My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1798 Love Believe It or Not

Chapter 1798 Love Believe It or Not
After Young Master Liu complained about the old man Liu Zhi'an, he picked up the scroll that the old man bestowed with his arms and walked out of the study.

And locked the door for the old man.

In this small study, there is more than just a simple ledger.

In fact, Liu Mingzhi himself didn't know how many secrets there would be in Liu Zhian's study, closing the door and locking it was just a habit he had formed.

After half a stick of incense, Master Liu hung the calligraphy in the most conspicuous place in his study.

Re-reading the four characters of "Worthy of Heart", Liu Mingzhi suddenly had a different feeling.

It seems that Liu Zhian's four words can help him solve any troubles.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but wonder secretly, why just four large characters written at will have such a great magic power.

Thinking of what the old man said in the study, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently.

Is it true that the words of the authorities who are confused by the bystanders are clear.

As an outsider, the old man sees it far more clearly than himself, the insider?
Liu Mingzhi lifted the wine jar next to the stove, locked the door and walked out full of doubts, and finally stopped in the gazebo in the inner courtyard, looking at the gloomy sky and drinking alone silently.

Some people say that you should not drink alone while leaning on a railing. When drinking alone, what you drink is not wine, but sorrow.

Perhaps this sentence is really in line with Liu Mingzhi's current situation. He drank the unusually comfortable peach blossom wine on weekdays, but the more he drank it, the more bitter and melancholy Liu Mingzhi became.

Recalling the big and small things that happened in these years, all kinds of past experiences in his mind, Liu Mingzhi's heart is like a mess.

Father, benefactor, it would be great if you were still here.

Maybe I, Liu Mingzhi, won't be so melancholy and boring anymore.

However, Li Zheng has been on the rise for three years. Even if he thinks wildly, he will die and cannot be resurrected.
Then there is Wen Renzheng, an old mentor who has benefited me a lot.

Since I left Yingzhou when I was the governor of the two governments, I haven't heard any news from the old man for more than four years.

I don't know if the old man is still alive, or if he is traveling westward on a crane.

After the farewell to Yingzhou, Wen Renzheng seemed to have completely disappeared from the world, and there were no rumors about his whereabouts.

Not to mention his apprentice, one of the closed disciples, even Wenren Yunshu, his granddaughter, has not received any news about the old man.

Wen Renzheng's current situation has completely become a mystery.

If the old man is still alive, and the master and apprentice can meet again, maybe he can help me give some pointers.

"What's the matter? You, a dignified side-by-side king, what's there to worry about? Drinking alone is not against your character. Don't you know that drinking is even more worrying?"

The Queen's soft voice interrupted Liu Mingzhi's melancholy thoughts, he put down the wine jar and subconsciously turned his head to look.

I saw the queen wearing a scholar's robe and a lun scarf on her head, with one hand behind her waist and the other around her abdomen, standing on the steps by the gazebo, looking at herself leisurely.

There is a hint of worry in the beautiful and comfortable eyes.

Behind the empress, the cute little white and tender hands were tightly holding on to the hem of mother's clothes, and she was looking at First Young Master Liu. Seeing Young Master Liu turn around, she hurriedly shrank her head behind her mother.

Apparently, he hasn't forgotten that not long ago, his father was 'chasing and killing' him with a ferocious face while holding a feather duster.

Little cutie originally thought that she would not be afraid of her father if she had her mother to cheer her on.

But when she got to the front, the little cutie realized that everything was in vain.

The old man's gaze still makes me feel afraid even though he loves me very much.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head: "It's nothing, recalling some past events, and being bored, I found some wine and tasted it slowly."

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he waved his hand to the stone bench covered with down cotton pads: "Let's have a drink together?"

Empress Zhenshou moved slightly, walked to the stone bench and sat down: "Wonderful!"

Liu Mingzhi glared at the little cutie who was cowering behind his mother: "Sit down too, brat!"

The little cutie was stunned, nodded hurriedly with a smile, climbed to the side and sat down on the stone bench, put her hands on her legs naturally, not to mention how well-behaved she was.

Liu Mingzhi took down the teacup that was always on hand, filled a cup for the queen and himself, and handed it to the queen.

The queen picked up the wine glass and put it under Joan's nose for a sniff. The rich peach blossom fragrance mixed with an indescribable fragrance stimulated the queen's sense of smell.

Without hesitation, the drink was poured into the cherry lips, and the empress's star-like eyes became even brighter.

Qi Ya brewed it herself, and the Peach Blossom Brew that conquered Young Master Liu once again conquered the queen, the heroine.

"Good wine, wait for the ice and snow to melt and the roads to clear up. Please don't forget to bring some jars with you when you return home."

"No problem. Sister Ya will be very happy if she knows that you, a heroine like you, can like her drinks."

The queen was stunned, and nodded with a smile: "It turns out that this kind of fine wine is made by her. Presumably, only a woman like her who is indifferent to the world and has a gentle temperament can brew this kind of fine wine."

Listening to the appearance of father and mother praising the wine in their hands, Xiaocuti looked curiously at the wine jar on the stone table and swallowed her saliva involuntarily.

