My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2359 Serious business finished

Chapter 2359 Serious business finished
Liu Mingzhi looked back in the direction of the imperial study as if feeling something, looked at the backs of his uncle and nephew walking down the corridor leading to Fu'an Palace, shook his head casually, and continued to rush to the palace gate.

I wanted to find the relevant secret agents who were lurking inside and outside the imperial study room, and ask what the uncle and nephew talked about before they left.

Thinking about it carefully, there is no need for that at all.

The fourth brother Li Yunping's consistent attitude towards him made him really unwilling to treat the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

As a human being, it is better to be open-minded.

"We respectfully send Your Majesty out of the palace."

"No courtesy, change defenses frequently, and keep warm."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After exchanging casual greetings with the imperial guards guarding the palace gate, First Young Master Liu walked directly towards Changrenfang Zhuque Street on foot.

The first mansion on Zhuque Street in Changrenfang is Li Jingyao's Princess Mansion.

Young Master Liu, who rarely set foot in Changrenfang in the past, is now familiar with Changrenfang.

About a quarter of an hour later, Young Master Liu caught sight of the closed Princess Mansion. He looked around at the passers-by on the street, and Young Master Liu swaggered towards the gate of the Princess Mansion. go,

Stealing jade and stealing fragrance also needs an atmosphere, this is not the time when the night is quiet, it is better to enter the door openly and aboveboard.

He knocked on the door of the mansion several times, and after a while, there was an old but energetic voice from inside the door.

"Wait a mininute."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the mansion opened a gap for one person to enter and exit, and the old servant of the princess mansion stuck his head out.

"Who Rendeng...Old slave Li Xun has poor eyesight, see Your Majesty..."

Liu Mingzhi interrupted the old man's words with a light smile: "Mr. Liu."

Li Xun nodded eagerly: "Yes, yes, this old servant has seen Mr. Liu."

"Is the empress dowager and Princess Yunchang in the mansion? Liu is here to visit, and we have something to meet."

"It's here! It's here!

Your Majesty...Mr. Liu please come in first, it's cold outside. "

"It's work."

"What's in your job, what's in your job."

"This way, Mr. Liu, this old servant will guide you.

Xiaolu, immediately go and inform the empress dowager and His Royal Highness that a distinguished guest is coming. "

A young man who was sitting by the stove and rummaging through sweet potatoes glanced curiously at First Young Master Liu, put down the tongs in his hand, and trotted towards the inner courtyard.

"Understood, dad, I'll go right away."

In fact, Liu Mingzhi really wanted to tell Li Xun that he was as familiar with the terrain of the inner courtyard of the Princess Mansion as he was, but seeing Li Xun's reserved look, he followed along obediently towards the inner courtyard of the Princess Mansion at a leisurely pace. rush to.

The main reason is that he knows in his heart that such jokes cannot be made.

Liu Mingzhi pretended not to be familiar with the layout of the Princess Mansion, followed Li Xun around and around, and finally arrived outside the living room of the Princess Mansion.

Before entering the living room, Young Master Liu saw He Shu coming out from the back of the living room dignifiedly with a confused expression.

"Li Lu, didn't Uncle Li Xun tell you the identity and name of the distinguished guest?"

"Empress Taifei, my father didn't say anything, so he asked me to come here to inform you and Your Highness the princess. They spoke in a low voice in front of the mansion gate, and I couldn't hear what they said clearly."

"Don't be curious, it was Liu who came to visit Mrs. Sister-in-law."

He Shujiao's body trembled uncontrollably when he heard the extremely familiar voice outside the hall, and his dignified posture seemed a little flustered. Seeing Young Master Liu walking into the hall door while he was speaking, He Shujiao rushed up to greet her.

"How do you live in broad daylight... Cough cough... Concubine Li Shi He Shu sees Your Majesty..."

Liu Mingzhi looked at He Shu with an unnatural expression and smiled lightly: "Sister-in-law, you can just call me brother-in-law."

"Okay, my concubine has met my brother-in-law, so be polite.

Uncle Li Xun, Li Lu, you go back first, it's enough for the Ai family to entertain the distinguished guests in person. "

"Yes, empress dowager, this old slave is retiring."

"Father, who is that distinguished guest who is not a few years older than me? Why do you seem to be a little afraid of him?"

"Don't ask nonsense if you shouldn't ask, go back and guard the gate."

