Chapter 2350
Liu Mingzhi put the warm tea in his mouth and sipped it, looked at the puzzled eyes of the two sisters, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Creating trouble is not causing trouble, but what you are doing is not as good as making trouble outside."

The empress raised her slender fingers with a coquettish look and twisted Young Master Liu's thigh: "Then you are talking about it! Can you stop being a secret?"

Qi Ya obediently sat on the stool beside her, and lightly shook Young Master Liu's shoulders: "That's right, my husband, don't be fooled, and stop making our sisters' appetites."

"Let's talk, my husband didn't talk about it, my husband just came back from court, you two have to let me take a breath, let's talk about it after a cup of tea?"


"Not hot!"

First Young Master Liu looked helplessly at the anxious-looking Empress and sisters, and drank some tea to sort out his thoughts.

"Today, Baoyu, Baotong, Yeluhu, Zhebieshu, and Rongwei are waiting for them to escort the former Western Turks, the descendants of Tsarist Russia and Tsarist Russia to Beijing and enter the palace to meet their husbands.

On the whim of my husband, I went to the Hall of Ten Kings, intending to see Chengzhi, Yueer and these children..."

After elaborating on what happened in the Palace of Ten Kings, Young Master Liu heavily placed the teacup in his hand on the table.

"These little bastards scared my husband so much that he almost jumped out of his heart.

If you were there, if you witnessed Yue'er lying on the floor convulsively, spitting out acidic water as if poisoned by deadly poison, you would also be terrified.

At that time, Wei Fu only felt that his eyes were dark, and the sky was about to collapse.

It turned out that eating the lemon brought back by Jiang He made his teeth chatter and his whole body trembled.

Don't you think it's a disease?
These little bastards, what game is not good to play, this kind of game.

Do they think that I lived too long for my husband and died too late? "

The Empress and Qi Ya saw Young Master Liu cursing angrily, and they couldn't help laughing while pursing their cherry lips.

Although my husband described the thrilling and exciting situation in the Palace of Ten Kings, which made people's heartstrings tense, but seeing him like this, I still couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, hey, what's going on, you guys are still laughing? You're happy to be a widow after your husband died, aren't you?"

The two women hurriedly shook their heads in denial: "No, no, this concubine would never dare to think so."

"Even if I don't love you, I still have to love the child in my stomach. How pitiful it would be if the child is born without a father in the future!"

The two girls are delicate-minded women, and after listening to it, they knew clearly that Young Master Liu seemed to be condemning the little cutie for scaring his father by playing this kind of game.

In fact, the words are filled with the helplessness of seeing the children become a bit embarrassing and useless, and hating iron for being weak.

In particular, Liu Da mentioned Li Tao a few times. It seems that the sons and daughters who entered the Palace of Ten Kings compared with Li Tao, the former King Zhao, put pressure on the husband!

For this kind of thing, the two women didn't know how to advise Liu Mingzhi.

The empress lowered her head and gently stroked the Gaolong belly inside the jacket, raised her bright eyes, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with complicated eyes for a while.

"You have no conscience, you have changed."

"Huh? What changed?"

The empress pursed her red lips and remained silent for a long time, then she said with a light part of her cherry lips: "Now you look at everything with suspicion.

The root of the problem is actually not in a few children at all, but in yourself.

The authorities are confused by the bystanders, and you become a little worried about gains and losses.

Began to doubt everything.

You weren't like this before.

Actually, you are scared!

Is it right? "

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the queen for a while, then his tiger's body shook suddenly, and he narrowed his eyes slightly to look at the desolate scenery in the courtyard.

"So it was me who was really at fault?"

The queen stood up slowly, walked behind Liu Mingzhi, gently hugged Liu Mingzhi's tiger waist, put her head on Liu Mingzhi's shoulder, and sighed faintly.

Seeing this, Qi Ya gently put down her teacup, and quietly exited the courtyard where the queen lived without saying goodbye.

Liu Mingzhi gently grasped the empress's arms around his waist.

"To put it bluntly, have I really changed? Have I become suspicious of everything?"

"Fool, although you are far away from the palace, you intend not to be in power.

