Chapter 2353
Hearing the answers from his sons and daughters, Liu Mingzhi nodded in satisfaction.

Looking down at Liu Yunxin who was huddled in her arms, she was still carefree eating the pastry she made herself and smiled.

"Xin'er, can you fetch those rice papers from Daddy's desk for Daddy?"

Liu Yunxin looked up at her father, nodded obediently, handed half of the pastry to Young Master Liu, got up and ran towards the desk beside her.

"Daddy, you want the rice paper that Xin'er brought."

"You're so good. Can you go and find your Uncle Liu Song to see your father?"

"Yeah, wait a minute, Daddy, Xin'er will bring Uncle Song back to see you in a while."

"Run slowly, don't fall."

"Don't worry, Daddy, Yunxin is amazing."

The sound of Liu Yunxin's footsteps faded away with the echoing words, Liu Mingzhi flicked a few pieces of rice paper in his hand, turned around and looked indifferently at the group of sons and daughters who looked a bit downcast.

"Cheer up everyone.

Daddy didn't call you today to reprimand you, nor to scold you for you.

Instead, I hope you can realize your own shortcomings.

There is nothing shameful about being pointed out about one's shortcomings.

Instead, we should work harder and find ways to go further.

People are not born with knowledge, how can there be no confusion?

Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good things is great.

Daddy discovered your mistakes, and he was able to point them out to you so that you can correct them one by one.

But in the future when father is gone, after a hundred years, if you make mistakes again, who can correct your mistakes as impartially as father and teach you?
Don't think that what Dad just said was bad, if Dad didn't say it, it would be worse, I'm afraid you won't take it to heart.

Into the left ear, out of the right ear, walked out of the door of the study and left behind what Dad said.

Children, dad is thirty-six this year.

As the saying goes, seventy is rare in life, and I don't know if I can accompany you until you are 70.

If I don't tighten the reins for you at this time, I'm afraid that after I'm gone, you will really... oh... stop talking about these frustrating words.

It is good that you can understand the painstaking efforts of the father.

Yiyi, Feifei. "


"You two are the eldest sister and the second sister, and my father hopes that you can set a good example for the younger brothers and sisters below.

Qingzhou Mansion is one of the places where my father showed his strength after entering the temple.

It was also your mother's original hometown, and your maternal grandfather and maternal parents were buried there after traveling on a crane.

The people of Qingzhou are simple and honest, you two sisters should go to Qingzhou Mansion to have a look, tell your father if you are busy, but it is difficult to get out of Beijing.

When you get there, pay homage to your grandfather, grandmother and the others for your husband and your mother. "

"Yes, my daughter knows."

"Ride the wind."

"The child is here."

"The Northland is majestic and full of wonders.

It is our third hometown after Jinling and Beijing.

You also lived there with your father for many years, except for the time when you went out with the army, but you never had the opportunity to visit outside the pass.

This time to run for my father, I will go to Yingzhou and Xinfu for a while. "

"Yes, the child takes orders."


"The child is here."

"The East China Sea is full of wonders, fertile fields and thousands of miles away, and the folk customs are also good, so you can go to the seven prefectures in the East China Sea, which are bounded by Nanzhou.

By the way, instead of father, your mother, and your grandparents will go to Bai's house to pay respects to your great-grandfather, great-grandmother, uncles, cousins ​​and aunts. "

"Yes, my child understands."


"The child is here."

"Jiangnan is the root of our Liu family, so if you go here, go to both banks of the Jianghuai River.

When you arrive, first go to visit your grandfather and grandmother, and then go to Dangyang Academy to visit your grandpa Wenren.

Let him take you to appreciate the customs and old appearances of various state capitals in the south of the Yangtze River. "

"Yes, the child understands."


"The moon is here."

"Beifu is the place where you grew up, and it's entrusted to you."

"Yes, Yue'er understands."

"Come on."

"The child is here."

"You are calm and calm, with a quick mind. There are locust eggs in Yuzhou, and the waterlogging disaster in Huizhou cannot be ignored.

You can go to these two places for a walk. "

"Yes, the child takes orders."

