My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2352 1 Leaf Falling Knows Autumn in the World

Chapter 2352
As soon as Liu Mingzhi sat down, Qi Yun and his daughters were not polite, and casually knelt down and sat on the expensive velvet blanket spread around the stove.

The empress had a big belly about to give birth, so she could only go to the chair where Young Master Liu was sitting just now and sit down, took a peek at Young Master Liu, and pretended to be fingering her nails which were not dirty.

Many sons and daughters were directly squeezed out at the edge, looking at the helpless old man with a snickering smile.

With each other's mothers and many aunts around, it is absolutely impossible for the father to go crazy today.

Mother and most of the aunts will not talk about it, but only the gentle and virtuous Aunt Ya will show up alone, no matter how big the anger of the father is, [-]% of the anger will be extinguished in an instant.

Little Cutie and the others didn't know the reason why Young Master Liu called them to come to the study, and they thought that the old man wanted to settle the score with what happened in the Palace of Ten Kings!

Young Master Liu fiddled with the blanket with the tongs, then turned around and swept the beauties who were kneeling around him but were all silent.

"It's not easy for my husband to gather you all together on weekdays. Why are you so free today? Did you all come to my husband's study without invitation?"

When First Young Master Liu asked this sentence, his eyes kept scanning the faces of Qi Ya and the queen sisters.

He didn't need to think about it carefully to know that the reason why Qi Yun and the other sisters gathered together was inseparable from these two sisters.

Either Qi Ya revealed what happened to Yue'er and the others in the Hall of Ten Kings, or the Queen revealed that she wanted Chengzhi and the others to travel thousands of miles.

Qi Yun, the elder wife, hesitated for a moment, and looked at her husband with her cherry lips pursed: "Husband, I heard that you don't plan to let Cheng Zhi and the others stay at home for the New Year, but let them pay a private visit in disguise, and go hunting on behalf of the sky.

is not it? "

Qi Yun's words stunned young master Liu's many sons and daughters. They looked at their father's back for a while, and didn't realize what Yunniang kissed for a while.

Major General Liu put half of the cake left in his hand, and gently stuffed it into Liu Yunxin's small mouth, patted the residue on the palm of his hand, glanced around at the beauties around and nodded.

"Weifu originally planned to make arrangements with a few children first and then inform you. Since you have already learned the news from Wanyan in advance, no matter, everyone happens to be there, so Weifu will be blunt.

Weifu really intends to let a few children experience the sufferings of the world.

Although my husband was born in the Liu family in Jiangnan, since he entered Dangyang Academy that year.

Although there is part of the reason why my husband has come to this day with the full support of the old man behind him, but most of the situation was experienced by my husband and made a living alone.

I finally feel shallow on paper, and I never know that this matter has to be done.

Some things, no matter how well my husband arranges for them, but these children will not be able to entrust them with important responsibilities in the future if they don't experience the people's livelihood and government in various state capitals for themselves. "

Qi Yun licked her lips a few times, and looked back at Liu Chengzhi and Liu Yaoyao who were kneeling behind her.

"I understand my husband's painstaking efforts, but isn't it too early to let them out now?"

Qinglian also hurriedly nodded in agreement, and glanced at the children beside her: "Husband, my sister is right, Yiyi is the eldest sister of all the children, and she is only 16 years old this year.

Private visits in micro-services, hunting on behalf of the sky, this is the honor of the imperial envoy.

At their age, how could they bear such a heavy burden?

You see, we should wait another two years, until their minds have matured again..."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and directly considered Qinglian's words.

"The prince and princess in the Emperor's Garden, are you still under ten years old?

If her husband allowed it, the three sisters Yiyi, Feifei, and Yaoyao would have been like the ladies of other famous families. They should have married when they were 14 years old two years ago, and they should have married and raised their children.

Chengfeng, Chengzhi and his brother were supposed to start a family and start a business last year, and they should be crowned kings.

Even Chengqian should open his mansion and become king after this year is over.

You tell my husband, how many brothers and sisters are they based on Chengqian, and which one is younger? "

Qinglian panicked, and her fingers were tightly intertwined: "I... I know I'm wrong."

Seeing Qinglian's overwhelmed look, Liu Mingzhi immediately felt distressed.

"Lian'er, my husband didn't reprimand you, no matter how biological the child is, you can't pamper him too much.

Some things are too much. "

"Yes, I know."

"Ride the wind, become a dry, Yaoyao."

"The child is here."

"The document of locust larvae appeared in Yuzhou Prefecture this year. It was after the three of you jointly verified that Xiao Chengzi handed it over to Weifu for approval, right?"

