My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2360 Cao thief's life and disease

Chapter 2360 Cao thief's life and disease
Lengxiang Xiaoyuan, Princess Yunchang's mansion.

Lengxiang Xiaoyuan is the main residence of the main courtyard of the Princess Mansion. This courtyard was originally the residence of Yunchang Princess Li Jingyao.

Ever since her concubine He Shu moved into the Princess Mansion, in order to express her filial piety to her concubine, Li Jingyao voluntarily moved out of Lengxiang Xiaoyuan and moved into Jinchun Courtyard in Xiyuan.

After repeated refusals to no avail, He Shu had no choice but to live here with peace of mind.

I can live and live in this quiet and elegant small courtyard, and for the rest of my life, it is much better than the [-]% of the Li clan in the clan's mansion.

Not to mention some concubines.

He Shu knew in his heart that the reason why he, the concubine of the former dynasty, achieved such a good result after the change of dynasty was not only because of her daughter's filial piety.

The fundamental reason is that after Liu Mingzhi rebelled and proclaimed himself emperor, he did not remove the glory and wealth that the Li family members in the clan's mansion should have.

If Liu Mingzhi had been more ruthless, he would have been lucky to be able to find a desolate and remote place to live by, let alone a mansion or a courtyard for himself and those who were connected with the Li clan.

They may even live a desperate life of tossing and turning, exhausted and fleeing.

In the end, he died in a foreign country, and the corpse was exposed in the wilderness, which was the result of the fate of Li's clan and himself and others.

Therefore, for this rebellious man who seeks power and usurpation but has a kind heart, even after so many years, He Shu's feelings towards him are quite complicated.

Liu Mingzhi gradually replaced the shadow of his husband in his heart, but he still didn't know in what capacity he should accept this man wholeheartedly.

In the boudoir of Lengxiang Xiaoyuan.

He Shu stood obediently behind First Young Master Liu, the lingering aftertaste of happiness on her cheeks was still lingering, her slightly wet shawl hair was naturally scattered on the light plain clothes covering her plump jade body.

With slender fingers and white tender hands, he was arranging Young Master Liu's temples with one hand, and combing gently with a wooden comb in the other.

He Shu looked at Young Master Liu who was entertaining himself by pulling on the hem of his clothes with a mixture of anger and anger.

"Fortunately, because of your behavior of coming to meet at night from time to time in the past, Shu'er got used to not leaving the maid arranged by Jingyao to serve.

Otherwise, if the maids in Jingyao's mansion see that you and I are having fun in broad daylight, Shu'er will really be ashamed to live here.

Can't you think about it for me?
If the story of me having an affair with you is spread and there is a commotion in the capital, what will you do to me in the future..."

Liu Mingzhi swung He Shu back, hugged He Shu onto his lap and sat down, looking at the lingering charm of the beautiful woman, he smiled lightly on the radiant and delicate cheeks.

"When elder brother was still alive, did you do such things as stealing from your husband and stealing from him?"

He Shuning raised his eyebrows, and stared at First Young Master Liu in embarrassment and indignation: "Of course not, Liu Mingzhi, what kind of woman do you think of the Ai family? The kind of woman who is as good as you can be?"

"Good Shu'er, don't be angry, okay? I don't mean anything else by asking you this.

When elder brother was still alive, you were a woman, if you had an affair with another man, you would be considered unclean.

But the eldest brother has been in business for many years, and you are now a widow.

Remarriage of widows is something encouraged by the imperial court.

To be honest, I am not afraid to spread the matter between me, Jie'er and you, let alone make a fuss.

If it weren't for the two of you who have always been afraid of wolves and tigers, what would happen if our previous relationship was made public?

The reason why I didn't do this is to respect your wishes.

Of course, I will not force you to do things that you don't want, and I will not go against your will and secretly publicize them, so as to shame your face.

Let me tell you this, if you and Jie'er want to stay with me in a fair and honest manner, I can tell the world right away that Ming Media is marrying you two into the gate of my Liu family in eight sedan chairs.

Before I touched you, you were just two sister-in-laws of me, Liu Mingzhi.

But after having a physical relationship, Chen Jie and He Shu are my women, Liu Mingzhi.

