Chapter 2372

The candles in Tao Ying's boudoir were flickering and flickering, and a petite figure was faintly reflected on the door.

The people in the boudoir seemed to have heard the conversation and footsteps of the two, and the figure paused slightly after appearing near the door.

When the two of them happened to stop outside the door, the door was pulled open from the inside, revealing Tao Ying's personal maid, Huan'er, who was pretty and cute standing by the door and waiting.

When Huan'er saw Tao Ying's figure, she immediately smiled, and was about to salute her wife, when she saw Liu Mingzhi following behind Tao Ying.

Huan'er's pretty face panicked, she immediately lowered her head and took a few steps back, not daring to look at First Young Master Liu who walked into the room with a smile.

Liu Mingzhi leaned forward with a smile, turned his head to look at Huan'er who stood there a little flustered and clicked his tongue twice.

"Girl Huan'er, sir, I'm not a big monster who can eat people, and it's not the first time you've seen me visit the door, so why are you still so afraid of me?
Sir, I won't eat you again, come on, look up and let sir see. "

Huan'er heard Tao Kan's words that Young Master Liu had teased, she staggered back two steps, clutching a corner of the hem with her white hands, and without raising her head, she nodded and lowered her eyebrows and hurriedly walked towards Tao Ying, leaving behind Liu Mingzhi, who looked a little embarrassed, fluttered in the wind.

Huan'er stood timidly beside Tao Ying, not daring to look at Young Master Liu from the beginning to the end.

After the spy incident happened in Li's house that night, Liu Mingzhi came to Li's house more than once to meet with Tao Ying in private.

However, every time the girl Huan'er sees Liu Mingzhi, she always looks timid and fearful, as if Liu Mingzhi is a demon who is ready to choose someone to devour at any time.

"Ma'am, you have prepared the food and drink and the hot water for bathing.

Food and drink, and hot water were delivered less than a quarter of an hour ago. The hot water for bathing has been cold for a while, and now the temperature should be moderate. If it is cold, there are several pots of boiling water prepared by the stove.

The temperature of the food and wine is also just right now.

The briquettes in the stove were also replaced with new briquettes half an hour ago, so there is no problem in burning them until tomorrow.

Do you think there is anything else I need to tell Huan'er to prepare? "

Tao Ying looked at Huan'er who didn't dare to look up at all, and even spoke softly, looked back at Young Master Liu who was frowning with embarrassment, and touched Huan'er's bun with a wry smile.

"There's nothing I need to tell you, it's getting late, you should go back and rest first.

If I don't send you a message tomorrow morning, don't take the initiative to bring hot water for washing. "

"Yes, the servant girl will leave first."

Huan'er saluted Tao Yingfu slightly, bypassed Liu Mingzhi and hurriedly trotted towards the outside of the boudoir, feeling a little panicked.

Liu Mingzhi put down the jewelry box in his hand with an embarrassed expression, walked to the stool in front of the dinner table and sat down.

"Good sister, you maidservant, did you look like this when you saw your younger brother?

If you count it carefully, since the end of the Spy Shadow, this is the seventh time for my younger brother to come to your house today to accompany you, my good sister, right?

But every time she sees my younger brother and I come in, she is too scared to look at me, making my younger brother look like a murderer.

The little brother also looked in the mirror after he went back, isn't it that scary?
Oh, it's really depressing. "

Tao Ying glanced at First Young Master Liu who was "wailing and sighing", walked to the door and reached out to close the door gently.

First he raised his hand to take off the cloak on his body, then walked behind Liu Mingzhi to help him take off the cloak, then walked towards the hanger behind the screen with the two cloaks in his arms.

"Didn't my sister tell you that last time? Too many people died that night. She came out to look for me because she was worried about my safety, and accidentally saw that scene, which frightened her directly.

She is just an ordinary maid, it is not normal for nothing to happen after seeing that scene!

And the instigator of that hell on earth is precisely you, who is she not afraid of, who are you afraid of?

Are you still afraid of my sister? "

"I know that she was frightened by the scene that night, but after seeing him so many times, she should have seen that the younger brother is really a good talker."

"My sister also explained to her, but she is still very afraid of you, what can my sister do?
By the way, shall we take a bath first to relieve fatigue?Or eat first to fill your stomach? "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the steaming mist behind the screen, Tao Ying's slender figure was reflected on the screen, her eyes rolled a bit, her stomach was empty now, it seemed a little inappropriate for a mandarin duck bath.

"Let's fill up our stomachs first! After walking around for a long time, I drank some tea while resting. I'm really hungry now.

After bathing and eating, it is troublesome to wash your hands again when your hands are oily.

It's better to do it in one step, what do you think?Good sister. "

Listening to Young Master Liu's words with a dirty smile, Tao Ying's lazy voice sounded from behind the screen.

"Sister, I have already promised you that I will let you pick and choose. Naturally, I will listen to you, so let's eat first."

While talking, Tao Ying had already stepped out of the screen, sat down on the stool next to Liu Mingzhi in a dignified manner, poured two glasses of warm wine with a pot and put them in front of the two of them, facing the four dishes of meat and vegetable dishes on the table Appetizer Nunu Sakura Lips.

"What do you want to eat, my sister will pick it up for you."

Tao Ying's gentle and considerate attitude towards Liu Mingzhi was like a loving couple who have been in harmony for many years.

Liu Mingzhi grinned: "My good sister likes to eat whatever I put in, and my little brother brought a delicious side dish himself! This is the side dish that my little brother begged for with all his shame."

Tao Ying paused for a moment when she accurately picked up the jerky, then turned her head to look at Liu Mingzhi in surprise: "Did you bring your own side dishes?

What side dishes did you bring?Why haven't I seen my sister after a long time? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Tao Ying's curious eyes, smiled faintly and touched his arms, gently took out a bulging handkerchief, put it on the table and slowly pulled it away.

Under the light of candlelight, a well-preserved Ginseng King officially appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

Tao Ying sized up the Ginseng King in front of her curiously, and asked a little uncertainly, "This is - ginseng?"

"No! No! This is the big radish, a special product of the former Jin Kingdom. When it was first dug out, it was crunchier than Sydney, and it tasted great.

Although the production of radishes is quite large, they are not many. Eighty percent of the radishes produced back then were sent to the palace of the Kingdom of Jin for the imperial use. "

Tao Ying coquettishly told the nonsense Young Master Liu said, "Are you taking my sister for a fool? How can there be radishes with long ginseng?

Although my sister has never seen this kind of ginseng, but my sister is sure that it is definitely not the big radish you mentioned.

What's wrong with you?It’s good to use ginseng as a side dish, and you won’t be afraid of getting angry after eating it..."

Tao Ying was stunned as she spoke, her pretty face was quickly stained with a blush, she picked up a piece of dried meat and put it in Liu Mingzhi's bowl, then she picked up a piece of frozen vegetables and put it in the bowl, her heart Trembling silently chewing slowly.

The watery and rippling almond eyes glanced at the smiling Liu Mingzhi from time to time, and there was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

This man really used everything to do bad things, and he didn't feel ashamed.

To use ginseng as a side dish, is this to toss the dead?
Liu Mingzhi picked up the wine glass to moisten his throat, picked up the big radish that had lost much water, let out a sigh of relief, and took a sip of the food to go with the wine.

Seeing this, Tao Ying on the side hurriedly picked up the flagon and filled him with wine again, fearing that the guy would choke.

(End of this chapter)

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