The three brothers and sisters nodded hurriedly: "It was jointly signed by the three brothers and sisters of Hai'er, and there are approvals from the assistant of the household department and the chief assistant of the cabinet."

"Hmm! Don't be nervous.

For the father, I ask you, you have ordered a series of disaster relief measures.

Have you ever considered that there are a total of thirteen state capitals under the Yuzhou Governor's Mansion, where the locust plague may be the worst?Where is the locust plague the lightest?
How can relying on the emergency treasury of each state capital to provide disaster relief after receiving the order of the imperial court? "

The expressions of the three brothers and sisters froze, and they clasped their foreheads and muttered for a long time without an answer, so they could only shake their heads at Young Master Liu in embarrassment.

"Father, I know my mistake."

"Father, I tell you that the locust eggs in the nine counties under the jurisdiction of Luozhou are the most serious, and the eight counties in Shangzhou are the lightest. Among them, Kaizhou and Xinzheng can provide disaster relief by themselves.

If you follow your instructions, all the disaster relief food from the imperial court will be transported to Yuzhou Prefecture.

How to mobilize the grain and grass at that time?
At that time, the victims were most concerned about food.

Once the food mobilization goes wrong, civil unrest will definitely set off.

You tell my father, if there is a civil disturbance at that time, should my father punish the Governor of Yuzhou, or should I punish you for your negligence? "

"The boy knew he was wrong."

"Chengzhi, Yiyi."

"The child is here."

"The documents for the flood disaster in Huizhou were written by your siblings, right?"

"It was jointly issued by the two siblings."

"Then, have you ever considered that if the flood control is carried out according to the content of the Huizhou governor's request in the document, how many neighboring state capitals may be affected by the flood?
Think about the location of Huizhou and answer as father. "

The siblings looked at each other, Liu Chengzhi thought for a while, then looked at Young Master Liu with little confidence.

"Four... four?"

"It's nine."

"Ah? How come there are so many?"

"You know how much! If the flood control is carried out according to the request of the Governor of Huizhou Prefecture, the entire banks of the Jianghuai River and even Huzhou, Yuzhou will be affected by the flood for a generation.

More than 30 people in Huizhou Prefecture were saved, and more than 100 million people in the other nine large and small prefectures were affected by the flood.

Yan Wenhai, governor of Huizhou, is the parent official of Huizhou. He must consider the people under his rule.

But you are the princes of the current dynasty, and your eyes should not be on the people in one prefecture, one state, one county, or one place.

You should put it on the people of the whole world.

It has been two years since I entered the Hall of Ten Kings, and it is not clear where the floods and how many state capitals will be affected by the floods near the state capitals on both sides of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

Lao Tzu let you enter the Palace of Ten Kings and take power, what did you do?Is it for you to play house?

ah?snort! "

Young Master Liu let out a questioning cold snort that made everyone in the study shudder, even the cutie who knew how to please the old man best tucked her neck into her collar, not daring to make a sound.

Qi Yun and the girls also nodded and lowered their eyebrows, not daring to speak any more words of intercession.

They themselves don't know that they seem to be doing nothing all day long, idling around the fortune-telling booth and fooling around the ladies and gentlemen, and their husbands, who know everything about the world so clearly.

Listen to the meaning of the husband's words, and then look at the reactions of the children.

It seems that there is a little disappointment.

"Father Wei intends to let you take the post of imperial envoys, make private visits in disguise, go hunting on behalf of the sky, go to various state capitals to see the customs and customs of the people of Dalong with your own eyes, and monitor whether the officials in various state capitals abide by the laws and regulations.

This is also a temporary idea for my father, so I don't plan to announce it to the world.

The Spring Festival, the period when all officials rest and bathe, can best reflect the real situation of people's livelihood and government in a place.

There is only one father, and he has no skills.

Let you take the place of the father to see the true appearance of my Dalong Jiangshan.

As the saying goes, one leaf falls and the world is known.

The father hopes that you can see the whole picture from a corner instead of the father.

I have celebrated the New Year at home many times. This year, let’s visit people’s homes.

Are you still willing?

If anyone is unwilling, the Father will not force you.

It would be great if you wanted to.

Our family is different from other families, we don't play intrigue and fight for power and profit.

What my father hopes is that all of you can truly experience the hardship of people's livelihood.

Only then can you understand how your life today came about. "

Liu Mingzhi's sons and daughters couldn't help but nodded when they saw their father's slightly bleak back facing the stove.

"My son is willing, and I will follow Daddy's orders."

(End of this chapter)

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