My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2377 New Year, Timing

Chapter 2377 New Year, Timing

"Baby Liu Mingzhi."

"Liu Mingli."

"Liu Mingjie."

"Liu Xuan."

"Daughter-in-law Qi Yun."

"Li Yan."


"Wanyan politely."

"Huyan Yunyao."


"Song Lei."


"Greetings to my parents, I wish my parents a happy new year and all the best."

"Granddaughter Liu Yunxin."

"Liu Lingyun"


"Greetings to my grandparents, I wish the two elders a happy new year and a long life.

Invite grandpa and grandma to drink tea. "

"All right, all get up, all get up."

"Children, it's cold on the ground, get up quickly."

Liu Zhi'an and his wife took tea from many children, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, and grandson, and then took out a thick stack of red envelopes from their sleeves and distributed them one by one.

For a group of little guys, being able to receive red envelopes is simply the happiest thing in the New Year.

Although Liu Mingzhi and the others didn't care how much money was in the red envelope, they still put away the red envelope with a happy face.

The second elder's heart is far more gratifying than how many things are in the red envelope.

Liu Zhi'an knew the character of the eldest son, even though he is now the son of the emperor, the king of a country, because today is a special day and there is no politeness, he took the lead to sit on the main seat, and then waved his hand to signal the whole family to take their seats.

"Sit down, family reunion, there are not so many rules, the most important thing is to eat and drink enough."

After the juniors headed by Liu Mingzhi thanked each other in unison, they went to their respective seats and sat down.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the drink in front of him: "Old man, we brothers hereby offer you a toast."

"Hey, drink together, drink together."

After expressing his feelings, Liu Mingzhi glanced at his sons who were holding bowls and buried their heads in eating dumplings, and picked up a few chopsticks of fish and put them on the plates of Liu Zhenghao and his brothers.

"Be careful with the fishbone, if you can't eat it, try another dish."

"Okay, thank you Daddy."

"Thank you dad."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, then looked up at the table where the two female relatives were sitting: "Yun'er, Yan'er."


"It's still the same as before. After eating and drinking, don't forget to take the children to the palace and pay New Year's greetings to the mother."

"Hey, I see, I will never forget."

"Husband, don't worry, my concubine and sister Yun have already prepared gifts for the New Year's greetings with my mother."

Seeing that he didn't have to worry about everything, Liu Mingzhi stopped nagging, so he buried himself in eating the dumplings in the bowl.

Following Liu Mingzhi's silence, the main hall of the Liu family gradually echoed with due laughter.

A group of well-fed female relatives and children left one after another, Liu Zhi'an, Liu First Young Master, and Liu Mingli were still pushing glasses and chatting about anecdotes.

Liu Zhi'an drank the wine in his cup, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a questioning look in his eyes: "How is it? Have you formally drawn up the regulations for the use of troops against Tsarist Russia?
When do you plan to use troops?How many troops?How long is the estimated period?What are the odds?Will it waste the people and money, and shake the foundation of the country? "

Seeing the curious eyes of the old man, Liu Mingzhi lifted the pot and filled Liu Zhi'an with wine, and shook his head gently.

"I already have a general charter in my heart, and the imperial court has not discussed in detail the possible use of troops against Tsarist Russia this time.

The general reason is that the final result of the Western Expedition has not been reported back to the court. Most of the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty were a little uneasy, for fear that such a mobilizing expedition would not achieve an ideal result.

Although I have a rough result here, I don't dare to make too much guarantee that the Western Expedition will meet my psychological expectations.

After all, it is an expedition of thousands of miles, and there are too many possible changes in it.

Before I received the battle report written by the Generalissimo of the left and right armies and horses, I was a little nervous in my heart!

Therefore, although I know that Tsarist Russia will sooner or later become a powerful enemy of Dalong, but because of the Western Expedition Army, I dare not be too hasty.

Old man, you also know that since I unified the world, in order to win over the soldiers and people in Beifu and Xinfu, about [-]% of the imperial court's taxes in recent years have been spent on the construction of people's livelihood in the two places.

After the remaining money in the national treasury is used for the expenditures of the inner government, it is not a problem that large-scale natural and man-made disasters do not occur in the state capitals.

However, once natural and man-made disasters occur, it is enough to consume the current treasury.

