Chapter 2347

When Liu Dashao and Zhou Baoyu came to the apse again, Shibismurt Xia Gongming and the others were drinking tea with their heads bowed to each other, and fell into a cold situation.

Obviously, there is still no result as to whether Spiesmoult will honestly explain where the treasure is buried.

Young Master Liu coughed softly, walked to the main seat and sat down.

"What? Hasn't Spies Khan thought it through yet?"

Shi Bisi stood up hesitantly, looking at First Young Master Liu with complicated eyes.

"Your Majesty, can you really not give Little Khan a few days to think about it?

After all, this matter is related to the life and death of Xiaohan and the infantry, so Xiaohan still wants to think carefully. "

Liu Mingzhi paused when he raised his hand to serve the tea, squinted his eyes slightly and glanced at Shi Bismoot, then turned the direction of the right hand holding the tea to Zhou Baoyu who was on the side.

"Get out and behead on the spot."

"Follow the order!"

Spiesmoort's expression froze. This scene was not familiar, but very familiar, because the General Zhou who stood next to First Young Master Liu had treated him like this not long ago.

Is it true that Dalong is very popular about throwing people out for Fa-rectification on the spot if they disagree with each other?
While Spies Moulter was still thinking in a daze, Zhou Baoyu directly twisted his hands and pulled him towards the outside of the hall.

Spies Moulter reacted, and hurriedly struggled to restrain Zhou Baoyu.

"Etc., etc!

Your Majesty, if you kill Xiao Khan, you really don't know where the treasure is buried.

Don't you want to see the wealth accumulated by me in Western Turks for hundreds of years, just like this pearl is dusted? "

Spies Moore didn't know if Liu Mingzhi was scaring him or if he really wanted to kill him.

Either way, he dare not bet on it.

There is only one life, if you lose the bet, everything will be lost.

The expressions of Xia Gongming and Wei Yong also changed slightly. They didn't know whether Liu Mingzhi was trying to scare Spies Muerte, or he was going for real.

If it is true, the treasures accumulated by the Western Turks for hundreds of years will really be dusted.

Especially Jiang Yuanming, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, if not everyone here is a person of status and status, they would have scratched their heads anxiously.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Spiesmourt who was being dragged out indifferently, took a sip of the tea, and was completely unmoved by Spiesmourt's screams outside the hall.

Liu Mingzhi knew very well in his heart that Spiesmoult was by no means the smelly and hard stone in the latrine.

But it has to be given a little bit of color. Only when he really makes him try until he feels a sense of crisis that he is about to die, will he give up talking to himself about various requirements.

Under the long corridor of the apse, Zhou Baoyu dragged Spies Muerte around the Qinzheng Hall like a chicken, and walked towards the square in the palace.

"Your Majesty has an order, where is the forbidden army?"

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"Your Majesty has ordered that this person be pushed out of the palace gate, and the Fa be executed on the spot."

"We will obey the order, and it will be enough for Lord Hou to hand over this servant to us."

Zhou Baoyu also knew in his heart that Liu Mingzhi had more to do with frightening Spies Moult, and it would be really troublesome if the soldiers of the Imperial Army couldn't hold back their knives when Spies Moult "got his way back".

"You take this officer out of the palace to ask for beheading, and the Marquis will follow you to supervise the beheading."

"Yes, please, Lord Hou."

When Spies Muerte was picked up by the guards of the Imperial Army and walked towards the palace gate, he became completely flustered.

Looking hysterically at Zhou Baoyu who was following behind with a faint smile, he shouted.

"Xiao Khan stopped making demands, Xiao Khan stopped making demands.

Xiao Khan is willing to explain where the treasure is buried and where the treasure is buried. "

Repeating the words non-stop, Spies Muerte's face was full of desire to survive.

Zhou Baoyu was also unmoved at first, after following Young Master Liu for so many years, he was naturally very familiar with Young Master Liu's methods.

Since you want to scare, scare Spiesmoult completely.

For a person who is afraid of death, there is nothing more frightening than imminent death.

