My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2345 1 Years Period

Chapter 2345 One Year Period

Toli Zhamuhe was startled, and stared at by Young Master Liu's seemingly calm but oppressive eyes, the small thoughts that had been faintly rising disappeared in an instant.

He suddenly realized that if he really wanted to help his own Khan, it would be better to honestly translate the original words that Slavic just said.

Otherwise, not only would it not be able to help my own sweating, but it would be self-defeating, and even burn myself and harm myself.

"Yes, yes, the minister understands, and he would not dare to translate indiscriminately. It's just that the minister's words to Tsarist Russia are not profound. If the translation of some words is not in place, please don't mind your majesty the emperor."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Tori's knowing look and nodded with a light smile: "It's okay, as long as you translate the original words, some small discrepancies are not a big problem."

"Your Majesty the Emperor.

Your Majesty, the Slavs just said that they sneaked into the dragon this time, and they didn't mean to start a war with your country.

They sneaked into Dalong only to dig out the gold and silver treasures that our Great Khan promised them.

There is no intention of being an enemy of the dragon.

As for the patrolling scouts who shot and killed your country, they did make a mistake, but there were some misunderstandings.

Not intentionally.

I hope His Majesty the Emperor will learn from you. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and stared at the four Slavs quietly for a while.

"Come here uninvited, and kill more than a dozen of my border guards first, just want to calm things down because of an unintentional misunderstanding?

General Slav thinks too much of himself, right?

I sent troops to encircle and wipe out the soldiers and horses of your two countries at the border between Shibisi Grassland and Yinshan Mountain. I also said that the last sentence was just an unintentional misunderstanding.

Can General Slav be relieved?

Could it be that His Majesty the Tsar of your country will ignore the fact that I beheaded and captured tens of thousands of troops like you because of what I said?
There is an old saying in my Dalong, which is called murder for life, and debt for debt, which is justified.

A misunderstanding is not enough for you to pay for the evil deeds you committed in my Dalong. "

Seeing Liu Mingzhi stop, Toli Zamuhe thought for a while, and then translated the words again to the four Slavs.

When the four of them heard this, their expressions became more and more disturbed.

Ledev swallowed his saliva and looked at Slav hesitantly: "Slav, didn't Shibis always say that the big dragon doesn't kill the captives?

I heard what the Dragon Emperor said, why is he thinking of killing us? "

Yelich also nodded in agreement: "General, what General Ledev said is good. The last general also thinks that Emperor Dalong's words mean that he wants to kill us, and pay for the Dalong patrolling soldiers we shot. fair.

If I had known that if this was the result, it would be better to lead the whole army to break through and die in battle! "

Sensing Young Master Liu's slightly wrinkled eyes, Toli Zamuhe took the initiative to translate.

"Your Majesty, they are discussing whether you will kill them.

They are in a panic now and don't know how you will execute them. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Toli Zamuhe with satisfaction, nodded slightly, looked at the four Slavs who were discussing softly, and waited with interest in his eyes.

Killing the four Slavs right now can indeed be a joy for a while.

However, it is not in Dalong's current interest to completely turn against Tsarist Russia because of a moment of pleasure.

Before the Western Expeditionary Army has really come to an end, the imperial court must not send troops to expedition again.

Otherwise, even if there are hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, they will be dragged down alive, and he will naturally be called a belligerent.

The end of the militarism is that the common people can't eat enough, and there are no men in ten.

In the end, the people are in dire straits.

Once the people are in dire straits, I, my current son, will be...

I am not afraid of leaving a stigma in the history books, but this result is not what I want.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, we feel deeply guilty for shooting and killing your patrol patrol soldiers because of a misunderstanding.

But since things have happened, we don't want to escape the mistakes we made.

Listening to what His Majesty the Emperor said just now, we deeply believe it. Indeed, a misunderstanding cannot cover up the crime of killing your country's soldiers.

I wonder how His Majesty the Emperor wants to end this matter?
Tori, please translate for His Majesty the Emperor. "

"it is good!"

After listening to Toli Zamuhe's translation, Liu Mingzhi groaned thoughtfully for a while, raised his hand and pinched the jade beads on the crown, and half-closed his eyes to look at Slav.

"Can you represent the emperor of your Tsarist Russia?"

"Reporting to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, the descendant is a noble minister awarded by His Majesty the Tsar, and is her servant. How dare a servant represent His Majesty the Emperor?

