Chapter 2373
In order to give Tao Ying an unforgettable birthday, Liu Mingzhi went all out, and really swallowed Shen Wang as a big white radish.

Unworthy of the effort of a few cups of tea, about half of the not-so-sweet Ginseng King was wiped out by Young Master Liu.

Tao Ying, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but frowned a little, frightened, afraid that Young Master Liu would make up for it by accident.

I am also in my 30s, and my life experience can be regarded as colorful. It is not that I have never seen someone who eats ginseng, but I have never seen Liu Mingzhi who really eats ginseng as a carrot.

"Eat slowly, this is ginseng, not real radish, can your body take it if you eat so much at once?"

"Small meaning, small meaning.

I think back when I was still not very successful in my martial arts, when I was in Shanhaiguan, at most one time I was fed three plants all at once.

It's just that one plant is eaten after the effect of the medicine is gone.

Isn't it still alive and well now?

This time it's just a mere plant, not even a dessert for me. "

Young Master Liu brazenly boasted about his glory back then, completely unaware that his expression now was slightly different from not long ago.

Looking at Liu Mingzhi's confident appearance, Tao Ying let go of her worries a little.

After getting along for two years, she still has a better understanding of Liu Mingzhi's personality.

A person who cherishes his life so much should not take his own life as a trifling matter casually!

Covering her lips with her hands and belching softly, Tao Ying concentrated on putting food into the bowl for Liu Mingzhi who was devouring it.

The two of you and I ate dinner, letting time pass by quietly.

The night outside the room became more and more gloomy, and at some point, there was a howling cold wind, which made the doors and windows creak and vibrate, and the lanterns under the eaves kept swinging.

The wind roared more and more, even the unbolted door was blown open, and a gust of cold wind suddenly blew into the warm room.

Tao Ying was concentrating on serving food for Liu Mingzhi, when she heard the sound of the door, she immediately got up and went to close the door, subconsciously shivering against the cold wind blowing into the room.

The cool touch on her cheek made Tao Ying subconsciously look out the door.

"It's... snowing?"

Liu Mingzhi stuffed the last bite of radish mixed with jerky into his mouth and chewed a few times, drank it down with wine, got up and walked towards Tao Ying who was standing in front of the door in a daze.

"Hi--my sister, is it snowing again?"

Tao Ying nodded silently, stretched out her hand and pointed outside the room: "Look for yourself, it's not too small!
The sun was shining brightly during the day, but it snowed at night when it said it was snowing. "

Liu Mingzhi stuck behind Tao Ying and took a look outside the door, watching the snowflakes flying all over the sky, sucking in the cold wind blowing into the room uncontrollably.

It was really snowing outside, and the snow was quite fierce.

"Normal, it's not the same a few days ago, the sun was pretty good during the day, but it snowed at night, it's not surprising.

After all, it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the New Year is approaching soon, so it is no big deal to have a few snowfalls. "

"That's right, it's really not surprising that it snows in winter.

By the way, are you full? "

Liu Mingzhi chuckled, took advantage of the situation and hugged Tao Ying's soft and boneless willow waist from behind, lowered his head and blew warm air on Tao Ying's earlobe.

Smelling the fragrance of the beauty's hair mixed with a faint smell of sweat, I immediately felt my heart burning and my blood spurting.

Liu Mingzhi, who was quite experienced, immediately understood that this was the beginning of King Shen's effort.

"I have eaten enough, and now I can be said to be physically strong, like a tiger descending a mountain. I can accompany my good sister to take a bath and rest at any time."

Tao Ying lightly pushed Young Master Liu's lower abdomen with her elbow, then took Liu Mingzhi's hand behind her back and walked out of the room.

"The prodigal son, you know you're thinking about something unserious as soon as you're full, my sister is a little bit full, let's go to the courtyard for a few laps to digest food, and enjoy the snow by the way.

good or not? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Tao Ying's expectant eyes, estimated the time, and felt that his situation was not a problem, so he didn't say anything, and let Tao Ying lead him to walk into the courtyard.

Under the reflection of a row of red lanterns on the promenade, the snowflakes swept by the cold wind danced in front of the two of them like elves. The small courtyard was as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

The two stopped in front of the steps and looked up at the snowflakes flying in the air, as if admiring a poetic scroll.

Tao Ying silently let go of Liu Mingzhi and stretched out her hand to catch a few snowflakes, watching them slowly melt in the palm of her hand, she murmured a word silently.

"Two lovesickness in the same snow."

"Ah? Good sister, what are you talking about? Speak up, I didn't hear clearly."

"It's nothing, Liu... Husband, how about dancing in the snow for you as a concubine?"

Liu Mingzhi softly repeated the word "husband" that Tao Ying said just now, completely satisfied, the hard work of these days was finally not in vain.