"Forgive me, Xiaohan is willing to explain, Xiaohan is willing to explain."

When he was about to approach the palace gate, Spiesmoult's voice was almost hoarse, so Zhou Baoyu waved his hand to signal the imperial guards to stop.

"Master Hou? What's the matter?"

Zhou Baoyu looked at Spies Moult, who was covered in cold sweat, and said: "God has the virtue of being good at life, since this person is willing to explain his problems to His Majesty, there is no need to execute the Fa on the spot.

Whether it is life or death, it all depends on the person's own choice.

Go back and meet His Majesty. "


Half a stick of incense was going up and down, in the apse of Qinzheng Hall, Young Master Liu looked at Spies Muerte who was standing a few steps away from him and put down his teacup with a faint smile.

"Zhou Baoyu, you are so courageous that you dare to disobey my oral order.

I asked you to escort him out and behead him on the spot, who gave you the courage to decide to escort him back without authorization. "

Zhou Baoyu cooperated with First Young Master Liu's thoughts extremely, and knelt down in front of First Young Master Liu on one knee in fear the moment Young Young Master Liu finished speaking.

"The minister is guilty.

Naturally, the minister did not dare to disobey His Majesty's oral instructions, but Shibis Khan kept shouting along the way, willing to explain his affairs to His Majesty.

The minister thought that God has the virtue of being good at life. After all, Khan Shibis was also the king of a country and his life.

It was a bit too arbitrary to kill him on the spot like this hastily.

Please Your Majesty forgive me. "

Looking at Zhou Baoyu who was cooperating with his acting, First Young Master Liu controlled his desire to laugh out loud.

Liu Mingzhi really couldn't control his emotions when Zhou Baoyu, a general who had experienced many battles and was named a marquis by virtue of his military exploits, could say that God has the virtue of good life.

"Because of the fact that you have been fighting with me for many years, you will be exempted from the death penalty of disobedience, and you will be fined for one year."

"Your Majesty takes orders, thank you for your kindness."

"Spith Khan!"

"Xiaohan is here, Xiaohan is here."

"Have you figured it out?"

Spies Muerte nodded helplessly: "Reporting to His Majesty, Xiao Khan has figured it out, as long as His Majesty can forgive Xiao Khan and his former followers.

His Majesty the Emperor wants to know anything, Xiao Khan must know everything, and he can talk endlessly.

Even though ants are greedy for life, the situation is even worse for humans.

Xiao Khan really didn't want to die. "

"Wouldn't it be better to do this earlier? Why do you have to get to this point?"

"Xiao Khan knows his mistake, Xiao Khan knows his mistake."

"Tell me, before you were defeated and fled, where did you bury the treasures of your royal court?"

Spies Muerte struggled for a while at the end, and said slowly: "Sangzi Forest is located five miles west of the intersection of the Yinshan Ancient Road and the Changsheng River in my Shibis Wangting.

The terrain there is higher than other locations, and it is not easy to accumulate water.

Even if there is a downpour of rain on the grassland in summer, the rain will flow towards the Changsheng River in the southeast within half a day.

The trees around the Sangzi Forest can quickly hide the traces of Xiaohan's buried treasure. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded thoughtfully, and waved to the little eunuch outside the back hall: "Map."

"According to the order."

Not long after, several young eunuchs brought over the map of the Imperial Study Room and placed it in front of First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi immediately got up and began to inspect the map. Xia Gongming and Zhou Baoyu also got up and walked behind Young Master Liu, examining the map excitedly.

"It's probably here, and the exact location needs to be searched for."

"Your Majesty, why don't you send someone to find the specific location immediately?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his eyes and glanced at the snow outside and shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, the grassland is covered with heavy snow now, and it's hard to tell the direction in the endless snow field.

Let's talk about it after the beginning of spring next year, anyway, the treasure is buried there and can't escape.

What's more, Shibis Khan is still a guest in the capital!

Then let him lead the way.

If you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, it belongs to us, and it will be ours sooner or later. "

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"Baoyu, invite Shibis Khan down first, so that he can entertain you."

"According to the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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