The voices of Li Lu and his son could be heard faintly from outside the hall. First Young Master Liu raised his hand and quickly pinched He Shu's cheek, and walked towards the chairs in the hall with ease.

He Shu's faintly unnatural delicate face was immediately stained with a layer of blush, watching Young Master Liu who had already sat on the chair unceremoniously with Erlang's legs up, followed him.

"You are going to die, what are you doing here in broad daylight? If someone sees it, if rumors spread, how can you let the Ai family face?"

Young Master Liu self-sufficiently poured a cup of tea to moisten his throat, and looked at He Shu looking around in and out of the living room, dumbfounded, with an uneasy look as if he had been caught in bed.

"Why can't my young master come during the day? I have business to do!"

He Shu spat lightly, and rolled his eyes silently: "Hey, when did you come here to have serious business, isn't it always... you... you really have serious business?"

Holding the teacup, Liu Mingzhi shrugged his shoulders, looking narrowly at He Shugong's plump and enchanting figure.

"How should I put it? Whether it's a serious matter is not up to me, but to you, Shu Er.

If you want to do something else, in fact, this young master can also be reluctant to be serious once. "

"You! Dirty."

"Stop standing there, sit down and say, this is your home, why are you acting like a guilty conscience?"

He Shu angrily walked to the chair opposite Young Master Liu and sat down, looking at Young Master Liu who was sipping tea carefully with a puzzled expression: "What business are you here now?
Did Tao'er cause you any trouble in the palace?

If that's the case, don't be as knowledgeable as he is, and I'll reprimand him for you when he comes back. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at He Shu's slightly disturbed phoenix eyes, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Don't think about it, Tao'er didn't cause any trouble, and he didn't make any mistakes.

This time I came here for the marriage of Jingyao and Chengzhi, I want to discuss with you, what kind of customization is more appropriate for their wedding.

Customization of national marriage or private customization of three media and six employment? "

He Shu paused as he was about to pour tea, and looked at First Young Master Liu in astonishment: "Didn't you say a few days ago that you would wait for them to get married later?

Is it still early?Why did you suddenly mention the marriage of the two children? "

Before Liu Mingzhi's eyes appeared not long ago in the Palace of Qinzheng, all civil and military officials were surprised when they heard that he was going to transfer Qi Liang to Beifu to serve as the governor of the two prefectures, and nodded with a half-smile.

"Three matchmakers and six engagements, plus all kinds of trivial matters such as setting the wedding date, it will take some time.

After the decision is made, there is no rush to get married or not, first inform the guests, relatives and friends who should be notified, and let them prepare in advance, so as to save them from rushing to the capital to attend their wedding in time.

This young master's side, Shu'er's natal family's side, and the relatives and friends of the Li clan's side, it may take about half a year to be notified one by one.

No matter how busy you are with other things, the time is actually not too far away. "

He Shu nodded blankly, echoed and said softly: "You seem to be saying the same thing, after all, it is the wedding of the prince and the princess, and it must be cumbersome to organize.

Start preparing now, it's not too early when they can get married. "

"It's good if you can understand, so I'm here to ask you and Jingyao, will Jingyao prepare the Fengguan Xiapei on the wedding day? Or will Shang Yifang prepare it for Jingyao?"

"Of course I sewed it myself. A woman's wedding dress is different from other clothes. It is meaningful to sew it myself."

"Don't answer so bluntly!

It also depends on Jingyao's own intentions. Although you are a mother in this regard, you can't be too big. "

He Shu lightly gouged out First Young Master Liu: "Jing Yao has already learned how to sew her own wedding dress from Shang Gong in the mansion two years ago, do you think I promised this for her?"

"So that's the case, since this is Jingyao's own choice, I definitely don't have any objections here.

By the way, where is Jingyao?

I've been here for a long time, why doesn't she come out to meet my uncle and future father-in-law? "

"I went out in the morning, and said that I went to the clan's mansion to find her cousin Li Xi, and didn't ask why I was going to mourn my family."

"Oh——Jingyao has gone out!"

"That's right, if you are in a hurry to see her, the Ai family will send someone to the clan mansion right away... ah... what are you doing?
Be honest in broad daylight and let me go. "

Young Master Liu smiled and looked at He Shu who was caught off guard in his arms.

Seeing his cheeks are infinitely shy and struggling, he laughed.

"Now that the serious things have been said, it is natural to say something not serious."

(End of this chapter)

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