1796 Omnipotent
Young Master Liu once again escaped from the evil aunt's clutches without any danger, and hurriedly fled towards Liu Zhi'an's study.

I don't know if it's a blessing or a misfortune to have such an aunt in this life.

Luckily she is an aunt, unfortunately she is an aunt.

He is a healthy man, not a eunuch, so he can't bear to tease himself like this every day.

"Old man, here I come."

Liu Zhi'an who was sitting on the chair raised his eyes lightly, and nodded slightly.

"sit down!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Zhian's calm expression in surprise, it was different from what he imagined he would face.

You must know that you are already prepared to withstand the storm on the road, but the old man's attitude is not even a drizzle. Young Master Liu suddenly became entangled, and he always felt that something was wrong all over his body, as if something was missing.

Young Master Liu couldn't help but wondered if he had M-shaking symptoms. It was obviously a good thing that he wasn't reprimanded, and he was still not used to it.

Pulling out the chair and sitting down, Liu Mingzhi poked his head and looked at the opposite Liu Zhi'an whose face seemed a little unpredictable.

"Old man, why did you ask me to come to the study?"

Liu Zhi'an glanced at Liu Mingzhi indifferently: "What kind of tea do you want?"


After the study fell into a brief silence, Liu Zhi'an raised his eyebrows and glared at First Young Master Liu.

"What the hell are you doing in a daze? Why don't you make tea yet?"

"I am coming?"

"Bastard, why don't you ask me to make tea for you if you don't come? You are a fart, dare to let me make tea for you! You are me and I am me!"

"Eh, I'll soak it, I'll soak it right away."

Seeing Liu Zhi'an's 'fierce' appearance about to eat people, Young Master Liu stood up comfortably and walked towards the stove beside him.

The yelling and scolding that penetrated into the hearts of the people still sounded so powerful, it was not in vain.

Young Master Liu casually took a bamboo tube from the bookshelf beside him, brewed two cups of fragrant tea and brought it up.

"Old man, drink tea."


Liu Zhi'an picked up the teacup and blew gently, and the study fell into silence again.

The quietness made First Young Master Liu feel a little depressed and panicked. I don't know what kind of nerves the old man has.

Could it be that he was called here just to play a game, whoever speaks first is a puppy?
Liu Zhi'an didn't open his mouth to speak, Liu Mingzhi just sat there motionless with his teacup in his hands, his eyes watching his nose, his nose watching his heart, like an old dog.

Fearing that his words would touch Liu Zhian's sensitive nerves again, Young Master Liu thoroughly implemented the strategic policy of not moving the enemy but not moving us.

Anyway, the stove in the study room was steaming, without any sense of coolness, and it was slowly consuming it.

I don't know how long it took, the rising water mist in the teacup gradually became unnoticeable, Liu Zhi'an lowered his head and took a sip of tea, looking at Young Master Liu who was as steady as an old dog with deep eyes.

"If one day, the situation you said happened, the old man would like to know what you would do?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his head suddenly, and looked at Liu Zhian in astonishment: "What? What's the situation?"

Liu Zhian hesitated for a moment, then spoke slowly, speaking clearly.

"The king wants the minister to die!"

Liu Mingzhi shook his body, his face suddenly hardened, he stared deeply at Liu Zhian, lowered his head and stared at the teacup, and fell silent.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi picked up the teacup with trembling arms and took a sip.

"Why did you suddenly say such a boring question!"

"Aren't you bored? Don't you think this day is gradually approaching you? One person is under ten thousand people, so similar to Wenren Mountain back then.


Liu Mingzhi's eyes trembled slightly: "What's the pity?"

"It's a pity that you have too many shackles, kid, and you can't achieve the level of retreating and protecting yourself like Wen Ren Shanzhang, let alone the open-minded state of Wen Ren Shanzhang.

The situation you both face is largely the same but very different.

People are different, so decisions are made very differently from person to person.

So, I would like to ask you, what would you do if that day really came?
The old man said just now, if it is, you can take it as a hypothesis.

In other words, it is to advise in advance of a prepared retreat. "

Liu Mingzhi looked dodgingly at Liu Mingzhi's gleaming old eyes on the opposite side: "No if."

Liu Zhi'an smiled and shook his head, drank the warm tea in the cup, got up and walked towards the window with hands tied.

