My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2358 The universe has been determined to be powerless

Chapter 2358 The universe is destined to be powerless
Li Yunping nodded clearly, and raised the document in his hand as a gesture.

"Then I will accept this document first, and plan to think about the contents after returning home."

"Of course it's fine, but before you give a formal answer about the result for your brother, I hope you don't spread the word about it, so as not to be made a fuss about by someone with a heart.

Compiling a book handed down from generation to generation, cultural treasures is a good thing that benefits the country and the people.

But if it is used by someone with a heart, it will not be beautiful.

Although it won't cause any big disturbances, Brother Wei doesn't like trouble. "

After pondering for a while, Li Yunping understood Liu Mingzhi's meaning, and nodded solemnly: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, my younger brother will definitely keep this matter secret and not publicize it.

You can also rest assured Tao'er, he knows the seriousness. "

Li Yunping's last words were obviously intended for Li Tao who was at the side.

Li Tao sat at the side and silently listened to the conversation between the fourth uncle and his uncle, and suddenly he heard the fourth uncle Li Yunping nod himself, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Uncle, don't worry, it's none of your business, and you'll keep it a secret, my child."

Liu Mingzhi nodded in satisfaction, put down the teacup in his hand, got up and walked out of the hall first.

"Then there's nothing else to do, let's do what we should do.

We have been busy for a year, and finally waited until the New Year's break, so it's time for us to take a good rest.

I hope that during the rest period, there will not be any great shocks inside and outside the government and the public, so that this young master and the subjects of the world can have a reunion and a beautiful Spring Festival. "

What Liu Mingzhi said softly was naturally because the seven brothers and sisters of Liu Chengzhi made private visits in undercover clothes and hunted on behalf of the sky.

However, the military officials of the court and the Chinese military and Li Yunping's uncle and nephew did not know the real purpose of the seven brothers and sisters leaving Beijing, so they could only secretly lament that Young Master Liu's words were becoming more and more unpredictable now.

Li Yunping glanced at Li Zheng's portrait again. After staring for a while, he beckoned Li Tao to follow, put the documents in his cuffs and walked out of the imperial study.

"Fourth, what are you going to do after leaving the palace? Go home directly or go somewhere else?
Your third sister hasn't seen you for a long time, she would be very happy to see you as a guest, why don't you go to the house together?

How about a few drinks with Brother Wei and your wives? "

Li Yunping shook his head neither humble nor overbearing: "Brother-in-law's kindness is appreciated, I think it's better for the younger brother to find time to visit next time.

You caught off guard and called your younger brother into the palace to attend court. Your younger brother and sister don't know the details, so they should be worried about your younger brother right now.

It's better for Chendi to go home and report that she is safe, so that she and the children can feel at ease. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded casually, and glanced in the direction of Fu'an Palace, with a slightly melancholy look on his face: "That's fine, but no matter how urgent you are, it won't take a moment.

You send someone from the Imperial Army to go to the mansion first and inform your younger brothers and sisters.

After finally entering the palace, let's also go to the Fu'an Palace of the mother.

Talk to her, chat with her.

Ever since Weixiong and his family moved out of the palace, the palace has become deserted all of a sudden.

Although the maids and eunuchs were not dismissed, they couldn't talk to the queen mother either.

Even if all your sister-in-laws come to pay respects to the queen mother on a regular basis, but she lives alone in Fu'an Palace all day, after all, she is too lonely. "

Li Yunping subconsciously glanced at the garden of Fu'an Palace, and nodded without hesitation.

"Alright, my brother has indeed not entered the palace to greet the queen mother for some days, since he is here, it would be a breach of filial piety not to go.

The younger brother will retire first and go to Fu'an Palace. I have heard about the matter between you and the queen mother. I can only say that it is true and cannot be of much help. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a wry smile, then turned to look at Li Tao who was at the side: "Li Tao, what about you? Go home or not?"

"Boyer also plans to go with my fourth uncle to pay my respects to my grandmother. Today is the last big court meeting. My son is very busy in the Hall of Ten Kings, and I haven't had time to pay my grandmother's greetings yet.

Now that the New Year is off and the job is free, the child will naturally go to pay his respects to his grandmother. "

"Alright, let's go to Fu'an Palace together.

