Chapter 2374

The next day, the sky was bright, but there was no warm sun coming out.

It can be seen directly from the room that the weather outside today is not particularly good. The well-dressed Liu Mingzhi nodded Tao Ying's nose with his fingers.

Tao Ying opened her sleepy eyes, glanced at First Young Master Liu who was leaning over to look at her, rolled up the brocade quilt lazily and shrank back inside.

"I haven't slept enough yet! Don't disturb my rest, you can go home now."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Tao Ying who had closed her eyes and slept soundly again with a stiff expression: "Fuck, why are you more ruthless than this little brother?
The current attitude is too different from the attitude of the younger brother when he was working hard last night, isn't it? "

Tao Ying sighed softly, her naked body got out from the brocade quilt, her red lips moved to Liu Mingzhi's cheek and pecked lightly, and she retracted into the quilt again.

"Are you satisfied now? You can go back, don't rest on your concubine's body, I'm tired and sleepy, I really don't want to move."

Young Master Liu reached out and grabbed Tao Yingzhu's Yuan Yurun's earlobe and turned it to face him.

"Perfunctory! It's just perfunctory, my little brother doesn't want you to get up, but if you don't get up and tell that girl from Huaner to come over, how can my little brother wash up?"
You can't let the little brother rush home through the streets and alleys in such a mess, can you?
If you run into an acquaintance, will the little brother survive? "

Tao Ying snorted a few times, then stretched out her fingers sleepily to the tub that she used for bathing last night beside the screen.

"Don't you say that you don't dislike your sister? Wash it off."

Young Master Liu sighed resentfully, and walked towards the bathtub helplessly.

"I wish I had known that I didn't eat big radishes yesterday. Sure enough, after getting me, my young master will no longer be cherished."

Liu Mingzhi washed it casually with clean bath water, rinsed his mouth with the remaining herbal tea, went back and glanced at Tao Ying, who was wrapped in a brocade quilt, breathing evenly, and understood that she was indeed exhausted last night.

Sitting gently on the head of the bed, stroking Tao Ying's beautiful hair for about half an hour, Liu Mingzhi leaned over and kissed her forehead lightly, stuffed the quilt for her, and made sure that the stove would not stay behind. Hidden danger, just turned and walked towards the door.

Leaving Li's house all the way unimpeded, Eldest Young Master Liu rushed towards Liu's mansion like a normal passerby, except that he felt a little awkward in his mouth.

After Liu Mingzhi returned to the Liu Mansion, there was no big commotion. After all, the whole family kept their heads down and did not look up. Young Master Liu didn't return home from a long journey, so there was really nothing to be excited about.

In the next few days, Liu Mingzhi first led a group of people to worship Li Zheng. The spirits of Li Baiyu and his son, like the people all over the world, stayed at home obediently and waited for the arrival of the Spring Festival.

Originally, it was agreed with Chen Jie to take her to see Li Ye years ago, but the day when the queen gave birth was getting closer, so Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to tell Chen Jie that the departure date had to be postponed.

After Chen Jie knew the reason, although she regretted not being able to leave on time, she was not dissatisfied. After all, compared to seeing her son Li Ye who was safe and sound, the imminent childbirth on the Queen's side was indeed more important.

Although they visited He Shu and Tao Ying again during the period, because the Spring Festival was coming, the two women knew that Liu Mingzhi, as the head of the family, would definitely be busy with the whole family.

Without giving Liu Mingzhi any chance to take advantage, he was driven back directly.

New Year's Eve.

After Liu Mingzhi reviewed the last document of this year, he walked out of the study room stretched.

Looking at the figures of Liu Yunxin, Liu Zhengran, Liu Zhenghao, Andaier in the garden... these little fellows were chasing each other with a few snowballs, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly.

Andai'er has stayed in the capital since her father, An Gou'er, and her mother set sail again to tour the Western Ocean.

It's just that this girl has been living with her aunt at the house of the second child Liu Mingli next door since she met her aunt An Xin, and only came to her yard when she was looking for Liu Yunxin, Liu Lingyun and the others to have fun.

Liu Mingzhi mostly left early and returned late, and although he saw her quite a few times, it was not too many.

But this girl never admits her own birth, every time she meets her uncle, she calls her uncle very amiable.


Qinglian, who was carrying a tray and walking towards the queen's courtyard, stopped immediately when she heard her husband's voice, and walked towards her husband with a smile on her face.

