My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2357 "Great Dragon Ceremony"

Chapter 2357 "Great Dragon Ceremony"

Li Tao stared blankly at his uncle Liu Mingzhi's unusually calm eyes staring at him, and for a while did not realize what his uncle's question meant.

This kind of power of life and death is in your hands, how does it feel to decide life and death with a pen?
This sentence doesn't seem to have much to do with me, does it?
The right you gave to the Hall of Ten Kings is only the right to review and approve memorials, not the right to act cheaply.

The person who finally approves and makes the final decision is you, the current emperor!
If you want to say that the power of life and death is in your hands, and you can decide life and death with a pen, who else has this right except you, the current emperor?
You know what it's like better than anyone else, so there's no need to ask me.

At the beginning, Li Tao was a little confused by his uncle's question, and didn't understand why.

But seeing Liu Mingzhi sitting there enjoying the tea in a leisurely manner, Li Tao's mood also gradually calmed down, thinking over and over again the profound meaning of his uncle's words.

After a while, the tea in Liu Mingzhi's hand was almost bottomed out, and Li Tao's brows raised in a heroic way, revealing a look of enlightenment in his eyes.

"At first I was a little excited, but when the ink pen was put down, I felt a little uncomfortable, and I always felt bored and flustered.

It seems that these 20 or more prisoners were not killed because they committed the Dalong Law, but because of the strokes that the boy swiped to make them wait to be executed by Qiu Houwen.

This feeling is like... like... like..."

Liu Mingzhi looked indifferently at Li Tao's hesitant appearance, and put down the teacup in his hand gently.

"Like what? Say it with confidence."

Li Tao clenched his fists tightly and trembled: "It's like the feeling when the boy raised his troops in Zhaodi and watched the soldiers who followed the boy die in battle one by one.

Congestion, a feeling of tightness in the chest that people who shouldn't die die because of it. "

A look of relief flashed inadvertently in Liu Mingzhi's eyes, he got up and walked towards the outside of the hall.

Li Yunping's uncle and nephew didn't know why, so they had no choice but to get up and follow.

"Tao'er, for you to have this kind of awareness, finally let my uncle give my uncle a reason for myself!

After resting, let's do a good job at the Hall of Ten Kings in the coming year.

Let's go to the imperial study and sit down, I have something to explain to you. "

reason?Why did you give yourself a reason?
Li Tao looked at Liu Mingzhi's back in a daze, so he had to look questioningly at his fourth uncle Li Yunping.

Li Yunping glanced at Liu Mingzhi's back with a complicated expression, then shook his head silently and said softly to his nephew.

"Listen to uncle, just be on duty!"

"Oh, I see fourth uncle."

In the imperial study room, Liu Mingzhi walked towards the dragon case, and pointed to a few chairs beside him: "Fourth, Tao'er, sit down."


"Thank you uncle!"

Xiao Chengzi, who had already brought the documents to the imperial study room, hurriedly greeted him.

"See Your Majesty."

"See King Jing, King Zhao."

"No courtesy, let's watch tea."


Li Yunping looked at Liu Mingzhi's usual actions, and silently looked at the Imperial Study Room, which he hadn't set foot in for more than three years, with a sigh of relief.

When the father was in power, he most liked to call his brothers to come here to test and learn after approving memorials.

That vivid scene vaguely seems to have happened yesterday.

A few years have passed in a hurry, and now he returns to the old place of childhood again, but things have already changed.

Before he knew it, it had been almost seven years since his father passed away.

In the whole life, the grass and trees fall, how many seven years can a person live in a lifetime!
His eyes finally fixed on the portrait of his father above the incense table, Li Yunping glanced at Liu Mingzhi who was bending over the dragon table to search for something, got up and walked towards the incense table.

He still knew Liu Mingzhi well, knowing that he wouldn't mind offering incense to his father without asking.

When Li Tao saw Fourth Uncle's movements, he immediately reacted and got up to follow.

The uncle and nephew each took three sticks of high incense, lit the candles, and saluted according to the order of elder and younger, and paid homage to Li Zheng's portrait.

After they got up, they saw Liu Mingzhi holding a document in his hand and looking at Li Zheng's portrait with dazed eyes.

"Brother-in-law, I see that you are busy, so I didn't bother you."

"It's okay, the son worships his father, how can brother-in-law say anything, just sit down."

"it is good."

Liu Mingzhi put down the documents in his hand, and picked up the tea that Xiao Chengzi had already brought.