Although there is no name of husband and wife, there is a woman who has the reality of husband and wife.

In the future, no matter whether you agree or not, after the construction of Liu Mingzhi's imperial mausoleum is completed, after a hundred years of my life, you will be my wife, Liu Mingzhi, who was born with the same quilt and died with the same cave. "

He Shu's phoenix eyes flickered, she stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi who was holding her with a normal expression, and instinctively raised her palm to caress Liu Mingzhi's cheek with sparse beard.

There is a look of happiness and entanglement in the eyes, which are indescribably complicated and confused, but they are also full of tenderness and affection.

He Shu sighed quietly, whispering softly.

"Birth is the same quilt, and death is the same acupuncture point?"

"Well! Born with the same quilt, and dead with the same acupuncture point."

"You are the current day. Once the relationship between Aijia and eldest sister and you is made public, are you really not afraid of becoming a slut and a fool?"

"My young master has a better life than Cao thief. Why can't I get Cao thief's disease? What do I have to be afraid of?"

He Shu's emotional expression froze for a moment, and he looked at First Young Master Liu for some unknown reason and asked, "Huh?"

"Hehe! It's just a joke.

Infamy is nothing more than infamy, what could be more serious than seeking power and usurping the throne?

I, Liu Mingzhi, don't even care about the notoriety of rebellion and usurping the throne, and I don't even care about the notoriety of the two of you, Mrs. Qingcheng's wife. "

He Shuying's lips trembled slightly, and she looked at First Young Master Liu helplessly: "The Ai family finally understands where you Liu Mingzhi's reputation in the capital came from when you were still a lord."

"Huh? What reputation?"

He Shu pursed her seductive red lips and snickered a few times, then said softly: "Don't criticize Liu Mingzhi.

The shadow of a famous tree, indeed some rumors are not groundless, Aijia has seen it today. "

Young Master Liu suddenly had black lines on his face, and curled his lips resentfully.

"Jealousy, when my young master had this name back then, it was entirely because of the old foxes in the court, seeing my father, the emperor, who is a grand old man, so jealous and slandered.

How good was Young Master Ben back then?
Saying that I don't want to criticize the face is completely slanderous.

Outright slander. "

He Shu looked at Young Master Liu's displeasure, covered his lips and smiled softly: "Sorry... Shu'er, it's completely worthy of the name."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and pecked lightly on the beautiful woman's red lips, staring softly at He Shu's evasive phoenix eyes, and slowly moved his palms over the beautiful woman's body.

"Shu'er, give birth to a big fat boy or a little padded jacket?
Among my many wives and concubines, all of them have already given birth to me, and even Jieer has a girl named Lianniang. Up to now, only you have not given birth to me.

If the two of us have flesh and blood, you will have someone to rely on when I'm not by your side in the future, right? "

He Shu was taken aback for a moment, his fingers silently wrapped around the black hair hanging down his chest, and he lowered his head while avoiding his eyes.

"I... I... If I become pregnant, after the child is born, the identities and relationships of Jingyao and Chengzhi will all be messed up.

We have had so many happy nights, and every time you left, I secretly drank a bowl of saffron, just because I was afraid that I might accidentally become pregnant with your flesh and blood.

The marriage between Jingyao and Chengzhi has always been a thorn in my heart, making me afraid to conceive yours..."

With a few crackling sounds, First Young Master Liu slapped He Shu's buttocks heavily, staring sullenly at He Shu who was rubbing his buttocks and dared not look at him.

"Who told you to drink that soup? Why didn't you mention it to me?"

"I... I don't know how to tell you. The marriage of the two children is getting closer. If I have your heir again, how do you let them get along with each other in the future?"

"Just get along as you want to get along with each other, and just talk about each other?
Shan'er is still my aunt in name!In fact, there is no relationship between relatives.

Our life is not the same as living a harmonious and beautiful life?
My good fellow, I always thought it was because of my lack of ability?You have been the root cause of your stomach not responding for a long time?

If I don't work hard, you won't be able to conceive, if I try hard, you still won't be able to conceive.

You secretly drank saffron behind my back, so isn't my mother's hard work in vain? "

(End of this chapter)

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