Uncle hasn't seen your mother for a long time... huh... I haven't seen your mother for a long time, and now it's time to rest. Uncle thought that we would go to Jingyao's mansion together to discuss with your mother about your quiet life. Younger sister Yao and your cousin Chengzhi's marriage.

Since you are going to Fu'an Palace, uncle in Jingyao's mansion should go there by himself. "

Li Tao didn't see the embarrassment that flashed away on Liu Mingzhi's face, and nodded with his usual expression: "After cousin Chengzhi left Beijing, the younger sister stayed in the mansion and never went out. Uncle should be able to see the younger sister when he goes now." With the concubine and the others.

Hai'er and fourth uncle resigned. "

Li Yunping hasn't been out of the residence for a long time, so naturally he doesn't know the relationship between Liu Mingzhi and He Shu.

The marriage between Liu Chengzhi and Li Jingyao was personally appointed by Li Zheng when he was in power, and everyone in the court knew about it.

Now that the two children have grown up, there is nothing wrong with Liu Mingzhi going to see Mrs. He Shusao to discuss the marriage between the two children.

Li Yunping didn't think much about it.

In fact, even Li Tao himself only vaguely doubted the relationship between his uncle and his mother and concubine He Shu.

The only reason why I have doubts is because of He Shu's charming posture, which is completely unlike the appearance that a widowed woman who has lived alone for many years should have.

But there is no real evidence to prove that young master Liu and He Shu had an affair.

After all, after Prince Zhao's mansion parted ways and went their separate ways, the number of times the concubine mother and uncle met was really very few.

Nothing should have happened that shouldn't have happened.

However, Li Tao, who settled down in Prince Zhao's Mansion, didn't know that He Shu, the mother and concubine who settled down in the mansion of his younger sister, Princess Li Jingyao, had already had more than one romantic affair with his uncle Liu Dashao.

The younger sister is indeed not young now, and it is time to get married.

Hearing that my uncle was going to discuss my younger sister's marriage with my mother and concubine, and we met at my younger sister's princess mansion, and my younger sister was present as a foil, I didn't think there was anything wrong.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the calm faces of Li Yunping's uncle and nephew, heaved a sigh of relief, rubbed his nose and waved his hands and walked towards the palace gate.

"Then what, you go to Fu'an Palace, my young master is leaving the palace first."

"Fourth uncle, why do you think that after my uncle proclaimed himself emperor, why did he stay in the palace that everyone yearned for, but why did he move out and return to the mansion that the emperor's grandfather rewarded him?"

"Maybe it's because the atmosphere in the palace is too depressing.

These have nothing to do with you and me, remember what Uncle Fourth told you.

Just be on duty in the Hall of Ten Kings, and don't think about anything else.

Otherwise... alas...

My child, the universe has been fixed, and there is no power to turn it back. "

"Fourth Uncle, my child understands, the attitude of the cabinet officials, my child has already seen everything clearly.

The boy is not stupid, and knows that there are some things that he can no longer think about. "

"It's good that you understand, boy, it's fine now.

It's not because the fourth uncle is greedy for the glory and wealth that your uncle left to the clan mansion and the Li clan, but because it's really good now.

Your eldest brother succeeded to the throne too hastily, and he had no chance to learn the emperor's mind from your father, so he had no choice but to ascend the throne as emperor.

Leaving aside, just based on what your elder brother sent people to do in Fengyundu, it is doomed that he cannot lead Dalong to today's prosperous world.

His idea is good, and his starting point is also good.

But he ignored the fundamental reason why he was able to sit in that chair and manage a collapsed building in an orderly manner.

The world is so big, and there are so many kingdoms that I don't know how many. My Dalong's [-] miles of mountains and rivers are just a corner of it.

As long as you listen to your uncle's words, one day in the future, maybe you have a chance, and you may get a vast and boundless territory.

Bringing the blood of our Li family's clan, spreading branches and leaves there, continuing the incense of the blood.

This is fourth uncle my advice to you.

Let's go and meet your grandmother!

Li Tao looked at the sincere eyes of his fourth uncle Li Yunping, and looked thoughtfully at the back of his uncle who disappeared down the corridor.

"Keep it in mind, my son, please invite fourth uncle first."

(End of this chapter)

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