Unless you get her permission!
Otherwise, the Slavs would never dare to represent the identity of His Majesty the Tsar.

Otherwise, if His Majesty the Tsar finds out, not only the Slav will die, but the Slav's family will also be severely punished. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows, looked at the respectful and fearful expression of Slav when he mentioned the czar, and sighed secretly in his heart, he could make an aristocratic minister who was on an expedition and became a prisoner so obedient to him, it seems that the current czar is also a A man of considerable means!

I don't know if he will become his rival in the future!
"Slav, since you can't represent your tsar, it means that the conflict between our two countries cannot be completely ended for the time being.

This is a confrontation between the emperor and the emperor between the two great powers. If you want to end this conflict, you must agree with the tsar. "

Slav put his eyes away from Toli Zhamuhe, and looked at First Young Master Liu blankly.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Dalong, but now that my emperor is far away in Tsarugal Palace, he doesn't know our current situation, so it is even more impossible to know your thoughts, Your Majesty the Emperor.

In this case, Slav really doesn't know how to end this conflict caused by misunderstanding. "

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, and turned his head to look around at the ministers of civil and military affairs. At this time, they were staring intently at Toli Zamuhe, who was translating the words, so as to understand the situation described by the Slavs.

"My lords."

"Sir wait."

"Have you heard everything?"

"I'm waiting for you to know."

"Then how do you think this conflict should end?"

Song Yu walked out directly holding the court wat: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I think that two of them should be released to return to Tsarist Russia, so that the emperor of Tsarist Russia will send envoys to bow their heads and profess their vassals, and regard my Dalong as the suzerain.

Pay tribute every year and become ministers from generation to generation.

And compensate my Dalong for all the materials consumed in this war, as well as the gold and silver expenses for soldiers and horses.

Only then can we understand the grievances. "

"Minister Du Chenghao seconded the proposal.

In this battle of the Northland, the salary consumption of only 15 soldiers was nearly 50 million taels. Jiang Shangshu was calculating the consumption of grain and grass.

The cost of casting military equipment, gold and silver for the pension of the fallen soldiers is also a large expenditure.

This expense must be paid by compensation from Tsarist Russia.

10 taels of gold, 300 taels of silver, and [-] boxes of rare treasures are the minimum bottom line. Only by taking these out can the grievances be resolved. "

"The minister waits for a second opinion."

Liu Mingzhi looked thoughtfully at the indignant officials, and nodded with a half-smile.


"The surrender is here."

"Did you hear what my Minister of Civil and Military Affairs said?"

"I heard it, I will translate it to the Slavs immediately!"


"His Majesty the Emperor?"


My Dalong Dynasty does not like swordsmen, nor is it afraid of swordsmen.

The fundamental reason for this war is that Tsarist Russia's soldiers and horses came uninvited, and Tsarist Russia must take responsibility for this.

Tell Slav, I can let the four of them go back together, but they have something to tell the Tsar. "


The four Slavs looked at First Young Master Liu inexplicably in surprise: "His Majesty the Emperor is really willing to let us go back to Tsarist Russia? I wonder what message we want to bring to His Majesty the Tsar?"

Liu Mingzhi carefully recalled the progress of the Western Expedition in his mind, and raised a finger at Slav.

"Within one year, let your tsar personally lead the tsarist Russian mission to our Dalong capital to make an apology.

And pay me Dalong war indemnity 100 million taels of gold, 3000 million taels of silver, [-] boxes of rare treasures, and some local specialties of Tsarist Russia.

As for how your Tsarist Russia's gold and silver are calculated, I don't know, I just want my Dalong's weights and measures.

A period of one year, if I have not seen the figure of your Majesty the Tsar appearing in my Dalong capital in one year.

Then this small conflict caused by misunderstanding will eventually become a war between countries.

The dragon's iron cavalry has traveled thousands of miles across the world, but it has never been to the north of Yinshan Mountain!
They don't mind seeing how big the world is, how vast the world is.

If he doesn't come to court as required, I guarantee that he will one day become the protectorate of Dalong as a country of Tsarist Russia! "

Baiguan stared at the upright First Young Master Liu in dumbfounded, and could not help but swallow his saliva.

Your Majesty really dares to open his mouth like a lion.

(End of this chapter)

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