Taking a deep breath of cold air, mobilizing the true energy in his body to soothe the hotness in his chest, looking at Tao Ying's tender eyes, he nodded with a light smile.

"Okay, it's a pity that my husband didn't expect this scene to happen. Otherwise, it would be even better if I brought a musical instrument that my husband is good at to accompany you."

"It doesn't matter, this sound of wind and snow is the best dance song for me."

Tao Ying walked directly towards Xiaoyue in the courtyard, first stretched her exquisite figure, then smiled and stared at Liu Mingzhi, who was standing a few steps away, staring at her expectantly, and began to dance in the wind and snow .

Although Liu Mingzhi has been favored since he entered the court, later became an extremely powerful minister, and now he is in charge of the country, but the number of times he appreciates singing and dancing is not too many.

Looking at Tao Ying dancing in the wind and snow, like a lonely and independent fairy, Tao Ying couldn't help being a little crazy.

Tao Ying's dancing posture is very beautiful, as graceful as willow branches dancing in the wind and snow, with long sleeves fluttering like clouds, and the snowflakes around her are like elves dancing with her.

Snow is beautiful, dancing is beautiful, and people are even more beautiful.

The willow waist is light, the green silk is full, and the jade sleeves are refreshing.

Tao Ying's watery almond eyes shone like waves, since the beginning of the dance, she never left Liu Mingzhi at all.

Although Tao Ying was dancing, she completely forgot that she was dancing for the king. Apart from Liu Mingzhi, there seemed to be no room for anything else in her beautiful eyes.

And Liu Mingzhi was also staring blankly at Tao Ying, who was like a fairy in the snow. She didn't have the arrogance and noble temperament like the queen, nor the mature and elegant charm of sister Ya, nor the natural elegance and elegance of Yuner and Yaoer, There is no Qing poetry, Wei Er and the others have the same hearty and gentle temperament.

However, at this time, she has become a shadow that can no longer be lingered in his heart.

She has a certain temperament that belongs to her that can attract herself, and has her unique side.

What she has, Yun'er and the others can't give it to themselves.

This is the most normal difference between people!

"Look stupid, or are you thinking about other things?"

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, only to realize that Tao Ying had stopped dancing at some point, standing in front of him and looking at him curiously.

Looking at the light sweat on her reddish delicate face, Liu Mingzhi smiled candidly.

"Of course I was fascinated."

Tao Ying was as sweet as honey in her heart, she still pretended not to believe her and gave Young Master Liu a blank look.

"It's strange to believe you, but I have heard about it. When you went to Northern Xinjiang to serve as the governor of the two prefectures, the emperor directly rewarded you with [-] singing girls and [-] dancing girls.

Now that you are the king of a country, let alone.

What kind of song and dance have you never seen?How can I be fascinated by this little concubine's clumsy dancing posture? "

Liu Mingzhi gently took Tao Ying into his arms: "How can singing and dancing compare to the beauty of a good sister?

The younger brother is fascinated by his sister's beauty, and his dancing posture is just an embellishment for his good sister's alluring appearance. "

Tao Ying raised her head slightly, looking at Liu Mingzhi's burning and seductive gaze when she was staring at her, her beautiful eyes gradually became blurred and reddened.

"Husband, take my concubine and go back."

Liu Mingzhi didn't say much anymore, he picked up Tao Ying and walked towards the boudoir.

After a while, the candles in the main room were quietly extinguished, and only a red candle in front of the window sill was still flickering brightly.

The sound of splashing water is mixed with a different kind of soft notes, echoing the sound of wind and snow outside the house to create a lingering musical score.

As time passed, the sound of wind and snow under the night sky became even more chaotic.

But it still couldn't hide the thick spring in the boudoir shrouded in the wind and snow.

I don't know how long it has passed, the wind and snow have subsided a lot compared to before, and the boudoir has also fallen into silence, only a red candle that is about the length of the tip of a thumb is still burning, and it is still exerting its residual heat.

The pillow on the mandarin duck couch is covered with a slant, and the jade body is lying horizontally.

Tao Ying's pink hair is in a mess, and her delicate face is full of lingering blush.

At this time, Tao Ying was holding her cheeks lazily with winking eyes like silk, looking at Liu Mingzhi, who was already deeply asleep, with an unnatural sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

When the red candle was extinguished, the room was completely darkened.

Seeing this, Tao Ying snuggled up to Liu Mingzhi's shoulder silently, found a comfortable position, closed her eyes, and muttered softly.

"You are a good emperor for the country and the people, thank you for letting me feel the love I have never felt before.

Husband, I don’t regret meeting him, he taught me what it means to be free to let go of hatred. "

(End of this chapter)

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