Chapter 2356

Naturally, Liu Mingzhi could feel the suspicious eyes of old foxes like Xia Gongming when they peeked at him.

But he just smiled casually, and didn't plan to transfer Qi Liang to Daizhou after the year, and Songzhou and Songzhou would say something in detail for the governors of the two prefectures.

Aren't these old foxes good at thinking and pondering?
Then let them guess well.

"Ahem, Du Aiqing, Qi Liang's promotion and transfer should be planned according to my intention just now, and can be slightly modified, but the original intention must not be changed.

Compared with the wealthy state capital, Beifu has been in ruins ever since it was included in the imperial court.

Qi Liang has outstanding ability and remarkable political achievements.

Letting him go to be an official in Beifu, which is waiting to be built, is far more able to show his talents than taking office in a wealthy state capital.

If he lived up to my expectations, he was able to manage the two places in Beifu to live and work in peace and prosperity, and his status as the uncle of the dynasty would not be in vain. "

"The old minister understands that during the rest period, the old minister drafted a plan and handed it to His Majesty for review."

"It's good that you understand, the imperial court will hold the Spring Examination in the spring of next year.

You officials may have been busy with the spring affairs for a while. After the rest period is over, you have to put matters related to the selection of talents for the country at the top of the list.

The students have studied hard for ten years in order to be able to win the gold list one day.

Don't let the negligence and slack of your officials ruin the painstaking efforts of tens of thousands of scholars from all over the state to serve the imperial court and be loyal to the country. "

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the veteran will never dare to neglect the imperial examination."

"Well! Do the other ministers have any other documents that need to be played?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Ministry of Industry and Engineering has a book to play."

"Yang Aiqing, tell me."

"Yes, to report back to Your Majesty, the main mausoleum of the Emperor's Mausoleum will be closed again due to lack of money.

I hope Your Majesty will forgive me for not being able to complete the project within the expected period. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows, glanced at Jiang Yuanming, the Minister of the Household Department, and saw that he was holding Chaohu with a helpless expression, and knew in his heart that this old man really had no choice.

As long as the national treasury is rich, he will definitely not cut off the money from the Ministry of Industry to build the imperial mausoleum project.

Nine times out of ten, it was because of the possibility of using troops with Tsarist Russia, which forced him to tighten his belt, and Liu Mingzhi was not dissatisfied.

I am only in my early thirties, even if I can only live to be in my early 50s, I still have 20 years to build the imperial mausoleum, so why worry.

"If the work is suspended, stop the work. When the treasury is full, you can allocate extra money to build it. The treasury is empty, and it is not the responsibility of the ministers.

For now, let the workers staying in the imperial mausoleum go home and have a good year. "

"Your Majesty is wise, I thank Your Majesty Long on behalf of my colleagues from the Ministry of Industry, as well as the craftsmen and workers of the Imperial Mausoleum."

"There is no need to be so polite, it does not matter if the imperial mausoleum is temporarily suspended, but the construction of the school buildings in the inner mansion, the northern mansion, and the new mansion cannot be delayed.

Reading is to clarify one's ambition, clear one's ambition is to cultivate one's self, one's self-cultivation is to regulate one's family, one's family is to be unified to govern the country, and one's country is governed to bring peace to the world.

Self-cultivation, family order, rule the country and the world.

This is the ideal that I, Da Long Erlang, and even future generations should have.

It is not a big problem to delay other not very important government affairs, but I must not delay my schooling.

As long as the court can do its best, try to make all the Mongolian children in Dalong's eyes able to read and write, so as to repay the country's grace in the future. "

Baiguan stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi who had a normal expression for a while.

Although His Majesty proclaimed himself emperor in rebellion, since he proclaimed himself emperor three years ago, he has issued various decrees that benefit the country and the people.

The misfortune based on the Li family of the previous dynasty has achieved the fortune of the world and the fortune of all people.

The emergence of such a situation can't help but make people feel extremely emotional!
"Your Majesty is holy.

Long live my emperor. "

"The Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Rites, and the Imperial College."

"The minister is here."

"In the spring of next year, I plan to build another academy named Dalong Academy of Sciences in the capital. This matter requires the coordination of five of your departments, the most important being the two departments of household and industry.

