My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2343 How can the ancestral land be given to others

Chapter 2343 How can the ancestral land be given to others
Before Liu Mingzhi finished his cup of tea, Xia Gongming, Wei Yong, and Tong Sansi, the chief assistants of the cabinet, and Jiang Yuanming, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, walked into the apse.

Zhou Baoyu followed closely behind, staring cautiously at Spies Moult who was trembling beside him.

"My ministers, see your Majesty."

"Little Khan joins His Majesty the Dragon Emperor."

"All free, sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Emperor Dalong."

"Baoyu, show tea to the love affairs and Shibis Khan."


Zhou Baoyu lifted the teapot at the side and walked towards them, while Liu Mingzhi gently moved the tea cover to caress the tea leaves floating on the water.

His mind seemed to be on the tea in his hand, but his gaze was always lingering on the trembling Spies Muerte.

Liu Mingzhi was hesitating, hesitating whether he should spare Shibismurt's life or not.

After achieving a positive result with Huyan Yunyao, Liu Mingzhi accidentally mentioned the past while chatting. More than once, Liu Mingzhi heard Huyan Yunyao say that she still had a deep hatred between her brother and the Great Khan of the Western Turks, Shibi Simult.

That's a blood feud that humiliates and kills one's mother!

If I spared his old life, I don't know what I would think if Yao'er and my uncle Hu Yanyu found out about it!

Especially Yao'er, I'm afraid she will be very sad that her husband let go of her mother-killing enemy.

Maybe she won't complain about herself, but being bored in her heart is also not good for her body and mind.

Liu Mingzhi has seen more than one or two times when he became depressed and became ill.

Moreover, Yao'er's mother, who has passed away for many years, is also one of her mother-in-law adults.

Although I have never seen her, and because I was afraid of mentioning Yao'er's sad things, no one even asked her name carefully, but the relationship with Yao'er still cannot change her identity as his mother-in-law.

But if he was killed, the treasures he buried would become a problem.

The treasury has consumed so much gold, silver, food and grass, and only captured so much loot. It is really beyond the means and not proportional.

What if you asked where the treasure was buried and killed him after digging it out?
If it was before, I would definitely not have any psychological burden, let alone any pressure.

But today is not what it used to be, Jun Wu joked that the shackles are not so heavy.

In case the criticism is left and used by someone with a heart, it will inevitably cause some disturbances.

Um?and many more!

What is this young master struggling with here?
I can promise him not to kill him, but it doesn't mean that others also promise not to kill him!

For example, my uncle Hu Yanyu.

When he returns from the Western Expedition, to be able to kill the enemy of life and death with his own hands, for Hu Yanyu, his uncle, it should be regarded as the fulfillment of a long-cherished wish for many years, right?

After figuring this out, Young Master Liu's eyes flashed a fox-like smile, he took a sip of the tea and put it back where it was.

"Spith Khan!"

"Little Khan is here."

"You know why I want to talk to you alone, and I know it too.

Although your request has not been stated, I already have a rough grasp in my heart.

It's just one size fits all, what I guessed is what I guessed, but I still want to hear your own request.

Tell me, what is the requirement for you to honestly explain where the treasure is buried? "

Spies Muerte was stunned for a moment, looking at Young Master Liu in surprise, unable to react.

He originally thought that Liu Mingzhi would mention the treasures he buried in a veiled way, but he didn't expect him to be so blunt and completely unreasonable.

Let the manuscripts I typed up on the way back to Beijing after being escorted, and even when I met Liu Mingzhi in Qinzheng Hall, be useless.

Involuntarily, Spiesmoult became a little flustered, and secretly began to reorganize some of the requirements he wanted to mention.

Using the movement of drinking tea to hide his thinking eyes, Shi Bisi was silent for a long time, and sneaked a glance at Xia Gongming and the others who were sitting around waiting to stare at him, and fixed his eyes on Young Master Liu body.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, can you grant Little Khan whatever request he asks?"


Before the surprise on Spiesmoult's face was fully revealed, Young Master Liu blurted out the following words.


Spiesmoort's face froze, and he cursed shamelessly, but his form was not as good as that of a human being, and he was a prisoner, so he could only sneer and nod: "Xiao Han understands."

"Spith Khan, negotiating and negotiating, you have to talk first to know whether it is feasible or not.