Looking out of the window at the snow on both sides of the artificial lake that had not been cleaned, Liu Zhi'an raised his hand and caressed the beautiful beard on his chin.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe you have never considered that this day will come, otherwise"

Liu Zhi'an finished speaking halfway, and turned his head to look at Young Master Liu with an embarrassed expression.

"Otherwise, you wouldn't even think about being the world's chess master."

Liu Mingzhi slightly shook the palm of his hand holding the teacup, some of the tea in the cup splashed out, and wet Young Master Liu's clothes.

"Chessman, what chessman? Old man, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Liu Zhi'an ignored Young Master Liu's denial, looked at Young Master Liu with a leisurely smile and began to speak on his own.

"How is it? Doesn't it feel good to be a chess player?
The world is a chess piece, and the Three Kingdoms are a chessboard. Does the feeling that everything is under control make you addicted?
Does this feeling of turning your hands into clouds and turning your hands into rain make you more and more reluctant to let go? "

"The chess master in the previous world was one of your father-in-law, the Great Dragon Emperor Li Zheng.

Whether it is in the temple or in the rivers and lakes, everything is under his control. If the imperial court is not strong enough to support his ambitions, your father-in-law, a chess player, can really become a famous emperor through the ages.

It's a pity that your father-in-law took over a mess that wasn't a mess, and your little girl Wanyan Wanyan, a heroine like you, is holding back his rise.

So your father-in-law Li Zheng can only be said to be half a chess player, and he has not really played with the world in applause.

I don't know how far you, a chess player, can go?The old man is very curious, if all follow-up forces are sufficient, can you, a chess player, walk a longer journey than your father-in-law. "


Liu Mingzhi gasped for a few breaths, struggling to look at Liu Zhi'an who seemed to be an omniscient wise man.

"Old man, what are you trying to say?"

Liu Zhian withdrew his gaze and continued to look at the beautiful scenery outside the window, completely ignoring Young Master Liu's flustered expression.

"The old man doesn't want to say anything? As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention, but the listener is interested. If you...hehe, the old man thinks that I don't need to continue talking.

The old man just wants to know, if that day comes, how would you choose? "

"I don't understand what you are talking about, old man? What do you know?"

Liu Zhi'an lowered his head and chuckled a few times: "For example, you insisted on the Northern Expedition several times, is it really to destroy the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks?"

"Naturally! Only when the world is unified can we truly prevent the recurrence of military disasters and Dalong can go further.

Although many soldiers died in battle, great benevolence and righteousness are often not benevolent. "

"Okay, what a benevolent person."

Liu Zhi'an walked towards the desk with eyes full, took out a Langhao from the pen holder on the table and held it horizontally with both hands.

with a snap.

The high-quality wolf hair worth a hundred taels of silver was easily broken off by Liu Zhi'an.

Under Liu Mingzhi's surprised gaze, Liu Zhi'an took out two fine brushes and held them horizontally in his hands.

Another snap.

The two fine pens broke again in response.

It's just that Liu Zhi'an obviously took a lot of effort to break the brush this time.

With an inscrutable smile on his face, Liu Zhi'an threw the brush on the table, and slapped his palm casually.

"You are not benevolent, so how do you explain this?"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the three delicate wolf hairs that were broken from the middle on the table, and the legs that were constantly tapping with his fingers.

"What do you know?"

"The old man doesn't know much, as for what the old man knows? It just depends on what the old man wants to know!"

"It's too shameless!"

"Hehe, when a person receives 1 taels of silver, he dismisses it, which means he is not interested in fame and wealth; when a person can receive 10 taels of silver, he still remains unmoved. This is integrity. When a person When a person receives 100 million taels of silver, he has no choice, because he must know what is behind the 100 million taels of silver.

One million taels of silver can buy a message, and it can also buy a life.

Do you want to say that some people are not afraid of death.

The old man admits this, some people are not afraid of death, but people are not sages and sages.

Some people are not afraid of death, but that doesn't mean they don't have other weaknesses.

Sometimes money really can't do certain things, but as long as it is something that money can do, the old man is omnipotent! "

"You, you have been in a high position for too long, and you almost forgot the charm of silver!"

(End of this chapter)

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