Chapter 2342
Liu Mingzhi's words caused a slight commotion in the hall, and then fell into calm again.

The eyes of all the officials were all on the six Spiesmourts, waiting for how Liu Mingzhi would deal with the six Spiesmourts, these enemy generals.

"Surrender Spies Muerte sees His Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor, long live long live."

While the four Slavs were still in a daze, Spies Muerte, who was proficient in the Dalong Han dialect, immediately got up and saluted.

And the four Slavs could only look at Shibismurt stupidly, because on the way back to Beijing, the only Chinese they mastered was generals, names, long live the Dragon Emperor, and a few simple Chinese words. He couldn't understand the meaning of those few words that Young Master Liu said when he walked down the dragon platform.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Spies Moore lightly again and said with a light smile: "I have heard the name of Spies Khan for a long time.

It can be said to be a great honor to meet a hero like me, Shibis Khan, today. "

"Don't dare, the light of Xiaohan's firefly candles, how dare it be equal to the brilliance of the sun and the moon, His Majesty's words make Xiaohan feel ashamed."

Seeing Spies Moore's obsequious look, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help laughing.

At that time, the Three Kingdoms gradually became independent, and you attacked each other, and there were constant disputes. Yao'er had not yet established his own royal court to unify the grassland. How high-spirited the Western Turkic Khan was at that time, it can be said that the border people were terrified!
Unexpectedly, today, it is easy to attack and defend. The great Turkic Khan Spismurt, who used to regard Dalong Border Pass as a nomadic place for horses and horses under the king's tent, would now be reduced to a prisoner.

What's more, in order to survive, he has become this submissive virtue.

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but think of a joke that his teacher heard from Mr. Renzheng when he was studying in Dangyang Academy.

"When the Central Plains is weak, the nomads will gallop on the battlefield. When the Central Plains is strong, the nomads will be good at singing and dancing."

At first glance, I can't help but feel a little absurd, but now I think about it, but it is deafening.

If Dalong hadn't become more and more powerful, the current scene should be that the people who were taken away at the border of Dalong were facing Spies Muerte, the Turkic Khan who was arrogant and domineering at the time.

"Shibis Khan is humble, I was familiar with your reputation even when I was still in the south of the Yangtze River!
Seeing the demeanor of the Great Khan today, he is indeed a worthy man under his great reputation. "

Unable to tell whether the deep meaning in Young Master Liu's words was praise or derogation, the corner of Spies Moult's mouth twitched, not knowing how to reply.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi turned slightly to look at Zhou Baoyu and Ye Baotong.

"Baoyu? Baotong?"

Although Liu Mingzhi only called out their respective names, they had worked under Liu Mingzhi for many years, and through the indifferent eyes of Ping Tianguan, Zhou Baoyu and Ye Baotong already understood what Young Master Liu wanted to ask.

The two silently looked at each other, then casually glanced at the surrounding cultural relics colleagues, finally Zhou Baoyu came out, walked slowly to Young Master Liu and said softly.

"Your Majesty, how about asking Your Majesty to take a step or two?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, nodded slightly, and took the lead to walk towards the apse of Qinzheng Hall.

"Wait for now!"

"The minister waits for orders."

In the back hall of Qinzheng Hall, Liu Mingzhi signaled Zhou Baoyu to sit on a chair beside him.

"What's going on? Didn't Spiesmoult explain where the treasure he plundered from my Dalong people back then was buried?"

Zhou Baoyu shook his head helplessly: "This old man is very cautious. I threatened him that he would not tell where the treasure was buried and executed him on the spot. Although he was terrified, he still didn't tell where the treasure was buried.

He said that he would not explain the location of the buried treasure until he saw His Majesty.

And he said that all the soldiers who buried those treasures with him back then stayed in Tsarist Russia, and now he is the only one who knows where the treasures are buried.

The minister can only deal with it kindly! "

Liu Mingzhi twirled the thumb on his thumb thoughtfully: "This is to bargain with me, and use the treasures he buried in exchange for a way of life!"

"Your Majesty is wise, and this subject also guesses so.

Therefore, I didn't dare to do anything to him easily for a while, and could only escort him back to Beijing together with the four main generals of Tsarist Russia!

Killing him, Spies Moult, was nothing more than a matter of effort for the minister, but if it was because of the minister's impulsiveness, the overall situation would be messed up.

It's a bit of a loss.

The minister did not dare to make a decision on his own.

I hope your majesty will forgive me for failing to complete your majesty's explanation. "

Liu Mingzhi picked up the pot and poured two cups of tea, signaling Zhou Baoyu to take it himself.

"Forgive me, forgive me, what's wrong with it?

You handled this matter well, there is no nine out of ten chances of winning, the old Spiesmoult is still unkillable for the time being.

By the way, on the way back to Beijing, did you hear any information about the reality of Tsarist Russia from the mouths of the four Slavs? "

Zhou Baoyu sighed with regret on his face: "No, the language is not clear, and the occasional communication between us has to be translated by Spies Moore and his lieutenant Toli Zamuhe to communicate successfully.

If you want to know something in private, there is nothing you can do.