But you are becoming more and more like a qualified emperor.

You want to have it all in the palm of your seemingly nonchalant, nonchalant hands.

You want everything to develop in the direction you expected, to develop according to your ideas.

You don't like that some things will be out of your control, and you feel that there will be unfavorable situations happening to you.

Everything is showing that you are becoming more and more like a qualified emperor.

Although you are not in the palace, the affairs of the world have never escaped your eyes and ears.

When you spoke just now, you acted for a moment, which was really similar to that person back then.

It seems that his influence on you is really deep. "

Liu Mingzhi's eyes were fixed, and his heart was slightly agitated. Although he had already guessed who the empress was talking about, he still couldn't help asking.


"Li Zheng.

Although he was not able to rule the world personally, but his bearing and mind, and his foresighted disposition, even though he bluntly said that he had been hostile to him for many years, he had to admit that he was indeed a hero of the generation.

You are now more and more on par with him.

In fact, under your nonchalant appearance, you really care about your status as a rebellious minister and thief who conspired to usurp the throne, right?
I used to bluntly think that you have already let go.

It wasn't until today that Wanyan realized that after so many years, you still couldn't let go of your identity as a rebel and proclaimed emperor for a long time.

You are scared.

It's not that I'm afraid anymore.

But I am afraid that after a hundred years, my sons and daughters will be able to carry the banner of a hundred thousand mountains and rivers.

You are afraid that the root of disaster you left behind will bring disaster and death to them.

You always want to be on par with Li Zheng, and you want to use your achievements during your reign to erase the stain of your seeking power and usurping the throne.

But a blunt fool man!

Merit is failure, and failure is failure.

Some merits and demerits can be offset, and some merits and demerits cannot be offset no matter what you do.

Why do you need to put so much pressure on yourself?

The inscription written by your father-in-law in the study room is to hope that you can understand that as long as a person has a clear conscience and a clear heart, he can travel freely in the world.

At least you tried your best to be a loyal minister and general who will last forever, didn't you?

To blame can only be blamed on God's tricks. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the Empress with a dull expression: "Wanyan...I...

I am just afraid that the children will not be able to carry this banner in the future.

I have never had too high demands on them. Even if they can't be the eternal emperors who will carry on the past and usher in the future, they will be satisfied if they can be a successful king and husband.

But today's scene in the Palace of Ten Kings made Weifu a little upset.

My husband is not afraid that they will become playful, but I am afraid that they will forget their identities, the heavy responsibilities on their shoulders, and the burdens on their shoulders.

From the bodies of their brothers and sisters, Wei Fu did not see any one who is now qualified to inherit the throne.

How can you not be anxious as a husband, how can you not be afraid?
In the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, the generals of the frontier army are now nine out of ten people who are taken care of by their husbands.

They are loyal to me because of the relationship between their husband and their current monarchs and ministers.

But we are all old, what about the relationship between the successor king and the successor civil and military minister?

Who can guarantee that the relationship between their monarch and ministers will be the same as the relationship between the husband and the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty?

In these children, my husband has not seen anyone who has the means and mind to easily control the pillars of the country.

Maybe the husband was wrong.

Their current path is not in the court, but in the people.

It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books.

It's time to let them travel around the state capitals. "

The Queen's expression changed, she looked at First Young Master Liu in astonishment: "You—are you going to release them as officials?"

"That's not the case, their current ability is not enough to shepherd one party.

Let them conduct a private visit on Weibo first, and let's go hunting on behalf of Tianxun!

This New Year, let them go with the common people.

Let them see for themselves what the world that one of them will be in charge of in the future will look like! "

"What about their safety? People from Spy Shadow are always dormant, what if they are hijacked by people from Spy Shadow?"

Young Master Liu stood up slowly, staring calmly at the warm sun in the sky.

"They didn't dare, because the film master knew in his heart that if he dared to touch a hair on any of his husband's children, his husband would completely wipe out all his hopes of restoring the former dynasty and being loyal to the chastity in an instant.

The Li family members who kept the clan mansion are the amulets of the children. "

(End of this chapter)

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