"Fourth, since your brother-in-law proclaimed himself emperor, you have entered the court a handful of times. How is your life in the palace? Is there anything else you need?"

"Your brother-in-law is worried, all the expenses of the palace are allocated by the House of Internal Affairs and the House of the Clan, there is nothing more needed.

The younger brother stayed in the mansion most of the time, accompanied his wife and children to Huangzhuang outside the city to work at sunrise and rest at sunset. The days are leisurely and unrestrained, without worrying about anything.

Compared with the past, it is far better than several times.

Compared with the court, it seems to be a fairy in the world.

In today's days, my younger brother dreamed of it back then, but now it has finally come true, what else can I ask for! "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Yunping's unpretentious and unrestrained posture, nodded with a wry smile, and gently moved the tea lid.

"It seems that big brother, third brother, Ye'er, Tao'er, and being a brother have hit you hard!"

"Chendi, to be honest, the various things between you have indeed dealt a big blow to this brother, and at the beginning, my brother was also at a loss to the point of hesitation.

But time is a good thing!It can erase all unpleasant and unhappy things.

After so many years, the little brother has already let go of it.

Some things may really be destined by God!Now that it's over, let him go away.

If the father is alive in heaven, he will be very pleased to see that the goal he has worked so hard for all his life has finally come true.

Maybe he will curse you for some of your later deeds, but if he sees that my dragon is so prosperous, he will definitely smile at Jiuquan.

Because although the big dragon is no longer that big dragon, it is still that big dragon.

His father often sighed in those days, you helped him realize his unattainable dream that might never be realized in his whole life.

Not only did he realize his dream of unifying the world, but he also wove a sweeter dream for Dalong.

Expansion of territory, Vega all over the world.

Brother-in-law, it is certain that what you have done has made my younger brother feel a little bit uncomfortable with you, and my younger brother does not deny it.

But my younger brother sincerely admires you.

Sincere admiration.

Believe me, if you and I are lucky enough to meet the emperor after a hundred years.

He will definitely kick you a few times and scold you, but he won't really blame you in his heart.

Because your son-in-law is more like him than our brothers and sisters.

More and more like it.

I think you know all about the secret of why the father won the throne back then.

He dedicated his life to covering up his past mistakes.

Diligence, love the people.

Chendi hopes that you can be like your father in this regard.

Human beings are not sages and sages, but there is nothing wrong with knowing mistakes.

The past, let it go.

Again, apart from adding to the sadness, there is no benefit at all. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the calm Li Yunping with sour eyes, slowly got up and raised the teacup in his hand with a chuckle.

“One word is far more than a thousand words.

For my brother, replace wine with tea, and I propose a toast to you. "

"Your brother should be respectful first."

The two exhaled with relief, and threw the teacups in their hands heavily on the table.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the document he had just found out, and handed it to Li Yunping.

"You are idle in the mansion, how about finding something for you to do for brother? Let's read the content on the document first!"

With a puzzled expression, Li Yunping took the document from Liu Mingzhi and silently flipped through it.

After a long time, Li Yunping closed the document and looked at First Young Master Liu in amazement: "Let me lead someone to compile "The Great Dragon Ceremony"?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, sat on the dragon chair and let out a sigh of relief.

"Brother, I hope that you can lead the reserve officials of the Imperial Academy and compile a classic book, which will be handed down to future generations as a cultural treasure. The name is "Dalong Shengdian""

Li Yunping opened the document and looked at it for a few more times, then looked at Liu Mingzhi hesitantly.

"From the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the present, astronomy and geography, Qimen Dunjia, biographies of celebrities, medical pharmacology, agriculture, mulberry and water conservancy, weapon maps... hundreds of classics have to be compiled into books.

This is no small article. "

"You are also idle when you are idle, and the reserve officials of the Imperial Academy are also editing books.

That being the case, why don't you edit books and compile a masterpiece, a treasure of culture, to pass on to future generations.

Fourth brother, if you compile this "Great Dragon Ceremony", your achievements will be no less than the feat of unifying the world and the great cause of expanding the territory! "

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"


All content must be based on historical fact.

There are historical facts that can be tested and proved. "

"True? If you, the emperor, compiled it..."

"Isn't it the infamy of rebellion? Compiled according to the truth."

Li Yunping looked at Liu Mingzhi's upright expression, and he still hesitated as he stroked the document in his hand.

"Could Brother Rongchen think about it for a while?"

"Of course, as long as you think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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