My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1799 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth

Chapter 1799 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth
The queen heard Young Master Liu's slightly unkind words, instead of becoming angry, she looked at Young Master Liu's back with pity and sighed silently.

"Unconscionable, as you said, you are a cruel person who bears countless infamy and betrayed our mother and daughter several times, but I don't know why, I always feel that this is not the real you.

Now you are only who you want others to see you, not who you really are inside.

The Liu Mingzhi you showed in front of others is a loyal and patriotic minister who would not hesitate to destroy the country of his own women and daughters in order to be loyal to the court.

But is this really the real you? "

"Hehe. Ridiculous, Liu Mingzhi is Liu Mingzhi, how could there be any difference between true and false, what you said is nothing but your fantasy.

I have never changed. From our acquaintance to now, the Liu Mingzhi you know will always be that Liu Mingzhi. "

"Really? Then when you were in the Kingdom of Jin last time, why did you care about the question Wan Yan asked you, and dare not answer Wan Yan's question directly."

"Too many to remember."

"Okay, let me help you recall the memory, Zhou Tianzi has nine cauldrons, the king of Chu asked about it, the meaning is not in the cauldron, but in the world!

Let me ask you one more time now, how do you explain this sentence? "

Liu Mingzhi slowly closed his eyes: "Liu Mingzhi is ignorant and ignorant, and has little knowledge. I don't know what allusion this statement came from, and I can't explain it. What's more! You have too many questions."

The Empress walked towards Young Master Liu again, raised her arms and hugged Young Master Liu's waist tightly: "Okay, I don't ask questions politely, but do you know that if you are clearly capable of helping Dalong rule the world, you are not so What you did has spread to the ears of Emperor Dalong, civil and military officials, and the people of Dalong. What will they think of you, a pillar of the people?
You have no conscience, you have already made Wanyan unable to understand.

You are not qualified as a blunt man, you are not qualified as Yue'er's father, and you are also not qualified as a politician.

A qualified politician, for his own benefit, is determined not to be bound by his children's affection.

And you haven't done it!
Say you are loyal, you have not fulfilled your duty as a courtier, say you are unqualified, but you spared no effort for Dalong.

What kind of person are you? "

Liu Mingzhi tried to break off the lotus arms of the queen holding him again, but failed several times, and the queen's wrist was still tightly imprisoned around his waist.

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the flawless wrist of the Empress hugging his waist, and let out a faint sigh.

"I am not a qualified politician, are you a qualified emperor?

Do you know who you're talking to?
He is the important minister of Dalong, the one-word side-by-side king of the current dynasty, the one-word side-by-side king who leads the 150 states in northern Xinjiang, and the enemy coach who suppresses Wanyan Chizha and Yeluha.

A qualified emperor would also not give up his country and the common people for the love of his sons and daughters, and go to the enemy country alone to have a tryst with a heartless person.

Even if your purpose of coming is not pure, but to spy on some information.

But the moment you meet me, you've already lost.

No longer a qualified emperor. "

The queen's cheek was lightly pressed against Liu Mingzhi's back, her bright eyes were slightly moist.

"The Kingdom of Jin is already in turmoil, and it is impossible to restore its vitality in 20 years. I have no choice but I choose to believe in you.

Believe what you said to Wanyan in the old days.

Although I don't know what your difficulties are, I can only trust you politely. "

"Are you trying to play the emotional card with me? Do you want me to help your Kingdom of Jin with a few good words in the court, and delay the court's offensive against your Kingdom of Jin?"

"Of course not, the situation is like this, you alone can't stop anything!

Does it make any difference whether you believe it or not?

Under Dalong's attack, it doesn't matter whether I try my best to save it or not, it can be said that there is no difference. With my ability, it is not enough to turn the tide and help the building collapse.

Whether or not you are in command again, there is essentially no difference between the Jin Kingdom and the Turks.

Maybe it's just like what you said to Yue'er.

If you come to command, our mother, daughter and your junior brother will be safe and sound in the end, but if another person is in command, our mother, daughter and your junior brother Huyan Yunyao will have made great contributions to walking.

Everyone gets it and punishes him, in order to seek the feudal marquis and prime minister.

Human nature is such that no one can bear the attraction of fame and wealth.