If I don't know Khan's request, how can I make a final decision?
what do you say? "

"Yes yes yes, His Majesty the Emperor is right, but Xiao Khan lost his composure.

Then Xiao Khan first talk about his bold request? "


Spiesmoort drank the warm tea in one gulp, the fragrance of the tea seemed to calm him down.

"Your Majesty, Xiao Khan can tell His Majesty the place where Xiao Khan buried all the treasures of our Western Turks when he fled from that traitor in Huyan Royal Court.

But Khan ventured to mention a few trivial requests.

One of them is nothing more than a little effort for you, His Majesty the Emperor, and that is to hope that His Majesty the Emperor can forgive Xiaohan for his old life.

Xiao Khan is over half a hundred years old, but His Majesty is in the prime of youth.

Little Khan will not have the slightest dissatisfaction with His Majesty until his old age, nor does he have the ability to make waves in His Majesty's hands.

To spare the old life of Xiao Khan, let Xiao Khan linger on his last breath, and enjoy his old age in peace, is nothing more than a trivial matter compared to your Majesty.

It can also demonstrate the benevolent heart of His Majesty the emperor of the Dragon Dynasty, and convince Xiaohan and all the affiliated countries.

Second, Xiao Khan hopes that His Majesty will let Xiao Khan return to his hometown with the old, weak, sick and disabled under his command, and spend the rest of his life in peace.

They are all old members of Xiao Khan, and they have followed Xiao Khan's army all his life, life and death.

Xiao Khan no longer expects them to live a life of glory and wealth, but only hopes to bring them back to their roots, their former homeland, and return to the embrace of the wolf god until they die.

Thirdly, Xiao Khan fled far away to the north of the Yin Mountains and went to Tsarist Russia by mistake. He made a comeback twice but just wanted to regain the grasslands and pastures that belonged to Xiao Khan.

It was the ancestral foundation that Xiao Khan's ancestors poured out with their lives. How could Xiao Khan be willing to fall into the hands of rebellious officials and thieves like the Huyan tribe and remain indifferent.

However, as of today, since His Majesty the Emperor has ruled the world, Little Khan no longer dares to hope to take back that piece of grassland for himself.

I just ask His Majesty the Emperor to take pity on Little Khan, and reward him and his subordinates with the old land of Shibisi.

Give me a place to settle down and live, to support my life.

We, Shibisi, are willing to bow our heads to the Dalong Heavenly Dynasty, pay tribute every year, and be a vassal from generation to generation.

For His Majesty the Emperor, you will guard the side of the soil, in order to express your gratitude to His Majesty Long En.

Xiao Khan dared to mention these three requirements, and hoped that His Majesty the Emperor would grant Xiao Khan with his mighty grace. "

Liu Mingzhi tapped lightly on the table with his fingertips, and looked at Spies Muerte, who was bowing in front of him with a look of sincerity and sincerity, with a half-smile.

"The three requests made by Khan Shibis are indeed small requests, not too much.

When people are old, they hope to return to their roots. It is human nature and completely understandable. "

Wei Yong, Tong Sansi, and Jiang Yuanming's expressions suddenly changed when they heard the words, and subconsciously wanted to get up to persuade them, but Xia Gongming, who was the first, raised his hand to stop them.

"Be quiet and don't worry.

Your Majesty is not the kind of king who would be happy with flattery after listening to a few soft words. "

Xia Gongming's soft muttering stunned the three of them for a moment, and he sat down quietly with a hesitant expression, his complex eyes lingered on the two of them, Young Master Liu and Young Master Liu.

Spies Muerte looked at First Young Master Liu inexplicably in surprise: "Has His Majesty the Emperor agreed to Xiaohan's request?"

Young Master Liu picked up the tea and shook his head with a faint smile.

"It's understandable, but unfortunately I don't agree."

"Ah? Why...why?"

"O Spieth Khan!

The grasslands that you Western Turks stretched across in the past were the territory that was conquered by the Hussar General Champion Hou of the Han Dynasty.

It's just that for some reason, you borrowed it for a period of time and used it as a temporary shelter.

Now that I have spent a lot of effort to get it back, how can I give it up again?
The ancestors threw their heads and sprinkled the territory laid down with blood.

The ancestors went on one after another, spilling blood on the battlefield and desperately recovering it.

How can the land of the ancestors be given to others? "

(End of this chapter)

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