My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2351 Wealth Code

Chapter 2351 Wealth Code
Liu Mingzhi had already made it very clear, but the empress still looked worried, and her bright eyes concealed the concern for the safety of her children.

"Having said that, what if the Spy Shadow people jump over the wall in a hurry and capture them together to threaten you?
They are killers who live in the dark, and they don't know the so-called morality and identity.

In order to achieve the goal, it has always been unscrupulous.

Wanyan is still worried that their safety will be threatened after they leave the capital alone. "

Liu Mingzhi clasped the back of the Queen's hand and patted it lightly for a few times, giving her a reassuring look: "Which is to say, although your admiral had a lot of dealings with Spy Shadow's spies back then.

But you don't necessarily have the heart and means to be a husband who understands Spy Shadow better.

The purpose of their existence is to restore the Li family dynasty.

It is precisely this purpose that constrains them, making them dare not operate on Yue'er, Chengzhi and their brothers and sisters easily.

Don't worry, you are the mother of the children, and your husband is also the father of the children. How can you take the safety of your children as a trifling matter?

Without full confidence, my husband would definitely not make this decision.

This is what I decided after careful consideration. "

The empress stared quietly at Liu Mingzhi for a moment, seeing the unwavering self-confidence on his face, then nodded hesitantly.

"Okay, since you've thought it over, you won't say too much politely.

I honestly believe that you will not harm the lives of your own children.

But there is a point! "

"Huh? Just say it."

The queen grabbed Young Master Liu's right hand and sent it towards her own cherry lips, biting it lightly and slightly, with faint blood oozing out.

"Without conscience, Wanyan's feelings for you are endless, and she is loyal, but if something happens to her daughter, Wanyan will never forgive you for the rest of her life.

I will hate you forever.

Including any child except Yue'er who has an accident, not only politely, sister Yun'er, sister Lian'er, and sister Yan'er will hate you for the rest of their lives. "

Young Master Liu bared his teeth and rubbed the wound on his hand with a row of neat tooth marks, and gave the Queen an angry look.

"Weifu has found out. With these little bastards around, Weifu has no place in your hearts."

The empress saw the clear tooth marks on Young Master Liu's hand, with deep regret flashing in her eyes, she dragged Young Master Liu's palm onto Gao Long's lower abdomen, took out a bottle of golden sore medicine from her cuff and poured it out. go up.

The empress glanced at First Young Master Liu, who was breathing in cold air, with embarrassment and embarrassment in her eyes: "Wanyan thought you would hide!"

"My husband thought you were not willing to bite! Who would have thought that you would be so cruel?"

Carefully wiping the powder on her man's wound, the queen smiled charmingly.

"Don't be angry, okay, wait until this tormenting little guy in Wanyan's stomach is born, and Wanyan will make up for you when he is healthy."

"Compensation? How to compensate?

The wound is small, but the heartache is big.

You broke my young master's heart, do you know that? "

The empress glanced around, got up slightly and leaned into Young Master Liu's ear, exhaling a breath of warm, fragrant air.

"In the future, you can do whatever you want, and let you deal with it politely."


The queen nodded shyly.


When Young Master Liu saw this, he looked at the shy queen with excitement as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and put his intact left hand next to the queen's red lips.

"Then what, politely!
If you don't want to give my husband's left hand a bite again, take a bite hard, the skin will be torn apart, and the blood will splatter. I don't blame you.

Otherwise, my husband would feel uneasy! "

The empress's cherry lips twitched, her bright eyes cast a fierce look at the smiling Young Master Liu, she got up gently and walked towards her boudoir with her waist in one hand.


Young Master Liu smiled and caressed the cold wound on his hand, looked at the queen's beautiful figure, turned around and walked towards the study with a smile.

"This tooth mark is the wealth code, a proper wealth code that can unlock more postures.

If every woman could do this... dare not think, dare not think! "

Young Master Liu just arrived in the study and sat down within a quarter of an hour when Yinger's daughter Liu Yunxin ran in smiling as always, carrying a stack of strangely shaped pastries.

"Daddy, you're back and eating pastries."

First Young Master Liu put down the pen in his hand and took the pastry made by Yun Xin's good daughter, cheerfully hugged it into his arms, wrapped the girl's healthy and growing body in a big cloak, and wiped the pimples on the girl's forehead with her hand. Gray marks.

