My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1797 Willow Dregs

Chapter 1797 Willow Dregs

Liu Zhi'an looked at Liu Mingzhi's dumbfounded expression, and sat down on the chair with a fox-like smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Now do you still think that what the old man said is arrogant?
If you want to ask the old man, do you think that you can do whatever you want if you have money!

The old man sends you two words.


Money can really do whatever it wants!

The old man is still the same sentence, the secrets that the old man knows do not lie in the secrets I can know, but in the secrets I want to know.

Can you tell me your answer now?

If that day does come, where will you go? "

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and stared blankly at Liu Zhi'an who was facing him with a curious expression: "I, I."

Liu Mingzhi stood up and walked towards the window sill slowly without explaining the reason twice in a row. Liu Mingzhi stopped in front of the window sill, leaned on the window sill with his elbows on his chest, and stared out of the window in a daze. beautiful view.

Seeing this, Liu Zhian shook his head silently, poured himself a cup of tea and tasted it carefully, waiting for Young Master Liu's answer.

Time passed quietly.

Liu Zhi'an drank cup after cup of tea carefully until his brows were frowning, and Young Master Liu, who was lying on the window sill, did not respond.

Finally, Liu Zhi'an put the teacup on the table without hesitation, and turned to look at Young Master Liu's back.

"The old man doesn't think this is a difficult decision, Zhi'er, you have changed.

You've never been so indecisive before.

Is it because Chaotang has softened your character?Or have you become more composed?Thinking about things more thoughtfully? "

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, turned around and looked at Liu Zhian, his eyes were extremely complicated: "I just don't want me, people who treat me well, and my relatives and friends to be hurt."

Liu Zhi'an nodded faintly: "The old man already understands what the answer is."

Liu Zhi'an got up and walked to the sad-faced Young Master Liu, raised his hand and patted Young Master Liu on the shoulder, leaned over to Young Young Master Liu's ear and whispered, "You look like an old man when you are black-hearted. There is a faint gesture of green out of blue and better than blue.

However, you hesitated, and your hesitation shows that you are not yet a qualified chess player.

The old man understands that you want to gamble, the game of chess is a game of gambling.

Black and white chess pieces always have to tell the winner to be a qualified chess game.

You have grown up and have your own ideas, and I don't want to forcefully change your ideas and will.

Our father and I get together less and leave more now. There are some things that I can't help you decide. After all, you are already a man who can be responsible for what you do.

My son has grown up and has his own foundation and relationship. The old man can't stay by his side all the time and tell you, but I can only give you four words. I hope my son can keep it in mind, think about it all the time, and think about it more. Don't forget about your heart. "


Liu Zhian straightened up slowly, and walked towards the desk.

After stacking the accounts on the table and putting them aside, Liu Zhian took out an exquisite scroll from the book basket at the side, held it in his hand and looked at Liu Mingzhi.

"My son, take care of me with pen and ink."

Liu Mingzhi nodded heavily, and walked towards the desk: "Okay!"

Young Master Liu put his hands together, rolled up his sleeves, and began to grind ink.

After a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi put down the ink in his hand and walked towards Liu Zhian.

"Please enlighten me, old man."

Liu Zhi'an put the scroll on the table in a graceful manner, and flicked it lightly, the scroll spread out and stretched on the desk.

Using a paperweight to hold down the paper, Liu Zhi'an picked up the largest Zihao pen from the pen holder, dipped it in ink and swiped.

In an instant, the four big characters appeared vividly on the paper, flying like dragons and phoenixes, quite in the style of everyone.

Although Liu Zhi'an failed in the imperial examinations many times, he was born in Dangyang Academy anyway, so calligraphy is naturally not weak.

With these four big characters alone, Liu Zhi'an's calligraphy attainments can be ranked among the masters.

After Xihao mentioned his name and date, Liu Zhi'an casually threw the brush on the inkstone, and walked towards the outside of the study in a graceful manner.

"With these four big characters, I hope my son will be able to go smoothly in the future."

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at the four flamboyant characters written on the scroll with no shame, and let out a faint smile with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Looking up at Liu Zhian who was about to step over the threshold, Liu Mingzhi said.

"Old man!"

"what happened again?"

"Thank you!"

Liu Zhi'an glared at Young Master Liu angrily: "I really want to thank you, old man, so you should work harder and let Qingshi girl, Wei'er girl, Xiaoxi girl, and Yunshu girl be pregnant with our Liu family's girl as soon as possible." offspring.

Our Liu family is also a well-known wealthy family. Don't you think that only Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Chengqian, Zhenghao, Feifei, Yiyi, Yaoyao, Yue'er, Yunxin, and Lingyun have ten children too few?

It is not an exaggeration to say that the offspring withered.

Ten children, each with a courtyard, can't even live in a small half of our house, making it deserted all day long, and the old man is almost desolate and sick.

In the second child's family, Lei'er has already given birth to a son and a daughter, An Xin is pregnant with her second child, and girl Yuan Qin who just entered the house is also pregnant. Look at Mingli, this is normal!Look at you again, you have ten wives and concubines, and you can't have a child in a year, what's the matter?

Damn, you didn't take supplements less, and you didn't drink less medicine that raised your strength. Why are you so unsatisfactory?

Prodigal stuff, insulting family style.

This fine tradition of our family, I didn't see any of it from you. "

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Zhi'an with a stiff face: "I, I."

"You, you, ginseng and deer antler have everything you need, but you still can't even soak in the rain and dew. What's the point of you being alive? It's better than you to feed so many things to dogs.

Even a dog can take off on the ground!

Why did our family produce such a dishonest thing like you? The ancestors of the Liu family have spirits in the sky. If they knew that there was a useless descendant like you, they would have to climb out of the coffin and beat you to death. No.

Wei'er and the others don't matter, but the fat that girl Yun Shu puts on her mouth is still perfect. You and I don't have narcissus blooming, so why pretend to be garlic?
Make yourself look like a gentleman.

Heh. Bah. Liu Mingzhi Liu Mingzhi, still indifferent to Mingzhi, I can fuck your mother.

You might as well change your name to Liu.

What the hell, it's embarrassing. "

Liu Zhi'an left a mouthful of phlegm on the threshold, looked at Young Master Liu who hadn't recovered for a long time after being bombarded by his own words, showed disgust, shook his sleeves and walked towards the main hall.

"Within a year, if any of them are not pregnant, don't blame me for giving you the golden gun bulge pills to eat with rice."

"A waste snack."


Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and listened to the words left by Liu Zhi'an, he looked around in tears. Damn, he has provoked whomever he has provoked every day.

Qing Shi and the others' inability to conceive an heir is not their own problem, so why should they blame themselves alone.

They have worked hard, and they have nothing to do with themselves.

After muttering a few words, First Young Master Liu turned around and walked towards the desk, rolling up the four big characters Liu Zhian gave him.

Looking at the three-character name of Liu Zhi'an at the end of the scroll, First Young Master Liu curled his lips in 'disdain'.

"You said that you are so awesome, but you should marry a flat wife, no matter how bad you are, you can also take a concubine.

A man with a wife, what is there to be arrogant with this young master! "

PS: There is something wrong at home, and the update will resume tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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