My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2349 The stars hold the moon

Chapter 2349 The stars hold the moon
Young Master Liu signaled the civil and military officials in the hall to wait for the mutton soup from the imperial dining room, explained to the sons and daughters in the hall, and went back in the carriage that came first.

If it were in the past, Young Master Liu would definitely walk around alone, walking around the street before going home.

However, today's dragon robe and flat sky crown are too eye-catching.

In order to avoid unnecessary commotion, it would be safer to stay in the carriage.

When passing by Penglai Restaurant, First Young Master Liu lifted the curtain of the car to take a look, and saw the girl Ren Qingrui dressed as a book boy standing in front of the booth talking and laughing with the pretty woman Tao Ying, she shook her head with a wry smile.

"This girl, after all, is still disobedient. It seems that Jinxi is not planning to go home to celebrate the festive season with her parents."

Liu Song, who was driving, heard the young master's muttering, and looked back.

"Master, do you want to go to the restaurant and change into your normal clothes, and then stay at the fortune-telling booth to pass the time?"

"Forget it today.

Let's go back to the mansion first, there are still some trivial matters in the mansion that I need to go back to deal with, young master.

You go and tell Maid Ren and Tao Ying that it's cold outside and if there are really no customers, you should close the stall early and go back to have a rest.

They are different from me, there is no need to work hard to guard this stall to pass the time.

Besides, in addition to selling books, if there is a fortune-telling customer, just rely on the skills of the two of them, wouldn't that be a blow to the young master's brand! "

"Yes! Master, do you have any other words that I need to take with you?"

"We'll see each other in a day and a half. Do you have anything to say?"

"Little one understands."

Liu Song laughed and jumped out of the carriage, and trotted towards the fortune-telling booth.

First Young Master Liu watched through the car window as Liu Song was gesticulating with Tao Ying while Ren Qingrui and Ren Qingrui were talking softly, pointing in the direction of the carriage from time to time.

After a few breaths, the two women looked at the carriage in surprise and nodded slightly.

Only then did Liu Song hold the whip and ran towards the carriage.

"Master, the little one is back."

"Have you explained everything?"

"It's done."

"Then go home."

"Okay! Young master, you sit down, the little one is going to drive.

By the way, young master, Sister Tao Ying asked the younger one to tell you that it will be November 24 soon.

Just don't forget what you promised her. "

First Young Master Liu smiled softly, stretched out his hand and waved out the car window, leaned on the soft cushion and closed his eyes, feigning sleep.

After Tao Ying's birthday on December 24, maybe for the rest of her life, she will have another beautiful woman to join her hands for the rest of her life.



"Is it true that you say that it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books?"

"That depends on who said it. There is still a huge difference between what ordinary people say and what wise people say."

"Then do you think Chengzhi and the others are bored at home and learn to deal with government affairs in the palace, but have never really experienced the sufferings of the world, is it a bit too... Hey... Forget it..."

"Young Master, do you want to send Young Master Chengfeng and Young Master Chengzhi to see how the real people's livelihood officials in various state capitals are like?"

Liu Mingzhi tapped his knee lightly with his fingers, and nodded silently.

"Drive well."

"Yes, my little one can concentrate on driving."

The carriage drove slowly in the direction of Liu's mansion, listening to the noisy voices on the street outside the carriage, Liu Mingzhi's heart was surprisingly calm.

Calm like a pool of stagnant water.

The scene seen in the Hall of Ten Kings today touched Liu Mingzhi a lot.

Li Tao's calmness and prudence are much stronger than those of his children.

The girl Yue'er was originally the only princess in the palace who was capable and qualified to compete with her court, but now this girl not only "doesn't work properly", but also leads several brothers and sisters who entered the palace astray.

It's human nature to have fun once in a while after busying with government affairs, so Liu Mingzhi naturally wouldn't have any objections.

But I'm afraid that if they go on like this for a long time, they will become more and more embarrassing to reuse.

Especially Cheng Zhi and Yue'er brother and sister, they are his favorite candidates for the heir to the throne.

I didn't think anything was wrong when I didn't go to the Ten Kings Hall, but after seeing this scene today, it seems that I am not as good as Li Tao.

It's not that they are inferior in intelligence and intelligence, but that they are inferior in character and ability.

Yue'er, a stinky girl, helped Wanyan supervise the country for many years in the past, and handled all the domestic and foreign government affairs in an orderly manner.

Under the blockade of Dalong back then, he had the ability and means to continuously provide sufficient food and grass for the soldiers on the front line, and he was able to stabilize the panic situation in the court of the Kingdom of Jin.