On the way back to Beijing for more than a month, the minister and others knew the names of Wula and theirs, but did not find out any other useful information.

It would be great if everyone could speak Chinese, even dialects are better than these woo-li-wah words. "

"Hehe... if there is no, then there will be no.

Regardless of the strength of Tsarist Russia, they sneaked into the border of our Dalong again and again uninvited, which shows that they are not kind to my Dalong.

So the desire for gold, silver and jewelry was either due to the greed of the tsar and the princes and ministers of tsarist Russia, or to recruit troops.

No matter what it is, it is not a good thing for me, Dalong.

If you fight in the north, it means that the diplomatic relationship between the Great Dragon Dynasty and Tsarist Russia will not end well.

That being the case, the only way to do it is to strike first! "

Zhou Baoyu's eyes lit up, and he looked at First Young Master Liu excitedly: "Your Majesty, are you planning to send troops to crusade against Tsarist Russia?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded and shook his head, which made Zhou Baoyu confused.

"Your Majesty, you are shaking your head and nodding, are you going to send troops or not?"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea and took a sip: "It is natural to send troops, but it is definitely not a good opportunity to send troops right now."

"The armored soldiers are enough, the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, it is not a good opportunity, when will it be a good opportunity?"

"Baoyu, you have been guarding the border for a long time, and you don't know the reality of the court.

In a word, the imperial court has soldiers but no food.

After the Western Expeditionary Army can be self-sufficient in food and grass, the treasury has finally accumulated some family assets. With the dozen of you in the North, the food and grass are frequently mobilized, and the treasury is tense again.

The only silver taels left in the treasury, let alone people's livelihood officials, in case something goes wrong with the Western Expeditionary Army, we must reserve some emergency silver taels for emergencies, right?
Natural disasters and man-made disasters, you have to set aside some emergency money, right?
In the spring of next year, the construction of the Lingyan Pavilion and the repair of the city in the North Mansion... also need silver taels, right?

There must be money in the treasury now, but with such a big market in the world in front of me, I can't just ignore the common people in order to crusade against Tsarist Russia, can I?
All support you in sending troops to crusade against Tsarist Russia. In case of any trouble in the interior, the treasury will not be able to provide money and food.

Then the world will be in chaos!

So yeah!It is certain to send troops to crusade against Tsarist Russia.

But you have to let me and I have to have a buffer period.

At least the three seasons of taxes after the beginning of the spring of the next year will be collected from the treasury before sending troops to crusade.

Even if the treasure buried by Spies Muert is unearthed, it will take a period of recuperation.

Money alone is not enough, and the army cannot move even without food and grass.

Any movement of your hundreds of thousands of troops will shake the imperial treasury three times.

Looking at the world, I am not afraid of fighting anyone, I am not afraid of competing with any country, but I can't afford it right now.

Otherwise, once the war starts right now, even if you conquer Tsarist Russia in one go and seize a large amount of material spoils, if the court has something to do, it will not be able to quench your thirst in the near future.

I am no longer the commander-in-chief of the three armies, let alone the one-word king of the 27th prefecture of the Northland.

At that time, you only need to take care of a small number of your soldiers and the people of the Northland.

But now I am the king of a country.

As far as the world is concerned, I can only do everything.

Otherwise, if there is a slight mistake, I, the emperor who rebelled and proclaimed himself emperor, will die without a place to bury him, and his bones will be thrown into ashes. "

"His Majesty!"

"Baoyu, in the final analysis, my confidants are Cheng Kai and you, my life and death brothers who have been with me for many years.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, despite their benevolence, righteousness and morality, they are loyal to the emperor and patriotic, but there are many officials who want to keep the chastity for the former dynasty in private.

It's just because the form is not as good as human beings, so I have no choice but to commit myself to my command.

My life in the capital seems to be living a chic and comfortable life, but in fact it is like walking on thin ice.

Everyone wants to see me give someone a handle, but I don't let them do what they want.

I know you are in trouble at the border!But my life in the capital is not satisfactory!
After all, the previous dynasty did not die from the emperor's fatuous and unpopular government, but from our helpless soldiers. "

Zhou Baoyu lowered his head sadly: "The minister is incompetent and cannot solve His Majesty's worries and problems. He really deserves death!"

"The establishment of the cabinet was partly due to my laziness, and more importantly, to let the old ministers in the court know that only by obeying my orders, Liu Mingzhi, can they be better ministers and hold power better.

Everyone in the world thinks that the king of a country is in charge of life and death, and controls the power of the world.

Sitting on supreme glory.

I used to think so too.

But now it is more and more clear.

If you want peace in the world, officials, people, generals, and soldiers are all part of the world.

For the real world to be peaceful, the ruler must do everything well and be worthy of anyone.

Forget it, let's not talk about this, if we delay, the officials in front don't know how to guess.

You go first and bring Spiesmoort to the apse.

By the way, let Xia Gongming, Wei Yong, Tong Sansi, and Minister of the Household Department Jiang Yuanming come along!
If you want to be comprehensive, you must first step by step. "

"The minister takes orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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