After Liu Mingzhi explained all the children who could go out for private visits, he looked at Liu Song who had been waiting by the door for a long time.

"Xiao Song, have you prepared all the things I asked you to prepare?"

Liu Song hurriedly took out several volumes of imperial decree from his bosom and handed them to First Young Master Liu.

"Master, all the blank edicts you want are ready."

Liu Mingzhi nodded, took a few volumes of imperial decree and walked towards the desk, held his chin in thought for a moment, picked up a brush and began to write quickly.

After half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi took out the Jade Seal of Chuanguo from the drawer, and stamped the seals one by one on the imperial edicts filled with regular script.

"Look for a name and write a decree with your own identity."

"Yes, the child knows."

After a while, Liu Mingzhi looked at the many sons and daughters lined up holding the imperial decree, and nodded lightly.

"This time, you left Beijing for a private visit, patrolling the sky on behalf of the heavens, and all of you were assigned to be imperial envoys for my father's unification.

He bestows the Son of Heaven sword, grants the purple gold seal, executes the golden dragon order, and wears a unicorn robe.

You visit privately in the state capital where you roam, and once you find outlaws and disciplined people, oppress good and bad bullies, and corrupt officials who bend the law for personal gain.

As long as anyone who violates my Dalong's laws and regulations has solid evidence, he can have the right to act cheaply.

Treat it legally. "

Looking at the group of children who were stunned, Young Master Liu took a sip of the teacup, and the aura on his body suddenly became cold and severe.

"As long as it is the person who should be killed, even if you kill them all, you will bear the consequences for you as your father.

But before you decide to exercise your power as imperial envoys, my father hopes that you will think twice and act with caution.

You can have vajra means, but you must also have the heart of a bodhisattva.

This sentence, you can think for yourself. "

The brothers and sisters looked at each other and nodded thoughtfully.

"The child understands."

"Okay, let's go pack your bags.

After bidding farewell to your grandparents, let's set off on another day.

As the saying goes, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books.

I hope that after the beginning of spring next year, when we meet again, you will be able to make Weifu's eyes shine. "

"Yes, baby retire."

After the group of children left, Liu Mingzhi glanced at the group of beauties and sighed: "Don't carry them around, if you want to pack the luggage for the children, go quickly.

It's the first time to go out, these little bastards are so careless, don't forget to bring some important things. "

All the beauties nodded hastily, gave her husband a look of anger and anger, got up and chased after a group of children.

"Tell me to slow down, slow down!"


After a group of beauties left in a hurry, Liu Mingzhi sat on a chair and looked at Liu Song who was obediently waiting aside.

"Has the old man answered? Is it convenient for the disciples of Neiliu to be transferred now?"

"The master asked my father to answer the younger one. The first time the young masters and the young lady leave the capital, Nei Liu's disciples will lie dormant all the way to secretly protect the safety of the young masters and the young lady.

And the master has already sent the letter to Miss Chang, and after Miss Chang receives the letter, the Shadow Killer Guards will immediately join the Neiliu children to secretly protect their safety.

Wan Yan, Mrs. Yunyao, Mrs. Yunyao, the dark forces on both sides, even if the young master doesn't take the initiative to mention it, they will definitely send some people.

Due to the existence of the amulet of the Clan Mansion, Spy Shadow's chances of making a move are very slim. With these masters secretly protecting him, there is no serious problem in this trip. "

Liu Mingzhi tapped on the table and pondered for a long time and nodded slightly.

"Understood, you go back and do your work first."

"Yes. I will take my leave."

After Liu Song left, Liu Mingzhi opened the window and gestured a few gestures, then sat on the chair and waited silently.

Soon after, Suzaku's enchanting and charming figure came quietly.

"Queer sees the young master."

Liu Mingzhi was holding a vermilion brush and writing gently on a piece of rice paper with a simple and calm expression.

"Use all the power of Suzaku Division to spread a piece of news. You don't need to make a big noise, just let the film owner know."

"what news?"

"Once the children of Chengzhi encounter the slightest threat from the spies, this young master immediately mobilizes troops to cleanse the clan's mansion."

"Yes, Suzaku understands!"

(End of this chapter)

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