My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2376 New Chapters

Chapter 2376 New Chapter
The New Year's Eve quietly passed by while Liu Mingzhi was chatting with the Queen as a cow and a horse, and the Spring Festival was ushered in in the blink of an eye.

The first day of the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

On New Year's Eve, Liu Mingzhi, who was hugging left and right, was awakened from his sleep by the sound of New Year's fireworks outside the room.

Swinging his arms and stretching his waist, Liu Mingzhi stared dimly at Qi Yun who had finished washing and was sitting in front of the dressing table doing her own makeup, and the two Yun Xiaoxi sisters walked off the bed beating their waists.

"Yun'er, Xiaoxi, how's the weather outside?"

"Husband, I just opened the window to look after I finished washing, and it will probably take about half an hour before the sky is bright.

The mother and the sisters probably got up early to work, and the concubine and sister Xiaoxi also had to rush over to help. It was late, and the sisters didn't know how to make fun of us sisters!

Husband, you should wash up quickly, the children should have already woken up, waiting for you to set off fireworks in the front yard. "

Yun Xiaoxi inserted a phoenix hairpin between the coiled buns, tied the ribbon around his waist and walked towards the changing rack, picked up the hot towel and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, Sister Yun is right, if you don't get up again, the children will definitely blame you as a father.

Listen to the fireworks and firecrackers outside, the children must have been looking forward to our own fireworks and firecrackers.

Wash up quickly, and then hurry to the front yard to take Yun Xin, Zheng Hao...they go to set off fireworks.

Sister Yun, my sister won't wait for you, I will rush to the backyard to help my mother prepare the New Year's reunion dinner. "

Qi Yun took off the lip paper between her lips and nodded silently: "Okay, you go first, my sister will rush over to help in a while."

"Okay, husband, Xiaoxi will go first, you should go wash up too."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful figure of Yun Xiaoxi who was going away in a hurry, and replied loudly that he knew the little housekeeper, and then walked towards the changing rack and started washing.

Holding hot water with both hands and applying it to his face, Liu Mingzhi suddenly let out a long sigh.

"It's a new year in a blink of an eye, since Cheng Zhi and the others have left home, none of them has returned a single letter, and I don't know how they are doing in various state capitals now!

Have you found a place to stay?Can I have a hot meal?Have you contracted a cold in the cold weather?Have you brought enough winter clothes for a change of clothes?

Don't you know that your parents are worried at home?What a bunch of unfilial bastards. "

Qi Yun finished her dressing and was about to change into a dress in the closet. When she heard her husband talking to herself, she turned around with a resentful expression and walked towards the changing rack.

Passing the mane brush dipped in green salt to her husband, Qi Yun looked a little sullen.

"I knew it earlier, so why bother.

If it weren't for your husband, you insisted on letting a few children go to various state capitals to visit privately for you, a slacker dad, and patrol hunting on behalf of the sky when the New Year is approaching, our house would already be full of children's laughter.

Now that I know how to worry about them, what did I do earlier?
I know in hindsight Zhuge Liang, it's too late! "

Young Master Liu wiped the water on his face resentfully: "I am not sick, my young master, so I will worry about them little bastards?

It would be better if these little bastards were not at home, it was rare for a husband to be able to be quiet and quiet.

Thinking back to the days when they were at home, Wei Fu felt that the current life was extremely comfortable.

The comfortable one can't be any more comfortable, my husband wishes they would go outside to practice hard, so my husband can let me be clean for a few more days, and live a good and unrestrained life for a few days.

I will worry about them?What a terrible joke! "

Qi Yun looked at her husband pretending to be indifferent, snorted a few times, and stuffed the mane brush dipped in green salt into Young Master Liu's mouth.

"Hmph! You're a dead duck with a stubborn mouth, so just take it easy, and sooner or later you will die comfortably, you duplicity stinky husband.

The concubine went to the backyard to help her mother and sisters. She found what clothes she wanted to wear, and if she couldn't find them, she would freeze.

You deserve it if you freeze to death, you found it yourself. "

Qi Yun left a 'ruthless word' to her husband, took out a crimson skirt from the closet and walked towards the main room while wearing it.

It was not a good time to cup tea, the sound of opening and closing the door reached the ears of Young Master Liu who was brushing his teeth, and then the sound of footsteps gradually receding.

Young Master Liu rinsed his mouth with an aggrieved expression, placed the fine porcelain cup heavily on the washing rack, and howled towards the outside of the room.

"If it weren't for the fear that a group of you female fairies would become widows at a young age, my husband would go outside and freeze himself to death naked right now.

The seven brothers and sisters have hands and feet, food and clothing, so what is there to worry about?
The money you prodigal wives secretly gave them could not be spent in a year. Do you really think that your husband is blind and doesn’t know anything?

My husband is too lazy to argue with you.

Originally, the young master asked them to go to practice, but you prodigal wives were lucky enough to secretly stuff so much money for them before leaving.

Is this still for practice?The fuck is going on a trip!

A loving mother has many losers, a loving mother has many losers!

A group of prodigal women dared to teach their husbands a lesson, it turned the world upside down! "

Liu Mingzhi howled carelessly for a while, and there was no movement outside the house. The somewhat dispirited Young Master Liu walked towards the closet, picking out today's clothes by himself.

In less than a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi put on a light blue scholar's Confucian robe and rushed towards the front yard without haste.

Seeing the maidservants coming and going shuttled down the corridor, Liu Mingzhi sighed with regret.

There was no sound of the seven little bastards making a fuss at home. This New Year is indeed a bit deserted.

"Daddy, set off fireworks, set off fireworks!"

"Daddy, we have set up the fireworks, come and set off the fireworks."

"Okay, flower, flower."

"Master, do you want to light the fireworks?"

As soon as Liu Mingzhi arrived at the martial arts arena in the front yard, a group of children headed by Liu Yunxin swarmed over.

Some are already sensible, while others are not too articulate.

They are all his own flesh and blood, and Liu Mingzhi didn't want to affect the mood of these little guys because he was worried about the seven mature children. .

First Young Master Liu waved his hands at Liu Song, signaling that the two of them would light dozens of barrels of fireworks together.

"Master, you are in the first two rows, and the younger one is in the back two rows."

When the first barrel of fireworks burst into colorful flowers in the night sky above Liu's house, a group of little guys covered their ears and looked up at the night sky with amazed eyes.




In the exclamation of a group of children, the new year, the Liu family, the capital, the dragon, and the world.

A new chapter has officially opened.

After the last firework flower disappeared, the sky was already bright.

The members of the Liu family, full of joy and laughter, gathered together again to start the New Year's reunion dinner.

The only fly in the ointment is that there are seven cutie brothers and sisters missing from Liu's family this year, making the whole family feel like something is missing.

(End of this chapter)

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