Chapter 2354

The next day.

In front of the Liu Mansion, Liu Chengfeng, Liu Yiyi, and cutie... the seven brothers and sisters are carrying a small burden on their backs, and they are being reluctantly told by their mothers and many aunts to say goodbye to each other... Word.

Qi Yun, Qinglian, the third princess, and the empress had reddened eyes, and they knew that they cried secretly last night.

When children travel thousands of miles, mothers worry about themselves.

Ling Wei'er, Huyan Yunyao, Yun Qingshi and the other sisters also had sore eyes when they saw this.

Although these children were not born by him himself, they grew up around him since childhood, and they are no different from his own.

The children are about to travel far away, and the date of return is uncertain.

The house suddenly became empty, and I felt really uncomfortable.

Liu Zhi'an, Mrs. Liu and his wife also stood aside and watched the grandson bid farewell to his mother, and the granddaughters had different expressions.

Liu Zhi'an was holding a dry pipe and puffed out the smoke with a complicated expression, while Mrs. Liu secretly wiped the corners of her eyes, and said something to complain about Young Master Liu.

"Zhi'er doesn't know what's going on in his head.

Seeing that the New Year is coming up in less than a month, a group of children are sent away from home at this time.

Other families are eager to come back home for a family reunion and celebrate the Spring Festival.

Our family is fine, but it's the other way around.

It's the new year, and it's time to say goodbye.

There is no such thing as a father.

Besides, these children have never traveled far before, and they were sent so far all at once, and even a servant was not allowed to take them with them. It is the face of great wealth and a long life.

It will definitely be auspicious. "

Liu Zhi'an knew that his wife cared about the children, and he didn't get tired of listening to her non-stop nagging from the moment she left the house.

"Children have their own ideas about children, and besides, Chengzhi and the others are not too old or young.

Since you haven't started a family yet, it's time to venture out and see the world. "

"The concubine didn't say that I wouldn't let them go to see the world, so what's the matter with the days when they go out?
You, a grandfather, don't know how to feel sorry for your child. Just like Mingzhi's child, you are not a good thing. "

Liu Zhi'an didn't expect to burn himself on fire, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, looking helpless at the madam.

"Old man... old man... what's the matter with this old man?

The bastard's stuff is cut first and played later, everything is arranged, and the children are directly asked to say goodbye to our old couple.

What's the use of not letting me go?
He is the head of the family in his 30s, the king of a country, do you think it is the same as when he was at home?

The old man can listen to everything with two voices?
Ma'am, you are really... Are you upset that you scolded a bastard and shut me up for half a copper coin? "

"It's your fault, it's your fault.

It's all because you are an old bastard who can't teach your children well, so who do you blame?

If you teach your children well, will things like today happen?

The roots are with you, I don’t blame you, who do you blame?

Blame the old Chen's next door? "

"I... I... can't be reasoned... Blame me, blame me.

What the lady says is what she says. "

Liu Zhi'an originally wanted to refute a few words, but when he saw Mrs. Liu's face, he immediately nodded and admitted his mistake.

He knew in his heart that if he continued to entangle, he probably would not just talk about the eldest son sending his sons and daughters to travel far away. In all likelihood, he would burn himself and talk about his past going to Tianxiang Tower.

Good guy, go out to see off your grandchildren, maybe you won't be able to go to bed for a few days.

Isn't it just admitting a mistake?The old man can still tell which is more important.

Seeing Liu Zhi'an's posture, Madam Liu felt uncomfortable because she had nowhere to vent her words.

"Zhi'er is the same, I don't know what to do in the morning.

The children are about to start their journey, and they don't know how to come out and practice it. "

Liu Zhi'an casually glanced behind the mansion gate, lit another pot of shredded tobacco, and sighed slowly.

"Men are like this. If you don't send it off, it doesn't mean you won't feel uncomfortable."

The brothers and sisters Liu Chengfeng glanced at the gate of the mansion, and looked at Qi Yun and the others with some regret: "Mother, is Dad busy yet?"

"Yes, yes, we should all be on our way, why hasn't he come out yet?"

"Maybe I went out? I couldn't find anyone early in the morning, and I didn't know what to do."

"Then let's not wait.

