My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2348 When Will The East Wind Arrive

Chapter 2348 When Will The East Wind Arrive

Zhou Baoyu escorted Spies Muerte, who was looking like he was still alive after a catastrophe, and walked towards the outside of the hall. Liu Mingzhi put away his eyes on the map, and raised his hand to signal Xia Gongming and the others to sit down.

They were all in the rear just now, so they naturally didn't know how they would deal with the surrender of the Tsarist Russian general.

Naturally, Liu Mingzhi couldn't ignore these veterans and ministers, and told Xia Gongming and others what happened in the front hall just now.

After Liu Mingzhi finished talking about what happened in the front hall, his eyes lingered on the four of them, wanting to see their reactions.

Sure enough, Xia Gongming and Jiang Yuanming became as dumbfounded as the officials in the front hall after hearing Young Master Liu finished speaking.

Xia Gongming looked helplessly at First Young Master Liu and shook his head: "100 million taels of gold, 3000 million taels of silver, [-] boxes of rare treasures, and some specialties from Tsarist Russia.

Your Majesty, old minister!You are really a lion!

This is on top of the tax revenue of one and a half seasons in the heyday of my dynasty.

How could the emperor of Tsarist Russia agree to pay so much war reparations?
The old minister can see that you have never planned to abandon the past and peacefully coexist with Tsarist Russia from the beginning to the end!

Are you forcing the Tsar to go to war with us? "

Jiang Yuanming, who is in charge of the world's money and food, and who has seen countless gold, silver and jewels, also has an irritated expression on his face at this moment.

The war reparations that Liu Mingzhi demanded from Tsarist Russia, even the Minister of the Ministry of Households, felt that it was a bit excessive.

All converted into nearly 6000 million taels of snowflake silver, His Majesty's appetite is too big.

"The old minister seconded Xia Shoufu's intentions, Your Majesty, no matter how you look at it, you don't seem to want to settle the feud with Tsarist Russia!"

"The old minister seconded."

"The old minister also seconded."

Young Master Liu fiddled with the tea leaves on the surface of the water, looking at Xia Gongming and the others indifferently.

"Sooner or later Tsarist Russia will be our great opponent of the Dragon Dynasty, and sooner or later our dynasty will fight Tsarist Russia.

That being the case, let's try Tsarist Russia's attitude first.

While we are now strong and strong, and have the strength to despise all opponents, it is better to leave a prosperous world for future generations than to leave a mess for future generations to clean up, right?

Xialao Aiqing, you are eighty years old this year.

The other three lovers are also in their fifties, right?

Although I am in the prime of life now, time is not forgiving, and I will eventually grow old one day.

If we don't do something for future generations while we can, what will we do when we get old?

Aiqing Xia, do you guarantee that the next chief minister of the cabinet, and even the future chief ministers of the cabinet, will be as loyal to the country as you are?

Two secondary assistants, can you guarantee that your successors will have the same ability as yours to help the country and stabilize the court?

Jiang Aiqing, can you guarantee that your successors will be able to manage the treasury, which is the lifeblood of the world, for me?

Can I guarantee that the future successors will have the same tolerance as me, with a big heart and the ability to look down on the world? "

"This... Your Majesty's vision is high, and the old minister is ashamed!"

"The old minister is confused."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea and slowly stopped in front of the palace gate, looking at the palace full of pavilions and pavilions, he sighed: "The new dynasty has just established, and the road ahead is boundless.

After proclaiming myself emperor, I dare not be careless at all.

The reason why I opened my mouth like a lion is because I want to see the background of Tsarist Russia.

It is the best, but it is just a few years in advance to put the hostile relationship between our dynasty and Tsarist Russia on the surface.

Besides, I am asking all over the sky, so they can also pay back the money on the spot, right?

Not to mention full compensation according to my request, even if we can give one or two out of ten, we will not lose money!
If we can lose half of the amount, we will make a lot of money.

The worst result is that the two countries are on the opposite side.

That's just a matter of time, and it's not worth worrying about. "

"Your Majesty's words are justified, the old minister has just thought about it carefully, this battle in the Northern Territory, plus the battle in the Yinshan territory three years ago.

Our court captured and beheaded no less than [-] soldiers and horses of Tsarist Russia.

After all, the tsar is the king of a country. He lost about [-] soldiers and horses in our country for several years. He should not easily swallow his anger and turn a deaf ear to it.

Once the war is opened, it will be out of control.

Maybe there will be no immediate war due to other reasons, but sooner or later there will be a great war between China and Tsarist Russia. "

"Old ministers seconded, it is not easy to make friends, but easy to make enemies.

Thinking about it with a heart-to-heart comparison, if I had wiped out nearly [-] soldiers and horses successively in Tsarist Russia, we would definitely not let it go.

Firstly, it is to avenge [-] soldiers, firstly to avenge previous shame, and secondly, it is naturally the face of my celestial dynasty.

If the loss of one hundred thousand soldiers and horses is swallowed, the power of our court will be wiped out.

Conversely, the same is true for Tsarist Russia. "

"It's good if you can figure it out, the soldiers and horses of this Tsarist Russia are actually not weak.

The reason why Beidi was able to win a complete victory in this campaign, Qingtonghou, Guyuanbo, Rongweihou, they relied on the advantage of armored artillery fire.

In addition, the military strength of our dynasty far exceeds that of the coalition forces of the two countries, and the disparity in military strength caught them by surprise, so they were able to win a complete victory.

If after they get familiar with the artillery, they develop ways to restrain or avoid the bombardment of the artillery, it will not be so easy for our soldiers to win.

Their stature can be said to be strong and strong, and their military equipment is also very complete, making them a formidable enemy. "

"Then, does Your Majesty think it is possible for me to go to war with Tsarist Russia in recent years?"

"I'm not an omnipotent god-man, so I dare to jump to conclusions.

But no matter when we will go to war with Tsarist Russia, we must be prepared to go to war with Tsarist Russia at any time from the beginning of spring next year.

Take precautions in advance, so as not to cause a sudden war in the future, we will be caught off guard. "

"Your Majesty is right. We really need to make preparations for the whole army."

"House Department."

"His Majesty?"

"If we have to go to war with Tsarist Russia at the end of next year or even around the beginning of spring the next year, will the treasury be in a good position?"

Jiang Yuanming took out an account book from his cuff and put it on the table to look through it. After a long time, he closed the account book and shook his head at Young Master Liu.

"Although it will not be empty, it is not optimistic.

No shortage of money, no shortage of food.

If the Western Expeditionary Army still does not report back to the court by the end of the next year, and we start a war with Tsarist Russia, if the war cannot be ended in the short term after collecting food and grass, if the fight continues for a long time, the common people will eat sweet potatoes and dried sweet potatoes. up.

Even if not all the people will be like this, at least [-]% of the people in the state capital are living on a tight schedule. "

Liu Mingzhi gently put down the tea cover: "What if the news of the completion of the Western Expedition came back?"

"Then there's no problem, and there's no need to collect food and grass from the wealthy state capital. The emergency food and grass prepared for the Western Expedition Army is enough to support the expenditure of 30 troops for about eight months.

Even with the consumption on the way of transporting grain and grass, it is still no problem to last the first half of the year.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is the key, and the key to the westward expedition is that the east wind does not know when it will blow back to the court! "

"Don't worry, what should come will always come!"

(End of this chapter)

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