Chapter 2375

Qinglian looked back from An Daier, and silently followed behind her husband, her soft eyes circling curiously, as if she was imagining what kind of children her son and the little Western girl would give birth to. .

The couple walked around two corridors and finally arrived at the queen's courtyard.

As soon as the two entered the queen's boudoir, they saw the queen wearing loose clothes, walking slowly in the main room with her big belly, stroking Gao Long's belly from time to time and lamenting, obviously eating enough Once again, I was pregnant with Liujia's suffering.

Seeing this, Qinglian hurried to help her. She is also a woman with a son and a daughter, and she knows the pain of the woman's torment on the eve of Liujia's imminent delivery.

And among the many sisters, Qinglian was the one who suffered the most.

After all, when Qinglian was pregnant with triplets at once, the torment she endured was three times that of a normal pregnant woman, or even more.

Especially at that time, Qinglian was alone in Miaojiang, not only had to avoid the pursuit of the imperial guards, but also ensure the safety of the fetus in the womb, the bitterness of it can be imagined.

Even if because of Liu Mingzhi's relationship, the imperial court later withdrew the pursuit of Qinglian, but at that time, there were not so many people close to her who cared about her safety except for her elderly grandmother who was taking care of her.

Liu Mingzhi deeply understood Qinglian's difficult past when she left Liu's mansion, so in the days when the couple reunited, he took Qinglian with him wherever he went, and let her accompany him day and night. I want to make up for what I owed her.

It's just that this was a good intention at first, but An thought that when he went to Qingzhou for disaster relief, not only was he unfortunately infected with the plague, but the beautiful woman who almost killed him disappeared without a trace.

Later, although the sky had eyes, the husband and wife escaped from danger and saved their lives by luck, but this incident also left an indelible memory on Liu Mingzhi.

Therefore, although Liu Mingzhi never discriminated against many ladies, Qinglian's position in Liu Mingzhi's heart was absolutely the top priority.

Liu Mingzhi watched the queen being supported by Qinglian and sat on the chair, put down the tray, picked up the porridge bowl and walked over.

"To put it bluntly, if you really can't walk, sit down and rest. Mr. Sai asked you to move around more, but he didn't tell you to keep walking.

You, you have to love your body. "

The empress half-lyed and half-sat on the chair with her big belly, sighed tenderly, glanced at First Young Master Liu who was walking over with a half-closed eyes, rolled her eyes angrily, and hummed a few times coquettishly. Voice.

"To call you heartless, you really are heartless!

If it weren't for you being a bad guy, wouldn't my mother have a big belly?As for the guilt?You are still talking sarcastic words here, you are dead and heartless, and you stink and have no conscience.

The old lady is annoying you to death, wishing to bite you to death. "

Liu Mingzhi didn't care whether he was really at fault or not, he hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Yes yes yes, thousands of mistakes are my husband's fault, it's because my husband didn't control himself and made you pregnant, it's all my fault, it's all my fault.

After the child is born, you can be beaten or punished as your husband, okay?

Calm down, let me feed you porridge for my husband, this is the porridge that your sister Lian'er cooked for you, you can't live up to Lian'er's heart. "

Seeing her husband's aggrieved appearance like a doormat, Qinglian covered her lips and snickered twice, feeling a little regret in her heart.

It's a pity that when I was pregnant with Liujia, I didn't have the blessing to make my husband busy in front of me to take care of my daily necessities.

The queen felt that her waist and limbs were no longer so sore, she sat up straight silently, and looked at the porridge that Liu Mingzhi brought to her mouth after blowing it, showing a charming smile.

"Fortunately, you have some conscience, my old lady barely forgives you.

But that's what I said, but don't get too complacent, this is the porridge cooked by Lian Er's sister after all, you can only be regarded as borrowing flowers to offer Buddha.

My mother thanked Sister Lian'er, but she won't thank you. "

"Yes, yes, don't say you don't thank me, even if you scold me, she will listen without complaint.

