My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2346 Empress of Tsarist Russia?I am familiar with this script

Chapter 2346 Empress of Tsarist Russia?I am familiar with this script
At first, Slav was still confused about what the dragon officials on the left and right sides were doing in such a surprise!

After listening to Toli Zhamuhe's translation, he also became a little dumbfounded.

Although it is not clear how much the war indemnity the Emperor Dalong wants in terms of the weight and measure of Dalong, the Dalong officials on the left and right sides were surprised, and when Toli Zamuhe translated these words, he stunned. With the stuttering appearance, Slav knew it must not be a small amount.

Slav again leaned next to the three of Redov and muttered softly for a while, then turned around and nodded to Young Master Liu.

Of course, nodding does not mean that he agreed to Liu Mingzhi's request, but that he will bring the words to His Majesty the Tsar.

As for whether the tsar would agree to such a rude request, it was beyond his control.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, please rest assured, as long as you let us go back, we will definitely pass on what you said to our tsar."

Liu Mingzhi waved his sleeves and walked towards the Dragon Terrace, and said as he walked: "We Dalong people are a nation of etiquette, and we pay attention to promises, I hope you can keep your promises and bring my words to your Majesty the Tsar.

If you can't do what I want, next time we meet, if you are still the leader of the army, I will try to leave a whole body for you. "

"Don't dare."

Sitting on the dragon chair, Liu Mingzhi moistened his throat with some tea.

"I hope you can persuade your tsar well, and make your majesty the tsar think carefully and think twice.

Otherwise, I can only compete with him in a country-to-country game, a man-to-man contest. "

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he looked at Toli Zhamuhe who stood there motionless with a tangled expression, a little surprised: "Why? Can't you say this?
Then you can put it another way and tell them that the general meaning is the same. "

"Your Majesty the Emperor, it's not that the subordinates can't say it, but...but...but the tsar can't compete with you between men and men, and it's okay between countries."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"Because the Tsar...the Tsar is a woman.

It seems to be called Elizabeth Serena or something, and the specific subjects don't know much about it. "

"Hey...female...female emperor?"

"Yes, a female emperor."

Hiss——Young master is familiar with this script!
The one that is ripe can't be more familiar!
Baiguan's complexion also suddenly became weird, looking at Toli Zhamuhe with a tangled expression for a while, and sneaking a glance at First Young Master Liu sitting on the dragon chair.

This scene is so familiar!
First Young Master Liu raised his hand and frowned, and looked at Toli Zamuhe in disbelief: "The Tsar is really a female emperor?"

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, it is really a female emperor. The descendants and the Great Khan have seen the Tsar more than once when they were in the Russian king's city of Gele, and they are very sure that she is a female emperor.

The reason why she sent the Slavs to lead soldiers and horses to sneak into the territory of Dalong to dig treasures was because of the gold and silver treasures that the Great Khan promised to send troops to Tsarist Russia.

The second is that the Great Khan described some of the treasures he buried, such as jewelry, in an exaggerated description.

It moved the heart of the Tsar, the empress.

And it’s because when we first came back and crossed the Yin Mountain a few years ago, the current tsar was not in power at that time.

After the soldiers and horses of Tsarist Russia returned in defeat, the current tsar who succeeded him wanted to take revenge and rescue the group of soldiers and horses of Tsarist Russia who were captured by the dragon. "

Young Master Liu muttered for a while with a strange expression, then looked at Song Yu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

"Military Department! How did you deal with the first batch of Tsarist Russian prisoners three years ago?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it has been handed over to the Ministry of Industry. I don't know how Yang Shangshu handled it. I haven't asked for a long time."

"Yang Aiqing?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, one group dredged rivers in various state capitals, one group repaired cities in various state capitals, and one group dug wells and repaired canals in impoverished state capitals.

According to the documents written by the officials of the Ministry of Industry and Government Office of various states, as long as you eat enough, drink enough, and drink enough, you will be old and vigorous, and very vigorous. "

"Ah! That means there was no abuse, right?"

"Of course not, my own cows... huh, my servants must not be abused!

No matter what, people have to be full to have the strength to work!

How can our majestic Ministry of Industry and Government Office be the same as the wealthy landowners in the backcountry, who only let people work and don’t let people have enough to eat.

Horses have to run and people have to eat forage, right? "

"Well, that makes sense."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"So what, Tori, where were we talking?"

"Returning to His Majesty the Emperor, I just mentioned that the Tsar is a female emperor.

And the purpose of soldiers and horses sneaking into the dragon. "

"Yes, yes, the Tsar is a female emperor.


Tori! "

"The surrender is here!"

First Young Master Liu pondered for a while, then pouted and asked, "What does this tsar look like? How old is he? Are you married?"

All civil and military officials were shocked, and the corners of their mouths twitched as they secretly glanced at First Young Master Liu, and the expression on their faces became even weirder.

Could it be that His Majesty wants to sleep with the Empress without a surrender without a fight?
However, compared to the two armies fighting with heavy casualties, the beauty trick is indeed a clever plan.