"Daddy, can Yue'er have a taste?"

"of course not"

Liu Mingzhi originally wanted to reject the cutie's request at once, but then he thought of the cutie's age, and looked at the cutie's curious and hopeful eyes.

He glanced down at the mellow Taohua stuffed and nodded with a chuckle.

"Of course it's not a problem, but you can only drink a little bit!"

"Yeah, Yue'er can drink as much as Daddy gives."

The empress wanted to say something, but seeing that young master Liu had already poured half a glass of wine and handed it to her daughter, her cherry lips smacked twice, but she didn't say anything after all.

The queen sighed silently, and it was time for her daughter to taste what wine was like.

Maybe I have been ignoring too many things about my daughter all these years.

The little cutie took the wine glass carefully, looked curiously at the peach blossom wine in the glass, which was slightly different in color from the clear water, and slowly sent it to her pink mouth.

As soon as the drink was in the mouth, the cutie's delicate and pretty face suddenly became awkward. Just as she was about to spit out the drink, the cutie's big and exquisite eyes suddenly lit up, and she slowly swallowed the drink in her mouth.

Taking a sip of the wine into her throat, the little cutie licked the corner of her mouth to reflect on it for a moment, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. The little face was embarrassed for a moment, and finally showed a satisfied expression.

After drinking half a small glass of wine, the little cutie's pink face was slightly flushed.

"Daddy, Yue'er still wants to drink."

"No, you can only drink so much for the first time."

The little cutie nodded reluctantly, and lowered her head pitifully: "Oh!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the cute little watery eyes and smiled lightly: "If you dare to take a sip behind Daddy's back, the result will be the same as if you sneaked to Tianxiang Tower."

The little cutie's expression froze, and her rolling eyes immediately calmed down.

The queen looked at the father and daughter curiously, obviously not knowing about the incident about going to Tianxiang Tower.

"What result?"

"Affects her height."

The queen was startled, and looked down at the drink in the glass: "Will drinking affect your height? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Of course drinking won't affect her height, but if she steals a drink I'll break her legs."

The queen was stunned for a moment, after recollecting it, she looked at her sullen daughter with a strange expression and laughed dumbfoundedly.

"It seems that when Wanyan is away, the relationship between you father and daughter is really kind and filial!"

Liu Mingzhi raised his wine glass to touch the queen, and then drank it down in one gulp.

"Of course, the fine tradition of my Liu family is father's love like a mountain."


It's just that young master Liu didn't say the last three words to the queen, but discussed it himself.

The queen nodded thoughtfully: "I see!"

"By the way, many days ago, when I was free and had nothing to do, I politely said that I played a game with my father."

"Oh? What happened?"

"Great benefits.

It was also this game that caused a question, and I would like to ask you for advice. "

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a while and nodded slowly: "I don't dare to ask for advice, but it's okay to say."

"With the power of your millions of elite troops, it only takes more than a month to capture the Kingdom of Jin. Even if you bluntly say that you fortified the walls and cleared the country to shrink the defense line and retreat again and again, the fate of the country's destruction and family destruction cannot be avoided under the mighty offensive of your army. !

And after you captured the Kingdom of Jin, you have enough strength and time to take Turkic again before the heavy snow falls!
It is obvious that they can do it all at once, so why divide the troops into two groups.

Could it be that you are deliberately leaving a chance for Wanyan and your younger brother? "

Young Master Liu, who was about to pour the wine on the altar, froze, and the movement of pouring the wine also stopped.

After struggling and fighting in his eyes for a long time, Liu Mingzhi's expression gradually calmed down, as dull as a pool of stagnant water, simple and unsophisticated.

"Liu Mingzhi didn't understand what you said, but Liu Mingzhi thought too well of what you said.

I am a heartless person loyal to the imperial court. I have attacked your Kingdom of Jin several times without my heart, and I have fought on the grasslands several times regardless of my brotherhood.

How could I be merciful and let you have a way of life, leaving you with a glimmer of life. "

The queen looked at Liu Mingzhi's gloomy expression, and looked at the little cutie beside him.

"Yue'er, cover your eyes."

"Oh! Got it, mother."

The little cutie raised her hands to cover her eyes, and the queen got up and walked towards Liu Mingzhi.

From behind, he hugged First Young Master Liu's tiger waist tightly, and put his head on Liu Mingzhi's cheek, gently rubbing it a few times.

"Then tell Wanyan, why didn't you do so when you clearly could rule the world?"

Liu Mingzhi's body froze, he put down his wine glass and gently parted the empress's bright wrist from his waist, got up, walked to the fence and stopped.

"It's just your imagination.

The reason why Liu Mingzhi did not rule the world is because he was eager to win, miscalculated the form, and underestimated the remaining power of your two countries! .

In addition, food and grass are difficult to support, so you can linger on your last breath and escape from birth.

If there were enough food and grass, the two countries would have survived in name only under this young master's attack, so how could they have ended up in the embarrassing situation they are in today. "

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's somewhat cold tone, and seeing Liu Mingzhi was so close at hand, yet exuding an aura that strangers should not enter, a faint heartache appeared in the empress' bright eyes.

"I don't believe it!"

"Believe it or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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