"Husband, are you done working in the study?"

"I'm done! What are you doing here? What are you serving?"

Qinglian glanced down at the porridge bowl in her hand: "Wanyan my sister's delivery day is approaching day by day, maybe someday she will give birth.

Sister Ya and we took turns cooking porridge to replenish energy and blood. Today, I sent my concubine to Sister Wanyan to nourish her body, so as not to lack blood on the day of delivery. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "It's hard work for you sisters, I will go with you for my husband, let's talk while walking."

"Okay, good husband first please."

"Stupid, let's go together, come on, my husband is holding the tray, you take your hands slowly."

"Okay, husband, you have to be careful, you won't be happy if you reveal your concubine status!"

"I'm not that stupid as a husband. If you count the days, the days of childbirth are as short as three to five days, and as long as ten days and a half months.

She is no younger than when she was pregnant with a moon child, I hope God bless their mother and child or mother and daughter are safe! "

"Husband, don't worry, Mr. Sai already took the pulse for Wanyan's sister three days ago, and said that there is no problem with the fetal gas.

Mother and baby will be safe for sure. "

"That's right, Wanyan is a martial arts practitioner after all, and his body is much stronger than Bizhu, Lingyi, Xiaoxi, and they will definitely be fine.

By the way, Lian'er, there is something I want to tell you about my husband, after listening to your opinion, I will decide whether to do it or not? "

"Ah? Something to discuss with my concubine?"

"Yes, what I discussed with you."

Qinglian looked at her husband curiously: "You can just say what you want, as long as the problem is not too serious, I can promise you anything."

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a while with a hesitant expression: "Lian'er, Chengfeng is coming soon, and it seems that he has reached the age to start a family.

When he can marry a wife and have children, what do you think about letting Chengfeng marry a foreign daughter-in-law like his Uncle Jianghe? "

Qinglian paused her steps, looked at her husband blankly with a pretty face, and didn't realize what the husband meant for a moment.

"Foreign...Foreign daughter-in-law? What do you mean?"

Liu Mingzhi also stopped in his tracks, and explained again: "Just like Jiang He's wife, Luya, she is called a foreign daughter-in-law by her husband."

Qinglian understood the meaning of foreign daughter-in-law, Liu Mei couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"It's the wife of a barbarian girl, is that what you mean?"

"It can also be understood in this way, but the so-called barbarians are just the current titles. Maybe one day in the future, they will become the people of my Heavenly Dynasty Protectorate.

The girl I'm talking about is almost the same as Chengfeng in terms of status and status.

Of course, if you don't want Chengfeng's bloodline to have barbarian bloodlines in the future, then just ignore it as a husband.

If you do not agree, the husband will fully respect your opinion, and Chengfeng will choose a good woman as his wife from a girl from a famous family in Dalong or a dignified family. "

Qinglian hurriedly shook her head: "I don't mean that, nor do I mean to look down on barbarian women.

After all, the concubine, as a saintess of Miaojiang, is also considered to be a half-Miao, and to the common people of the Han family, she is also considered to be of half-Yi blood.

Sister Wanyan, sister Yunyao, aren't they both of Han family blood?

In fact, these are not important. After all, the world is unified now, and all races are unified. They are all subjects of your husband, and there is no difference between them.

The concubine frowned just now because what you said was too sudden, the concubine didn't realize it, and frowned subconsciously in astonishment. "

Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Qinglian curiously: "Then you agree?"

Qinglian shook her head, then nodded again: "I can't say that I completely agree, but I don't really object.

Foreign daughter-in-law, it sounds interesting!

But whether it can be done or not mainly depends on Feng'er's thoughts.

Anyway, I don't think there is anything bad about it. "

As she spoke, Qing Lian gestured towards the garden: "Dai'er is the blood of Brother Jiang He and Lu Ya's brother and sister, and my concubines and sisters like her very much.

The children never deliberately alienated her because of her hair and eyes, and treated her as a real sister or sister.

If the girl Chengfeng told you can also give birth to such a cute and well-behaved granddaughter, I have no objections at all.

After all, the future daughter-in-law that even your husband, the king of a country, recognizes must be unusual in identity and appearance. Is there any reason why I disagree? "

"Okay, with Lian'er, you can rest assured that you are a husband, and the next thing will depend on Chengfeng's meaning.

Let's go, let's send porridge to Wanyan first. "

(End of this chapter)

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