My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2371 Isn't hard work in vain?

Chapter 2371 Isn't hard work in vain?
Tao Ying gave another blessing to the old shopkeeper Dong, took the jewelry box containing the hairpin, and pulled the slightly dull-looking Young Master Liu straight to the outside of the shop.

Looking at the figures of the two people gradually going away, the old shopkeeper silently weighed a bunch of copper coins in his hand, shook his head with a strange expression, and then prepared to close the door again.

Liu Mingzhi didn't realize it until he was pulled out of the shop and walked for a while. He turned his head and glanced at Tao Ying's jewelry box containing the cherry blossom hairpin in his arms, and the corners of his mouth trembled instinctively.

"Tao you and the old shopkeeper of Shunxin Ruyi Jewelry Store have already pre-ordered the hairpin you like at a reasonable price?"

Tao Ying blinked her watery eyes playfully, not only did she not pretend to be tender, but instead gave people a special feeling.

"Hmm! Is there a rule in the imperial court that people in the capital are not allowed to pre-order the birthday gifts they want?"

"No, it's not, but the key point is that since you have already ordered the hairpin you want in advance, why do we have to walk around the capital like a donkey before looking for other jewelry shops?

Do you know how many places we visited in most of the day?

Eleven square markets, a total of eleven square markets!

If it continues, our footprints will be left in the entire inner and outer cities of the capital.

Little brother, in order to help you buy a satisfactory birthday gift, these two legs are almost broken.

The results of it?
In the end, you actually told me that you had already pre-ordered a hairpin with a reasonable price, which is also called wishful thinking?


Tao Ying looked at Young Master Liu's 'scareful' eyes with a bit of embarrassment, she didn't think there was anything wrong at first, but after listening to Liu Mingzhi's words, it seems that there are indeed a little too many jewelry shops around today.

"I... I can't shop around as a concubine?

What if there is a hairpin in someone else's jewelry shop that is more suitable than the hairpin ordered by the concubine?
If you don’t compare it, wouldn’t it be a loss if you just bought it?
After all, our silver budget is only a little bit, so it is a little bit to save a little bit!

This concubine is also to help you save money!
Could it be that if a woman wanted to save money for her man, would she save money by mistake? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Tao Ying's natural appearance, and gave a thumbs up twitchingly at the corner of his mouth: "You cow!
But are you shopping around like you said?You are obviously shopping around for [-] stores, right? "

Tao Ying smiled and stretched out her hand to press Young Master Liu's raised finger: "Oh, don't be like this, okay?

Living at home should be like this, so save as much as you can.

Who was talking with the concubine at the hexagram booth, saying that he often admonishes civil and military officials in the court, and thinks that every porridge and meal are hard-won.

You must know that four copper coins can buy a big meat bun and two steamed buns.

After the concubine bought this hairpin, it saved you dozens of big meat buns at once.

It's fine if you don't praise my concubine, but with this appearance, why does this concubine feel that you are full of anger now, and can't wait to vent to my concubine? "

"Nonsense, my young master would rather eat less in the days to come, save a bun a day, and don't want to..."

Seeing Young Master Liu's displeased expression, Tao Ying raised her hand to cover Young Master Liu's mouth, and leaned into Young Master Liu's ear and exhaled hot air.

"Besides, wouldn't it be better to hold back your anger and wait to vent?

After all, hasn't the concubine already promised you that after we return to the house together, we will let you pick and choose? "

Young Master Liu's gloomy eyes suddenly lit up, covered his mouth with his hands and let out a muffled cough, and looked at Tao Ying who was staring affectionately at her with a smile.

"Hmm, what, my younger brother has been slacking off at the hexagram booth for so long, and his bones are almost rusted. In fact, it's good to move your body if you take the time to go shopping occasionally.

It's better that my good sister is more considerate. "

Tao Ying looked at Young Master Liu licking her face, and sighed faintly: "Look at your obsessive and obsessive look.

Sigh, I really don't know if it's for your own good that I promised you to do whatever you want to my sister, or if it's harming you.

First of all, there are a large group of beauties at home waiting for you to go back to comfort you, and there is an older sister who is exhausting you from the house. Do you know? "

Liu Mingzhi took the jewelry box from Tao Ying's hand with one hand, and walked towards Li's house holding Tao Ying's jade hand with the other, with a nonchalant smile on his face.

"Occasionally, I will do something reckless, but this little brother is still fine.

Besides, as the saying goes, if you die under the peony flower, you can be a ghost.

The younger brother has spent half his life as a soldier, traveling east and west, conquering the north and fighting in the north for more than ten years. Isn't it for the glory and wealth, and the wives and concubines are like a cloud to enjoy the blessings of the same people?

Oh!The little brother has worked so hard for half his life, and now not only has he gained fame and fortune, but he is also in charge of the Dalong Hundred Thousand Li Mountains and Rivers.

Sitting on thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, wielding the supreme power in the world.

The most important thing is to have Yun'er, Sister Ya...Wanyan and my good sister, you, all of you are stunning beauties.

In the end, you told me, little brother, after I become famous, I can only watch over you group of delicate beauties, and live a life of asceticism like a monk.

Didn't his mother's little brother work hard all his life in vain? "

Tao Ying snorted tenderly, and cast a blank look at Young Master Liu: "My sister is not thinking about your body, it's fine if you don't appreciate it, but instead she made a lot of nonsense.

It's so kind to treat you like a donkey's liver and lungs, and just pretend to be an old lady without saying anything! "

"How could my younger brother not know what my good sister is thinking? But my younger brother has already said just now that if you die under a peony flower, you can be a ghost.

As long as I can accompany my sister and you to stay together and love each other, even if I die young, my younger brother will accept it willingly. "

"You—stop talking nonsense, the people of the world have finally met such a good emperor as you, if you die young, what will the people of the world do!

Sister dares to say something bad, if your son succeeds to the throne, he may not be able to put the people first in everything like you.

It is true that the son is like the father, but the son is not the father after all. "

Liu Mingzhi was silent for a while, just as he was about to say something, the gate of Li's house came into the eyes of the two of them.

Night had already fallen for a long time. At this time, not only outside the gate of Li's house, but also all the houses on both sides of Changshun Street had hung red lanterns in front of them.

Tao Ying let go of Liu Mingzhi's wrist, walked to the door and gently knocked on the door of the house a few times.

It was still Liu Mingzhi's old housekeeper who opened the door, and the old housekeeper didn't have the slightest surprise on his face when the two returned hand in hand.

Nodding his head and lowering his eyebrows, he welcomed the two of them into the house, and the old housekeeper returned to the doorway to rest.

Under the long corridor leading to the inner courtyard, Tao Ying looked at Liu Mingzhi who was silently looking at the environment on both sides, as if thinking of something, her expression darkened slightly.

"What? I'm worried that my sister has arranged an ambush for you again?"

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly shook his head: "No! Good sister, stop thinking about it.

If the little brother was worried about these things, he wouldn't go to the appointment to meet you.

It's just a little bit of emotion, lamenting that the world is impermanent, and I didn't expect that the two people who were tit for tat at the beginning would eventually become a pair of loving sons and daughters by coincidence.

It can be described as a trick of good fortune. "

"Yeah, it's really a trick of good fortune. My sister originally wanted to give her husband... oh... let's not talk..."

While talking softly, the two had already walked outside Tao Ying's boudoir.

(End of this chapter)

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