If you don't start your journey, you may not be able to spend the night at the post stations in various state capitals in time.

It's so cold that if you sleep out in the wilderness, you'll have to freeze to death. "

All the beauties turned around and looked towards the gate of the mansion for a while, but they still didn't see the figure of their husband, so they could only nod helplessly.

"Then let's hurry. You must bring all the real and fake IDs with you. Otherwise, if you go to the city, it will be very troublesome to stay in the inn."

"Mother, don't worry, we put both identities in our inner pockets and carry them with us."

"Then say goodbye to your grandparents and go on your way."

"it is good."

The seven brothers and sisters headed by Liu Yiyi bowed to Liu Zhi'an and his wife together as a big gift.

"Grandson, granddaughter, goodbye grandpa, grandma."

"No courtesy, no courtesy, children, Guanshan Road is far away, cherish all the way."

"No courtesy, you must take good care of your body. When encountering difficulties that are really impossible to solve, don't be brave. Take your real body and go to the local government for help. Do you understand?"

The seven brothers and sisters nodded in unison, turned around and walked towards the seven good horses that had already been prepared.

He got on his horse skillfully, turned his head and nodded to a group of elders, then turned his head frequently and rode his horse slowly towards the main street of Qinglong.

"Sister, brother.

Why do I feel like Dad is hiding from us on purpose? "

Liu Chengfeng scratched his chin and shook his head: "Who knows? Maybe he was really busy, or maybe he didn't show up on purpose."

Liu Yiyi turned her head and took another look at the relatives who watched her off on a long journey: "Don't guess, Dad must be busy with business, so he didn't come to see us off.

Besides, it's not like I won't come back for a lifetime.

I'll be back in the spring of next year, so don't be so frustrated, okay? "

The little cute and exquisite big eyes rolled around and scanned the surroundings.

"Maybe Dad is watching us secretly from somewhere.

Do you still know his character?The typical knife-mouthed bean curd heart must be afraid that we will be embarrassed if we can't help crying when we leave, so we deliberately don't send us off.

Just like our grandpa, don't think she usually curses at her father, second uncle, and third uncle, but in her heart...forget it.

If he overheard him again, the atmosphere would be gone. "

"Eldest sister, how do we go? Should we go our separate ways when we enter Qinglong Street, or go our separate ways after leaving the city?"

"Let's go out of the city gate through the south gate together, and then go our separate ways through the Shiliting. It's auspicious."

"Sister, do you still believe this?"

"It stinks, big sister is not willing to part with us so early, can you grow your brain?"

"I'm just curious to ask."

The brothers and sisters resisted the sadness before parting ways, talking and laughing together and rushed towards the south gate of the outer city of the capital.

On the tower of the South City Gate, the officers and soldiers of the Forbidden Army who were patrolling were stunned for a moment when they saw Young Master Liu who climbed up the city wall unhurriedly, and then immediately reacted and greeted Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty... Xia Chen, the general of the Imperial Guard, will see His Majesty."

"We see Your Majesty."

"Excuse me, don't say anything, I am idle and bored, come to the city wall to have a look."

"I understand, I will immediately lead the way for His Majesty."

"No, you go on patrolling, I can just turn around by myself."

"This... His Majesty's safety..."

"What? The city wall guarded by the imperial army, can I still encounter danger? Are you saying that you are not doing your job properly?"

"No, no, I absolutely dare not be careless."

Young Master Liu looked at the flustered Xia Chen with a chuckle and shook his head.

"Okay, I'm just kidding you.

Continue to patrol, the weather is so cold, change the guard more frequently, don't let the soldiers get frostbite. "

"Your Majesty takes orders, thank you for your understanding."

"I thank Your Majesty for your understanding."

"Go get busy."

"Yes, I will take my leave."

After the group left, Liu Mingzhi walked up to the gate tower silently.

Standing in the fence of the city tower and looking at the official road gradually going away, gradually turning into a figure with seven black spots, Young Master Liu murmured in a daze.

"So the old man's mood was like this back then?"

Raising his hand and gently rubbing the corners of his eyes, First Young Master Liu sighed sadly.

"The weather is so clear today, how can the wind be so noisy?
It made Master Ben's eyes sore. "

(End of this chapter)

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