The national treasury still has a little enough silver, and the grain and grass are real, but I dare not use it randomly!
You must know that the expedition of millions of elite troops stationed at Dalong Border Pass is not a small matter, and the consumption of food and grass alone is a big problem that cannot be ignored.

If it only takes a year and a half to end, the imperial court will tighten their belts and grit their teeth and still be able to bear it.

But if it lasts for three to five years, it will eventually make the people mourn, and the people's complaints will boil.

I fully believe in the strength of the soldiers of the imperial court, but the imperial court can't support them to show their strength.

After all, as far as the current national treasury is concerned, my young master, even if I have a higher heart than the sky, but for the sake of the overall situation, I have to make due compromises.

It is easy to fight the world, but difficult to sit in the world!
In the past, if you were in charge of a place as big as a palm, you could just ask the court for what was lacking, and the court would find a way for it.

It's no longer possible, no matter how big or small the state capital is, it's all the flesh on the palm of the hand and the back of the hand.

Wherever it hurts, it's the young master himself who hurts.

There is nothing I can do about it. In order to unify the world, it took more than ten years in the Three Kingdoms, and I had to do everything according to my ability.

Fortunately, this young master still has a few years to live. I will try my best to leave a decent foundation for these little bastards before the end of my life. "

Liu Zhi'an looked at Liu Mingzhi in admiration, stroked his beard and nodded slightly: "It's good that you have a plan in mind, expanding the territory is far more consuming of national strength than the ordinary battle between the two armies.

The old man is really afraid that after you sit on that position, you will become arrogant and underestimate the heroes of the world.

Now seeing that you are in charge of the world, and you still retain a cautious and thoughtful personality after sitting on millions of elite troops, the old man is finally relieved.

Whether you like to hear it or not, whether you care about it or not, the old man will tell you.

The treasury has no money, but our family has it, and the treasury has no grain, but our Liu family has it.

What your treasury can do, our Liu family can do too.

The dirty things that your court can't do, the old man can do for you.

As long as you don't dislike the old food, the old man will be able to raise food and grass for 50 troops for three years within two months, which is not a problem.

However, frankly speaking, this is the food and grass that can only be raised as a result of the failure of our Liu family.

That's why the old man said just now, you must keep your habit of deliberation.

fight!If the final result of the fight is a disastrous victory with empty treasury and boiling public dissatisfaction, it is not called victory.

Only by exchanging [-]% of the profits for double, triple, ten times, or even tens of times, or hundreds of times of benefits, can this be called a triumphant victory.

Seeing that you are still able to maintain your true heart, the old man is relieved.

The old man does not ask for courtesy, Mingjie, Xuan'er, the three of them can control the power and dominate one side, I just hope that you can keep their due wealth and honor and be satisfied.

Do you understand what the old man means? "

"Hey, I have worked so hard for my young master for most of my life, old man, it's time for you to take care of yourself.

Second child, Xuan'er, old man, don't tell me, this young master has already thought about the matter of the third child.

If you don't talk about some things, this young master knows what to do.

Father, my young master respects you..."

"Master! Young Master! The young lady is...she...she has given birth!"

Young Master Liu stood up abruptly, staring blankly at the panting maid standing in the hall door.

"Have you given birth politely?"

"Yes, the amniotic fluid broke as soon as I got back to the courtyard, so hurry over there!"

Liu Mingzhi didn't care whether he was rude or not, he rushed towards the Queen's courtyard as soon as he dropped the wine glass.

Liu Zhian and Liu Mingli also hurriedly put down their teacups and chased them out.

I gave birth on the first day of the new year. I really don't know if it's a good time or not to make a few people sigh.

After Liu Mingzhi hurried to the Queen's courtyard, instead of hearing the Queen's heart-piercing cursing and crying, he heard the baby's crying.

Scratching his head and staring blankly at the empty courtyard, First Young Master Liu looked at the boudoir where the baby was crying in a dazed expression: "What's going on, it's already born?"

While Liu Mingzhi was confused, Mrs. Liu came out of the boudoir with a smile all over her face, and Liu Mingzhi rushed to greet her.

"Mother, what's the situation, isn't she in labor right now?"

"Silly son, bluntly speaking, this child hardly suffers, and was born in a short time, probably because Yue'er was born before!"

First Young Master Liu trembled twice, and looked into the room: "Boy or girl?"

"you guess!"

"My dear mother, don't make fools of the child. Is it a son or a daughter?"

"Son, hurry up and think about what name to choose!"

(End of this chapter)

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