My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2355 Paving the way?

Chapter 2355 Paving the way?

After the seven brothers and sisters of Liu Chengfeng left the capital, the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion became deserted.

Although Liu Yunxin, Liu Lingyun, and Liu Zhenghao are all four, five or six years old, compared to the brothers and sisters of Liu Yiyi who are already approaching adults, these children are really not able to make trouble.

Not only the Liu Mansion, but even the Hall of Ten Kings became deserted. As soon as the brothers and sisters who entered the hall left the capital, Li Tao was the only one left in the Hall of Ten Kings to deal with the documents handed in after the cabinet approved the red.

Cabinet officials originally thought that Liu Mingzhi would take some measures to curb Li Tao's rights.

After all, it is not impossible to hold all the power in the Hall of Ten Kings alone, and gradually become bigger.

But to everyone's expectation, Liu Mingzhi did not take any action to control Li Tao's rights in the Hall of Ten Kings.

Everything about him in the Hall of Ten Kings is completely left alone without interference.

This made the relationship between the cabinet and the Palace of Ten Kings more subtle.

None of the civil and military officials in the court could guess what Liu Mingzhi was thinking, and they didn't know what his intentions were.

Song Yu once came to Liu Mingzhi in private and asked him what he wanted to do. Didn't he know that leaving Li Tao in the Palace of Ten Kings and letting him go would easily make some short-sighted, young and backward officials unable to grasp the scale?

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer Uncle Song Yu's question, just laughed it off.

Song Yu also understood in his heart that this nephew, whom he had always regarded as his own, was no longer in his thoughts.

Unable to find out why, Song Yu had no choice but to pretend that nothing happened, and went to find Liu Zhian for a drink.

The delicate atmosphere between the Hall of Ten Kings and the cabinet lasted until the New Year's rest and then came to an end.

In the Qinzheng Hall of the Imperial Palace, Liu Mingzhi sat cross-legged by the fire looking through the last few minutes of documents left this year.

"House Department."

"The old minister is here."

"Have you returned the documents from Yuzhou?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it was returned seven days ago!

I hope that officials from all over Yuzhou can issue the imperial government's decree in time before the locusts take shape, so that the people can raise enough chickens and ducks.

Otherwise, once the locust plague breaks out, the court will need to allocate a large amount of money and food for disaster relief, and the people of Yuzhou Prefecture will suffer. "

Liu Mingzhi closed the documents, tapped his palms lightly and glanced at the civil and military officials in the hall: "The locust plague is certainly terrible, but it is not terrible.

As long as the officials of the local state capital can work together to encourage the people to manage the disaster, and with the full support of the imperial court, a small locust plague is nothing to worry about.

I am afraid that some officials will whitewash the peace for the sake of their political achievements.

In the end, it is the innocent people who suffer the disaster.

The people's livelihood in Yuzhou Mansion has been relatively peaceful in recent years, and although the government officials are not particularly outstanding, they are not bad.

The land of the Central Plains is fertile and wild for thousands of miles.

One of the few granaries of the imperial court, if there is a plague of locusts, the tax of the treasury may even drop by about [-]%.

I am particularly concerned about the discovery of locust eggs in Yuzhou.

The officials in Yuzhou have some disciples of the ministers, and some relatives and friends of the ministers.

After taking a bath, you'd better write a letter to warn your disciples, or your relatives and friends.

If you dare to play tricks on me in the matter of controlling the locust plague, the knife in my hand will never recognize anyone.

I've done more than once to make the heads of officials roll, and I wouldn't mind doing it again. "

All civil and military officials looked at Young Master Liu's solemn expression, and many ministers who had relations with Yuzhou government officials suddenly became nervous, and began to weigh the content of the letter in their hearts.

"The ministers obey the order."

"Ministry of Officials."

"The old minister is here."

"The document on the discovery of locust eggs in Yuzhou was submitted to the court by Qi Liang, the governor of Yuzhou, right?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is so.

After the guards under Uncle Qi's rule accidentally discovered the eggs of locusts, Uncle Qi immediately went to the field ridge to check whether it was true or not.

Uncle Qi Guo confirmed that there were locust eggs in the fertile fields, and immediately drafted a document and reported it to Han Wentai, governor of Yuzhou.

Han Wentai did not dare to be careless after receiving the document from Uncle Qi Guo, and immediately sent someone to order the governors of the various state capitals under the Governor's Mansion to immediately start investigating the locust eggs under their respective jurisdictions.