Whether the college can be successfully completed, you two are the first to bear the brunt of the responsibility! "

Hubu Minister Jiang Yuanming hesitated for a moment, and looked at First Young Master Liu with a smirk: "The old minister dares to ask Your Majesty, is it a college, or is the so-called Dalong Academy of Sciences being built in all parts of the inner palace?"

"For the time being, we only plan to build one college in the capital. As for whether the rest of the state capitals are going to be built, let's make a decision after seeing the surprises brought to us after the first academy of sciences is built."

Jiang Yuanming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. If there is only one college, although the national treasury is tense, the problem is not too big.

He was afraid that Liu Mingzhi would bloom all over the world again like building a Mengxue school. If that happened, he would have to toss his old bones to death.

"If there is only one academy, His Majesty can rest assured that the old minister will fully support the four colleagues in preparing to establish the Academy of Sciences."

"The ministers and others are leading the decree and will go all out."

Although the officials of the Fifth Department didn't quite understand what the so-called Dalong Academy of Sciences was for, they knew that Liu Mingzhi was definitely not the kind of person who would aim at nothing.

It must be of great importance to pass on the decree to the five important ministers to prepare for the establishment of the Dalong Academy of Sciences.

After all, after ascending the throne, Liu Mingzhi would never waste a lot of money for no reason.

"Apart from the need to stop work on the imperial mausoleum, do other ministers have anything to announce?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, all the memorials have been submitted to His Majesty for review, and the ministers have nothing to play."

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, and signaled Xiao Chengzi, Liu Song, and the two to tidy up the paperwork they had read by the stove, and then turned around and went straight to the dragon platform.

"Six ministries and nine ministers, three offices and two supervisors, twelve guards and nine divisions, three armies and five households."

"The minister is here."

"I would like to wish all my dear ministers and ministers a happy and peaceful New Year in advance."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, the ministers will have fun with His Majesty, long live my emperor."


"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"King Zhao, King Jing, come with my palace."

The officials, who got up and were about to wait for Liu Mingzhi to go to the hall and then left on their own, were stunned, and glanced slightly at Zhao Wang, Li Tao, Jing Wang, Li Yunping, uncle and nephew, wondering what was going on.

They can still figure out Liu Mingzhi's thoughts by keeping Zhao Wang, but what is the intention of leaving Jing Wang Li Yunping, an idle prince who has long been indifferent to court affairs?
Li Yunping, Li Tao's uncle and nephew looked at each other with complicated expressions, looked at Liu Mingzhi who had already walked into the back of the hall, nodded to the surprised-looking officials around him, and hurriedly chased after him.

Seeing this, all the officials hesitated for a moment, and they retreated in groups of three or four to the outside of the Hall of Qinzheng.

His Majesty sent his uncle, nephew, and prince to the rear of the palace in front of everyone's eyes, and nothing bad should happen.

When Li Yunping's uncle and nephew entered the familiar apse, Liu Mingzhi had already walked out of the hall door towards the Guangming Hall.

The uncle and nephew looked at each other with confused and uneasy expressions, and followed obediently.

"Little maid Cai'er sees Your Majesty, long live long live."

Liu Mingzhi untied the jade belt around his waist and stuffed it in the hand of Cai'er who was about to salute. While undressing, he walked towards the chair beside him: "Mianli, it's your turn to be on duty in the Guangming Palace again today." !"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, sister Xun'er was supposed to be on duty today, but she is not feeling well, so this servant will be on duty for her for a day."

"Well, it's enough for the sisters to get along well. Bring me the light blue robe that I often wear, and I want to change it into it."

"Yes, Your Majesty, wait a moment."

As soon as Cai'er took the robe from the hanger, Li Yunping's uncle and nephew walked in anxiously.

"My brother Li Yunping."

"Sir Li Tao."

"See Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi raised his arms, motioning for Cai'er to help him change his clothes, and looked at the two uncles and nephews bowing with a faint smile.

"No courtesy, no outsiders, just sit where you want."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."


"His Majesty?"

"If you're not in court, just call uncle."


"Hmm! You approved the document for the lawsuit involving the death of more than 20 people in Kunzhou, right?"

"It was approved by the child, but something went wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi took the belt in Cai'er's hand and tied it around his waist, sat on the chair and took a sip of the warm tea he had prepared.

"Mistakes are not mistakes, I just want to ask you.

This kind of power of life and death is in your hands, how does it feel to decide life and death with a pen? "

(End of this chapter)

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