"Xin'er, Daddy has told you several times that when you come out of the kitchen in the future, you must wear a cloak or jacket. If you catch a cold, you have to drink bitter and unpalatable soup."

Liu Yunxin's pink face shrunk, and she shook her head generously.

"Don't take medicine, Yunxin doesn't take medicine.

Dad eats pastries, which are delicious. "

"Okay, dear girl, let's eat together, Daddy, try to see how much you have learned your mother's craft now!"

"I've learned everything, Yunxin has learned everything, Daddy has a taste."

Young Master Liu deftly lowered his head and opened his mouth to receive the pastries that Liu Yunxin handed over, and began to savor them carefully.

"Daddy, is it delicious? Has Xin'er's craftsmanship improved?"

To be honest, compared with the pastries made by her mother Yinger, the pastries made by my good daughter are not satisfactory.

But Young Master Liu felt that it was better than all the delicacies he had eaten.

Except for this girl, Yun Xin, with so many children, no one has cooked for herself.

Among the many sensible children, Yun Xin should be the one who knows how to love her father the most.

When thinking about this, Young Master Liu completely forgot about Liu Yiyi and his sisters buying clothes for him.

No matter what you say now, Liu Yunxin is the most well-behaved.

"It's delicious, what Xin'er cooks is even better than mother's."

"Hee hee, if it's delicious, Daddy should eat more."

In the tender room between the father and daughter, several brothers and sisters, headed by Xiao Kei, lay on the door of the study room and looked around the study room.

"Father, are you busy?"

"Yiyi met Daddy."

"Yaoyao pays homage to Daddy."

"Ride the wind..."

First Young Master Liu wiped the pastry residue from the corner of his mouth, and glanced at the door angrily: "What are you doing looking around? Let me get out of here."

Liu Yiyi's brothers and sisters all bowed their heads and lowered their eyebrows and walked into the study. Only the little cutie followed the door to the carpet in front of the desk in a naive manner, and rolled to the desk of Young Master Liu, scratching. Looking at Young Master Liu with a naive smile on his fair neck.

"Father, Yue'er is really obedient and rolled in.

The eldest sister, the second sister, the eldest brother, the second brother, the third sister, and the younger sister were disobedient and walked in.

beat!Must be beaten!

Beat to death, don't save Yue'er face.

Yue'er fully supports any decision of her father. "

Young Master Liu looked at the cute little girl who was smiling like a ghost with black lines. It seemed that the two lemons in the Palace of Ten Kings had given her a long memory.

Liu Yunxin who was huddled in her father's arms didn't know that her elder brothers and sisters were punished by her father. Seeing the funny look of the fourth sister Liu Luoyue, she greeted her with a small grin.

"Eldest Sister, Second Sister, Eldest Brother... Fourth Sister, Third Brother, you are back!"

"Hey, Xin'er is good!"

"Xin'er is good, the third sister bought you a gift, will I give it to you when I get back?"

"Okay, thank you, Third Sister."

Liu Mingzhi looked down at Liu Yunxin in his arms, then raised his eyes and glanced at the cuties and the others: "Sit down!"

"Yes, thank you father for giving me the seat."

"Thank you dad."

"Ride the wind."

"The child is here."

"Did you take all the things bought by the generals of Tsarist Russia?"

"I bought it, I bought a total of 48 kinds of jewelry such as gold, silver and jewelry, and they are all valuable things.

The generals of Tsarist Russia liked the gifts chosen by the child very much. "

"Hmm! As long as you like it, I'm still very relieved of your kid's work.

This time I brought you together, I have something to explain to you as a father.

You have stayed in the capital for a long time, don't go to see the world..."

"I have met my husband in person."

"I have met my husband in person."

"The concubine is polite, and my husband is well."

"The concubine is presenting to her husband."


Young Master Liu looked at the group of beauties entering the study, glanced at the empress who was standing aside, pretending to look at the arrangement of the study, and shook her head angrily.

Holding Liu Yunxin in his arms and walking towards the stove in the main hall, First Young Master Liu sat cross-legged on the carpet.

"There aren't so many chairs in the study, and our family doesn't have anything to pay attention to, so we can sit wherever we want."

"Yes, thank you, husband!"

(End of this chapter)

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