However, you can lose when you bluntly say that you don't want to lose, but you don't want to lose.

To put it bluntly, I just want to know your true thoughts and ultimate goals. "

The queen looked back at the cute little girl who was sitting on the stone bench covering her eyes with her small hands, her legs dangling and looking carefree, her bright eyes were full of infinite love.

"If you have a choice, Wan Yan would rather be defeated by you!

In this way, our daughter will be safe and sound without any harm.

What Wanyan said is that if it is possible, Wanyan will not accept fate no matter what, and Wanyan will never give up the promise she made in front of her father before the last step.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, Wanyan is willing to give it a try. "

Liu Mingzhi's eyes froze, and he looked back at his daughter, revealing the same eyes as the empress, and slowly retracting his gaze, Liu Mingzhi's eyes were fixed.

"Your choice will harm you, choosing to believe in me will harm your country of Jin and yourself.

Still the same sentence, Liu Mingzhi is Dalong's courtier, this is a fact that no one can change.

If I, Liu Mingzhi, are still in command in the future, and His Majesty orders, Liu Mingzhi will still choose to go out to attack your Kingdom of Jin again.

Until the day when Dalong wins, until the day when Dalong dominates the world.

To put it bluntly, don't speculate anymore, and don't take the ecstasy soup that the old man poured into you as real.

I am still me, nothing has changed. "

"Let's put it this way first, my second brother and younger sister are returning home, and my mother has prepared a reception banquet, so I won't accompany you to continue talking. Someone will deliver the food and drinks for you and your junior brother, so I'll go to the main hall first! "

Liu Mingzhi forcefully broke off the Queen's wrist, turned around and walked towards the little cutie.

"Yue'er, you can let go of your hand!"

The little cutie let go of her little hand slowly, blinked her eyes a few times to adapt to the light: "Daddy, you're done talking to mother!"

"Well, it's over, Daddy will take you to eat delicious food, come and hug you!"

The little cutie immediately threw herself into Dad's arms: "Daddy is so kind!"

Liu Mingzhi bent down, picked up the little cutie and walked towards the front hall, stopped and glanced at the queen: "It's really boring, there are many books in Feixiong's room, you and your junior brother can look through them , it’s best not to wander around if you have nothing to do, this is the capital of Dalong, not the capital of the Kingdom of Jin.”

The empress stared blankly at the back of First Young Master Liu who was about to leave with the cutie in her arms: "Without conscience, I would like to apologize to you for what I said two days ago!"

"No need, I've already forgotten!"

"Can Wanyan trust you?"

"No, no one has the ability to predict, and no one knows what will happen in the future, so you'd better not believe me.

Because I am a heartless person, if I become ruthless, I will still destroy your country. "

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he carried the little cutie and left exquisitely.

The queen looked at the backs of the father and daughter with a bitter and joyful smile.

"If you were really cruel, how could you say such things.

What on earth are you trying to do?To put it bluntly curious! "

The queen muttered a few words silently, picked up the peach blossom wine on the stone table and walked towards the courtyard.

On the corridor, the little cutie hugged her father's neck tightly, with a sullen expression on her face.

"Daddy, you told Yue'er that you wouldn't quarrel with mother. Yue'er covered her eyes, but didn't cover her ears. Yue'er heard what you said to mother just now.

Are you and your mother having trouble again? Yue'er is afraid! "

Liu Mingzhi glanced around quietly, and flicked the little cutie's forehead with his fingers.

"Smelly girl! You're the only one who is smart! But you underestimate your mother's character too much.

She is the king of a country, how can she be as simple as a little girl who has never seen the world. "


"Ah what? Do you really think our family is impregnable and can speak out anything?

Don't worry, Dad and your mother won't quarrel! "


"Do you want Dad to study with you about Lei Zhenzi?"

"Yue'er believes, Yue'er believes everything daddy says~"

"Silly girl, don't trust Daddy, because no one knows what will happen in the future."

"Daddy's daddy taught daddy a truth today, now it's up to daddy to teach you a truth too."

"What's the point?"

"Misfortune comes out of your mouth! You must remember what your father said, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, so don't talk nonsense.

Otherwise, people will die! "

(End of this chapter)

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