Come on, drink the porridge first, it won't taste good when it's cold. "

Seeing Young Master Liu's 'low-spirited' attitude, the empress felt a little relieved, she lowered her head slightly and held the spoon with her red lips.

When the porridge entered the mouth, the Queen's eyebrows were slightly frowned, but she still swallowed it silently.

"Sister Lian'er."

"Huh? What's wrong with Wanyan's sister? Could it be that today's porridge doesn't suit your appetite?"

The queen quickly waved her hand: "No, no, don't get me wrong, my sister just wants to say, from now on, Sister Ya, Sister Shan, Sister Wei'er, Sister Xiaoxi... can you stop cooking porridge that replenishes energy and blood?

My sister has a poor appetite because of this tormenting little thing in her stomach. You take turns to take care of her, and my sister understands.

It's just that you have been changing the soup and not the medicine for about two months, and you always let my sister drink these porridges that nourish qi and blood. My sister really has enough.

You sent a bowl of ordinary millet porridge, which is much better than this! "

Qinglian couldn't help laughing when she saw the queen's grateful and pitiful look.

"Yes, it's because the sisters didn't think carefully. They only thought about nourishing your vitality and blood, but they forgot that drinking porridge all the time would really make you bored."

"Sister Lian'er, the sisters take turns to take care of my sister. If you take turns, you can only cook porridge once every few days. Naturally, you don't think it's a big deal, but my sister drinks it every day.

Today yours, tomorrow hers, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow... Each of you does not cook every day, I can't stop my sister, I drink it every day. "

As the queen spoke, she grabbed Qinglian's palm and placed it on her own cheeks which were obviously much plumper than before.

"Fat? Is it much better than before?
When my elder sister was pregnant with the moon, it took only three or five days in the palace to drink a bowl of porridge and water to replenish qi and blood.

Drink it again, and my sister's oval face will turn into a pancake face.

There is flesh on the face, and a lot of fat in the lower abdomen. This smelly and heartless person must not like it. "

Qinglian subconsciously pinched the empress's chubby face, which was a bit fat like a baby, and burst out laughing.

"Don't drink, don't drink, my sister will say hello to her sisters when I go back, I won't drink for a few days, and I will drink a little in the confinement period after giving birth.

Guaranteed not to let Wanyan's sister's figure become bloated due to the childbirth.

A certain unscrupulous stinky man in the province used this as an excuse to go out to mess with flowers and grass, attracting bees and butterflies. "

First Young Master Liu felt the tender and resentful eyes of the two girls falling on him, and the corner of his mouth twitched, wondering whether the spoon should be brought to the Queen's mouth again.

He finally understood that he shouldn't be following Qinglian.

"Hmm, do you still want to drink this porridge?"

The empress raised her crescent eyebrows, and stared quietly at First Young Master Liu, giving him a look of understanding.

Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly, and sent the porridge bowl to his mouth.

Anyway, it is to replenish qi and blood, so if you don’t drink it, you won’t drink it.

I worked hard day and night. Although I was in good health, I didn't drink much, so I just took it as icing on the cake.

Liu Mingzhi put down the porridge bowl, bent down and pressed it against the queen's stomach to listen, and vaguely felt the closeness of the little life in the queen's stomach to him.

"To put it bluntly, are you really not sure when this little guy was conceived?

Why does Weifu feel that this child has been in your stomach for a long time? "

The Empress glanced at Qinglian, who pretended not to hear anything, turned shy and puzzled at First Young Master Liu, twisted her fingers on Young Young Master Liu's arm, grabbed Young Young Master Liu's ears and brought her closer to her. whispered in front of him.

"During those days, you were like a perverted demon, coming and going between the old lady and the little goblin in our two yards so frequently, how did my old lady know which time she was conceived?

We can only know that it is about the days between February and March.

You can count the specific day by yourself, anyway, I don’t remember it. "

The corners of Liu Mingzhi's eyes twitched, and he rubbed his nose resentfully, telling himself to count with his fingers, what are you kidding?
At that time, ghosts have the mind to count the days.

(End of this chapter)

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