For this alone, this girl's ability to deal with government affairs and intelligence is not comparable to that of Li Tao.

Even if there is an external reason for Wanyan to listen to the government behind the curtain and help her make up her mind, it is enough to show that this girl's mind is far better than her brothers and sisters.

But since her father ruled the world, this girl has changed.

Obviously there are thousands of ups and downs in his chest, but he just doesn't make it right.

This kid, Cheng Zhi, has followed him in northern Xinjiang for many years, helping him with government affairs, and going out with the army, so his ability is also extremely outstanding.

Although she is slightly inferior to his little sister Yue'er, as long as she is cultivated carefully, she will definitely be a benevolent and wise gentleman in time.

Yue'er is now more intelligent than her brothers and sisters because her starting point is too high, and she was bluntly raised as the next emperor when she was born, how could it be worse.

But it doesn't mean that she is [-]% better than the rest of her brothers and sisters.

It can only be said that the ruler is shorter and the inch is longer.

But this stinky girl, Yue'er, was like a drop of ink, directly staining the clear water of her brothers and sisters black.

Ever since she entered the capital, there was no shortage of laughter in Liu's residence, but her sons and daughters except Yue'er were also led astray by this girl.

In the past, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yiyi, and Yaoyao would never play a game of punching and eating lemons in a place like the Hall of Ten Kings.

It's absolutely impossible to go on like this, fun is fun, and they must not be allowed to play in a degenerate direction.

It seemed necessary to separate them for a while and find something for them to do.

Otherwise, even if my father left them a splendid family business, he would not be able to keep it in the end.


"Master, you're home."

Liu Mingzhi's movement of knocking his knees suddenly stopped, his eyes that were dozing off were slightly opened, revealing a complicated look of helplessness and pampering in his eyes.

"Hey, stinky girl. You, you want to worry about your father and me to death.

The stars holding the moon is for you to bring the stars to the light, not for you to take the stars away from the orbit of this universe. "

Getting out of the carriage and jumping off, Liu Mingzhi walked towards the gate.

"Send the carriage to the backyard, and tell the servants that Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and Yue'er will go to the study and wait for me after they come back."

"Yes, the little one knows."

"Congratulations, Young Master...Your Majesty returns home."

A group of servants who came and went greeted Young Master Liu back home as usual, and then saluted First Young Master Liu stutteringly when they saw what Young Master Liu was wearing.

Young Master Liu waved his hands casually, with a somewhat uninhibited gesture.

"At home, there is only the young master without your majesty. From now on, no matter what I wear, I will be called the young master."

"Yes, welcome young master back home."

"As usual, go and do whatever you want, young master, I'm going back to the inner courtyard."

"Yes, send the young master off."

In the West Courtyard, Young Master Liu saw the Empress and Qi Ya talking and laughing around the courtyard, and hurriedly greeted them.

"Wanyan, you are due to give birth in more than a month, can't you take a good rest?
You complained of heel pain all day long, and now it doesn't hurt anymore? "

Qi Ya first glanced at First Young Master Liu's clothes in surprise, and saw that he was in a hurry, she snorted coquettishly and helped the queen to walk towards the stone bench covered with cotton pads.

"Mr. Sai took Wanyan's sister's pulse and advised her to live more. I feel sorry for you. I never saw you so anxious when I was pregnant with Liujia."

"Hey, good sister Ya who is your husband, don't eat Wuming Fei vinegar, okay?

When you were pregnant with Liujia, the soup you drank was boiled for your husband himself, why don't you feel sorry for you?
Sowing discord, you are purely sowing discord.

In the evening, after finishing my business with my husband, I have to go to the room to explain the truth to you. "

Qi Ya spat secretly, and gave First Young Master Liu a charming look.

"I'm afraid of you, I'm waiting for you."

The empress also stared at the dragon robe on Young Master Liu with bright eyes for a while, then raised her hand and poured two cups of tea to the young and young Liu who were flirting and charming.

Shaking her head with a smile: "Sister Ya is such a good-natured person that you bully her, it's really thanks to you.

What's the matter, it seems a little frowning?

Has anything major happened in the DPRK? "

Young Master Liu took the tea and sat down on the stool carelessly and exhaled.

"It's not Yue'er, that stinky girl."

Seeing this, Qi Ya frowned slightly, put down her teacup and patted First Young Master Liu on the shoulder.

"Tell me slowly, what's the matter? Yue'er and the others are busy with business in the palace, so they can make you angry?"

The Queen's Liu Mei also frowned slightly, and looked at Young Master Liu suspiciously.

"What trouble did this girl get into again?"

(End of this chapter)

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