After confirmation, it was reported to the court. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, lowered his head and rummaged a few times, took out a document and looked it over again, looking thoughtfully at Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

"Du Aiqing, the officials of your official department in the Yuzhou Yamen's Examination Division did not add fuel to Qi Liang's achievements after he became the governor of Yuzhou, did they?
If it is because he is my little brother-in-law, the country's uncle at the time, and falsifies his political achievements in order to flatter me, you, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, will have a great responsibility. "

Du Chenghao hastily walked out holding the imperial wat: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the veteran can guarantee his life, and the achievements recorded by the officials of the Yuzhou Kaogong Division are all true.

The documents of the Kaogong Division have to be approved by the Yushitai before they can be sealed and stored in the warehouse. Naturally, the veterans dare not falsify.

Under Xia Shoufu, Yushitai's Yushi Yanguan in Yuzhou can prove the authenticity of these achievements. "

"Old love?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, only officials from Yuzhou's censor's yamen and officials from the Ministry of Civil Affairs will jointly sign a letter, and it will be sealed and stored in the treasury after verification.

Uncle Qi Guo's achievements after he became the governor of Yuzhou are completely true. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded in satisfaction: "I'm at ease with you, the pillars of the imperial court, what I'm worried about is that the officials of the local state government are cheating on you.

After all, Qi Liang is the uncle of the dynasty.

As the Chief Inspector with an unusual status, it is better to be cautious.

I don't want to see him act as an uncle in Yuzhou and do harm to one side. "

"Your Majesty cherishes the life of the country, the happiness of the world, and the happiness of all people."

Liu Mingzhi looked down at the document in his hand again, and looked at Du Chenghao after a moment of silence.

"In the blink of an eye, it has been three years since I proclaimed myself emperor, and it's time for officials from various state capitals to be promoted and transferred.

Since Qi Liang's achievements in Yuzhou are so outstanding, where do you plan to transfer Du Aiqing to take charge of the government? "

Du Chenghao was stunned, and looked at Young Master Liu's curious expression with embarrassing eyes.

He was planning to have a good discussion with a few old buddies before drafting a document and reporting it to Liu Mingzhi to transfer Qi Liang, the uncle of the country, to be an official anywhere.

When Liu Mingzhi asked now, he really didn't know how to make up his mind on the spot.

He was directly promoted to the position of the Sixth Ministry, but for the time being, there is no place for the governor to be promoted to the Sixth Ministry in the court. Forcibly transferring the position, it would be suspected of flattering.

It would be the safest way to be promoted to another state capital to be the governor of a state, but for a while, I couldn't think of which state capital would be more appropriate.

After much deliberation, Du Chenghao could only look at Young Master Liu with embarrassment and laughed a few times: "The old minister hasn't drafted a document with his colleagues in the official department yet!

Your Majesty asked such a sudden question, and the old minister really couldn't answer His Majesty for a while.

Please Your Majesty forgive me.

However, Han Wentai, the governor of Yuzhou, has also achieved good political performance, more than enough to rank in the second class.

Shouldn't Uncle Qi Guo be promoted to governor of Yuzhou on the spot after Mr. Han enters Beijing?

Do you dare to ask His Majesty what you think? "

Liu Mingzhi got up, paced back and forth, and fell silent. All the officials looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise. It was just a matter of deciding his brother-in-law's promotion. Is it so difficult to make a decision?
"After serving as the governor of Yuzhou for three years, he was promoted to the governor of Yuzhou on the spot. If there are other officials, it's fine.

Qi Liang is the uncle of the current dynasty, so if he is promoted like this, it will inevitably leave some criticism in the mouths of the common people and some state officials.

Go north.

After the spring of next year, let him go to Beifu Daizhou and Songzhou to be the governor of the two prefectures in charge of military and political affairs for my brother-in-law of the emperor. "

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, most of the officials in the palace looked at Young Master Liu with strange expressions.

Songzhou in Beifu?Daizhou?Isn't this too remote?

There are so many wealthy state capitals, but my brother-in-law was suddenly transferred to Beifu as an official. Isn't Your Majesty afraid of the empress' empress complaining?
Even if it is the governor of the two prefectures, compared to the rich state capital of the inner mansion, the inner mansion is better!

As soon as this idea came to mind, many old foxes suddenly thumped in their hearts when they thought about it, and carefully recollected what Young Master Liu said just now.

The governor of the two governments in charge of military and political power?

Now [-]% of the imperial court's elite frontier troops are stationed in the north to guard the border. The governors of the two governments who are in charge of all important military and government affairs have more power than the vassal kings of one place.

Uncle Qi Guo is the mother-in-law of the empress, and the uncle of the second prince Liu Chengzhi.

Is His Majesty going to pave the way for the Second Prince?

In this way, doesn't it mean that the position of the crown prince... hiss...

A group of old foxes were shocked, silently peeking at First Young Master Liu to see something.

(End of this chapter)

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