person who threw the bowl after eating, but I've never seen such an upright person.

Brother and sister Liu Mingli comforted Liu Zhi'an, and handed over the remaining gift boxes to Mrs. Liu and Aunt Liu Ying respectively, and received unanimous praise from the two women.

He praised many words with a smile.

"Ma'am, Yinger! You two go to arrange the kitchen to prepare a good banquet for Ming Li and Xuan'er to take care of the dust. I have other things to deal with."

Mrs. Liu was startled, looked at Liu Zhi'an, glanced at her son and nodded silently: "I know, master, you should be busy first."

Liu Zhian put down his teacup, and glared at First Young Master Liu who was drinking tea with relish.

"Come with me to the study!"

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Zhian's angry eyes, and raised his finger to point at himself.

"It's you, who else but you? You bastard."

Liu Zhi'an glared fiercely at First Young Master Liu who was asking him, flicked his sleeves and walked towards the back of the hall.

Young Master Liu looked at the few people in the hall with twitching corners of his mouth, whether he was wronged or not, he endured the old man's unknown anger well.

It's okay to want to teach yourself a lesson, who made him your own father?
But at least let yourself know why.

Without concealing her cunning in her beautiful eyes, Liu Ying slowly walked towards the stiff-faced Young Master Liu, leaned close to Young Master Liu's ear and blew the fragrance gently.

"Xiao Mingming, if you have been wronged and have no place to vent, you can come to my sister, my sister is the best at venting anger."

Young Master Liu gave Liu Ying a supercilious look, raised his hand and pushed Liu Ying's Zhenshou, which was on his shoulder, aside.

"Fuck you, it's the first day of the new year in four or five days, why don't you go home?"

"My sister hasn't fulfilled her wish yet? How could she go home? Your delicious piece of fat is brought to my mouth, and if my sister doesn't taste it, my heart will be itchy!"

"Gu Liuying, if you are really capable, don't sneak up on me and say it out loud in front of my mother!"

"You don't dare to be a sister. My sister is afraid to say it in front of my sister-in-law, afraid that you won't be able to bear it."


Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly, controlled his strength and pushed Liu Ying aside and walked towards Mrs. Liu.

"Mother, I'll go to the old man's study first to see what he wants from me. First talk to my aunt and Mingli, Xuan'er. I haven't seen you for a year. Let's catch up."

Mrs. Liu nodded with a slight smile, and raised her jade hand to straighten Young Master Liu's temples.

"Silly boy, your father won't get angry with you for no reason. If he says something unpleasant later, you must not contradict him. If you two have something to say, please don't be angry.

You are also a father, you must understand the difficulties of being a father, understand? "

Liu Mingzhi nodded gently, and looked at Bai Bing calmly and softly, and Liu Mingzhi would only show such a look in front of his mother, Mrs. Liu.

"Mother, don't worry! The child is not the kind of person who has no respect for elders, knows no distinction between superiors and inferiors, and is an orderly person. I will definitely talk to the old man calmly.

Put your heart in your stomach, as long as the old man doesn't beat me to death, I will listen to whatever he says. "

"Good boy, I've wronged you, go to the study first, don't keep your father waiting!"

"Okay, mother, the child will leave."


"Xiao Mingming!"

Looking at First Young Master Liu who was about to walk towards after listening, Liu Ying stopped Young Young Master Liu and walked towards Young Young Master Liu.

"Auntie, is there anything else?"

Liu Ying gave Mrs. Liu a look, and took Young Master Liu's hand and walked towards the back of the hall.

Mrs. Liu looked at the backs of Aunt Liu Ying and her nephew, sighed melancholy with her beautiful eyes, and waved to Liu Mingli and them.

"Li'er, Xuan'er, follow Wei Niang to the kitchen."

"Yes, mother."

Brother and sister Liu Xuan looked at the backs of their eldest brother and aunt with complicated eyes, nodded obediently, followed Mrs. Liu out of the main hall and walked towards the backyard.

"Auntie, what's the matter? If it's okay, I'll go see the old man first.

Also, don't make fun of me anymore, the baby is physically and mentally exhausted now, and I really don't have the energy to play around with you. "

Liu Ying's charming eyes gave Young Master Liu an angry look, and she tapped on Young Master Liu's forehead with her slender fingers: "Hey, sister is so sad, so in Xiao Mingming's heart, sister is like this A vexatious person?"

"Let's get down to business, Auntie, you must have a reason for stopping me, let's get down to business first."

Liu Ying looked at Young Master Liu's upright look, and her enchanting eyes gradually returned to normal.

Looking around, Liu Yingzhen leaned her head close to Liu Mingzhi's ear and parted her lips slightly: "Xiao Mingming, it's rare to be confused in life, you can be smart, but don't be too smart.

My sister thinks it's better to be confused sometimes.

No, it should be said that it is better to know how to endure.

Your father, sister, me, you Liu Mingzhi, Mingli, Xuan'er, we all come from the same line, so naturally we won't do anything against you.

Especially your father, he has endured too much pain for you.

Your father has three sons and one daughter, speaking from the bottom of his heart, the pains he has put in for you, the eldest son, far exceeds that of Mingli, Xuan'er, and Mingjie.

No matter what your father did, and what Mingli, Xuan'er, sister and I did, he never did you any harm, did he?

Xuan'er and Ming Li grew up by your side since they were young, and they have always been respectful to you as a big brother, and they would never disobey you, so why would they do anything to harm you.

Your father is so confused for you, why do you have to be so shrewd and wise?Can't you be a little confused too?

Even if it's well-dressed?
Let your father, sister's eldest brother be happy, please?
Just be my sister and beg you. "

"Auntie, I don't want to argue with the old man, I just want to make myself clear"

As he spoke, Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Ying's regretful expression in a daze, and nodded slowly.

"The child understands, the child understands, it's rare to be confused, it's rare to be confused.

I know, aunt rest assured, the child knows what to do. "

Liu Ying stroked Young Master Liu's cheek and nodded with a light smile.

"It's good if you understand, go see your father!"

"Okay! My boy, leave!"

"and many more!"

"Auntie, what else do you want?"

"Your mother just told you not to contradict your father, my sister is afraid that you will be too angry and you will suffocate yourself.

He is your father, you can't contradict him, but you can contradict your sister.

Especially in the dead of night, you can contradict as much as you want, my sister is waiting for you. "

Young Master Liu's gloomy expression suddenly became sad, and he looked at Liu Ying, who was charming with phoenix eyes, gnashing her teeth and punching and kicking the fence beside her.



"It's almost Chinese New Year, I beg you, auntie, go home quickly!

Let's change the personal disaster, okay? "

(End of this chapter)

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