It's a pity that your majesty is a little 'wronged'!

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, although his appearance is different from Dalong and me Turkic, she is also a peerless beauty.

According to what the ministers saw, the tsar was fair and beautiful, with a slender and well-proportioned figure.

The red eyes are captivating, although they are often cold and serious, but the inadvertent frowns and smiles make people fall into it. "

"Oh... isn't it... is it that exaggerated?"

"The surrender did not exaggerate at all. Although the Tsar is a foreign woman, she is still a beautiful woman.

In terms of age, about sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years old, it seems that they have never been married.

In their place, it seems that a man must marry the tsar before she can get married! "

"What, only ten years old?"

"That's right, it's the time for the budding youthful youth."

Young Master Liu's mouth twitched a few times, and he waved his hands in a dispirited manner. Damn Bai was so excited, it turned out to be just a teenage girl.

There is also a stunning girl in her twenties, Ren Qingrui, who is not too interested in her, let alone a teenage girl.

I am not familiar with this script!

First Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, his eyes fixed on Liu Chengfeng and his brothers who had slipped into the hall at some time.

Looking at the boss Liu Chengfeng who was not interested in picking up the mud under his fingernails, Young Master Liu's eyes flickered and turned a few times.

The second child, Liu Chengzhi, and the girl Jingyao have been married for many years, but Liu Chengfeng, who is the eldest brother, is still bare, which is not suitable no matter how you look at it.

This child is about to become an adult, and he is short of a good match girl
The script is actually familiar.

However, if you become a matriarch, it is definitely not necessary to talk about it.

What a joke, if the eldest son of a country's emperor goes to marry a barbarian female emperor as his son-in-law, he might agree in a flash of his brain, but none of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty would agree.

Maybe there will be a few more to admonish the Lord with death in order to maintain the face of the Celestial Dynasty.

In the long run, this script needs to be considered in the long run.

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Liu Mingzhi walked down the dragon platform with a smile on his face that he thought was very kind.


"The surrender is here."

"Then what does the tsar like jewelry or something?"

"Your Majesty, don't women like these things?"


What you said makes sense, but this young master is speechless.

"You tell the Slavs that the four of them can leave the territory of Dalong and return to Tsarist Russia at any time.

What should be brought back is still the same, but let them tell the Tsar that our dragon loves peace.

Out of respect for her as the emperor, I gave her some gifts, hoping she would like them. "


After a while, Slav looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in the dragon emperor's gourd.

However, he nodded respectfully: "We in Tsarist Russia also yearn for peace, hoping to coexist peacefully with the Dalong Celestial Dynasty."

"Shang Dao, I appreciate your general very much!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, it is an honor to surrender."

"Ride the wind."

"Ride the wind."

"Ride the wind."

After calling three times in a row, Liu Chengfeng didn't respond. Young Master Liu turned his head to look, and saw that this guy was leaning on the dragon pillar and concentrating on buttoning the mud on his boots.

Young Master Liu couldn't help but have black lines on his face, could this ineffective thing really be familiar with the script?

"Liu Chengfeng!"

"Ah? Daddy... Father, you call me?"

Gently exhaling, Young Master Liu tried his best to control his anger.

"come over."

"Yes, Father, what are your orders?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his finger and pointed at Toli Zamuhe and the Slavs: "You! Give them some guidance and go to the jewelry store in the capital.

Buy dozens of jewelry such as nobile silver jewelry, gemstone necklaces, agate bracelets, jade pendants, and ice jade bracelets, and let them take them back to the Tsar.

It is said that you, the eldest son of the emperor, specially selected some small gifts for her. "


"Ah what? Let you go."

"Yes, the boy knows, but the boy doesn't have that much money."

"Sign up first, pay the bill, let them go to your grandpa to pay the bill."

"Okay, baby knows."

"Then what, do you have a girl you like?"

"No... haven't met yet, what's the matter?"

"It's fine if you don't, let's go."

Liu Chengfeng nodded in bewilderment, walked towards Toli Zhamuhe, said a few words softly, Tuoli Zhamuhe nodded silently, and glanced at Young Master Liu strangely.

Why does he feel that His Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor has no good intentions!
"Your Majesty the Emperor, did the surrender follow His Royal Highness and lead the four Slavs to leave?"

"Yes, remember to buy more of my Dalong specialties and let the Slavs take them back."

"Yes, the surrender obeys."

After a while, the four Slavs controlled their excitement, imitated Liu Chengfeng and bowed to First Young Master Liu, and retreated out of the hall suspiciously.

"Ministry of Industry."

"The old minister is here."

"The new batch of Tsarist Russian prisoners has also been handed over to your Ministry of Industry."

"The old minister takes orders!"

"Do you have any other paperwork, my love?"

"Report to Your Majesty, I will wait for nothing to play."

"Okay, after drinking the mutton soup prepared by the imperial chef, let's go separately.

Hurry up and finish the government affairs at hand, and prepare for the New Year's rest. "

"Your Majesty Shengming."

(End of this chapter)

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