My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2370 Afterwards, Liu's Tao Ying

Chapter 2370 Afterwards, Liu's Tao Ying
Tao Ying's brows froze, and there was no sign of dissatisfaction on her expression, but her watery almond eyes were always staring at Young Master Liu in a daze.

"My good sister, don't look at me like this! I feel scared when you do this."

"You yourself promised me a few days ago, saying that you would meet all my sister's demands.

No matter what, I will definitely help me find a hairpin that my sister likes!Could it be that you want to go back on your word?
Everyone says you have no play..."

Tao Ying realized the current environment, and hurriedly changed her words: "It is said that a man must do what he says, and what he does must be resolute, you will never keep your promises, right?

But if you really want to go back on your word, my sister has nothing to do, she can't do anything to you.

At worst, just buy a hairpin at random, and it’s fine if you don’t let me accompany you. "

Listening to Tao Ying's resentful words, Liu Mingzhi's heart twitched, and he thought to himself that it was unavoidable to do evil, and he couldn't live without being tired.

"No, no, of course my little brother won't break his promise to his good sister.

Since the younger brother has already agreed to your request, good sister, he will definitely do what he says.

Isn't it just to go to Chengkangfang again?What is it?sister please! "

Tao Ying's tender and resentful expression immediately smiled, took the initiative to embrace Young Master Liu's arm and walked towards the outside of the shop with a smile, not caring at all that such an intimate behavior would attract the attention of passers-by.

Although Dalong's folk customs are open, it is far from comparable to the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties in his previous life.

But between men and women, such intimate behaviors as holding arms, mostly only appear on some grand festival nights.

For example, the Lantern Festival and the Qixi Festival.

It is not too unusual for a loving man and woman to hold hands and hold arms when they swim together in the lake.

As for broad daylight, under the bright and bright universe, although there will be such intimate scenes, after all, they are only a few.

For example, the affectionate children who admire each other in the rivers and lakes will not be too rigid about these details.

The physically and mentally exhausted Young Master Liu acted like a tool man, letting Tao Ying hold his arm and drag him towards Chengkang Fang, completely disinclined to care about the eyes of passers-by.

Even if he wasn't exhausted physically and mentally, Liu Mingzhi wouldn't mind.

After all, Tao Ying, a daughter, doesn't care about these potentially eye-catching details, let alone a seven-foot man!
It's just that Young Master Liu, who was already tired and had no thoughts, didn't notice the fleeting snicker on Tao Ying's lips when she walked out of the shop.

I thought that this trip to Chengkangfang would allow Tao Ying to buy a hairpin she wanted at the right price as she wished, but Liu Mingzhi was disappointed. After visiting the seven well-known jewelry shops in Chengkangfang, Tao Ying still couldn't choose the right hairpin. Hairpin.

At this moment, Liu Mingzhi was already exhausted like a dog.

It's not that he's really tired. After all, Young Master Liu has been in the army for many years. In order to be able to win, he traveled hundreds of miles to launch night raids. For Liu Mingzhi, it's just a routine.

The reason why you feel tired is because you are tired.

He didn't understand, it was just a hairpin for decoration, how could there be so many tricks in it.

Eighty percent of the hairpin bodies are carved out of birds, animals, flowers, plants and trees, can any one be used to dress up a bun?
If the price is too expensive, the money is not enough, and if the money is enough, you feel that the quality of the hairpin is not good.

What kind of hairpin do you want?
Tao Ying did not give a reasonable answer to the questions raised by Liu Mingzhi on the way.

Because even she herself didn't know why she was dissatisfied with those cheap hairpins. The reason why she said she was dissatisfied was simply dissatisfaction.

Regarding Tao Ying's answer, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to complain endlessly.

After all, whenever I want to repent, Tao Ying's delicate and pitiful appearance can always accurately defeat the last line of defense in my heart.

Anyway, Liu Mingzhi will never admit that the reason why he can still go shopping with Tao Ying until now is because of the promise she said shyly when she returned to the house when she was in Chengkangfang.

In that case, it seems that I am more lustful.

Stopping and stopping, tossing and wandering, the figures of the two finally appeared in Xing'an Square, the starting point of the two, and at this time the setting sun in the sky had only the last twilight left.

"My dear sister, we wandered around for a long time, and finally returned to Xing'anfang where you live, but you haven't found a hairpin you want, maybe it's God's will not to let us be perfect.

Or how about my younger brother making the money himself and buying you a high-quality hairpin as a birthday present?
How can you insist on buying a high-quality hairpin that satisfies your heart with the one tael and a half of the money earned by my younger brother's fortune-telling?
You must know that you get what you pay for, and this is the case wherever you go. "

Tao Ying raised her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead, shook her head stubbornly with a pretty face, and pulled Young Master Liu towards the end of Renhe Street in Xing'an Square with a leisurely smile.

"The last one, if we can't buy any more, let's go home."

Young Master Liu shook his body, and looked at Tao Ying's delicate smile with bright eyes: "Really?"

"Of course, although my sister is just a little girl, she can keep her word!"

Liu Mingzhi exhaled lightly, and immediately felt that the tiredness accumulated for most of the day was swept away.

He took the initiative to grab Tao Ying's bright wrist with his backhand to speed up, and his eyes scanned the shops on both sides of the street like detectors.

Shunxin Ruyi Jewelry Shop.

When these six big characters came into view, Young Master Liu directly pulled Tao Ying to walk towards the shop as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

"Two guests, it's a coincidence that you came here. The shop is about to close...Mrs. Li, it turns out that you are here."

With slightly red cheeks, Tao Ying broke free from Liu Mingzhi's palm, and saluted the blessing of the shopkeeper who was over fifty years old.

"My little girl has met old shopkeeper Dong, she is polite."

"Don't dare, madam is not polite, little old man dare not be."

"Old shopkeeper, the little girl's hairpin?"

"Ma'am, don't worry, the little old man has already prepared it.

Ma'am, please wait a moment, the little old man will fetch the goods for you for inspection immediately. "

The old shopkeeper looked curiously at Young Master Liu who was stunned at the moment, turned around and walked behind the counter, bent over to search.

A moment later, the old shopkeeper held a jewelry box and handed it to Tao Ying, and opened the lid on it.

"Mrs. Li, please take a look and see if the craftsmanship of the hairpin can meet your requirements."

Tao Ying lowered her head slightly, and her eyes fell on the jade hairpin in the jewelry box. The jade hairpin in the box is a bud of cherry blossoms that is just about to bloom, giving people a feeling that it is about to bloom.

The texture of the hosta can only be said to be ordinary, but the carving of the hosta is absolutely superior craftsmanship.

Tao Ying, a beautiful woman who was used to seeing all kinds of expensive jewelry, couldn't help but shine when she saw the jade hairpin.

Nodding with satisfaction, Tao Ying raised her hand and took out a sling of copper coins threaded with red strings from her purse, and handed it to the old shopkeeper.

"Old shopkeeper Dong, you are at a disadvantage with the price my daughter gave you this time. I hope the old shopkeeper doesn't mind."

The old shopkeeper hurriedly waved his hand: "Mrs. Li, you are serious, you have bought so many jewelry from the little old man in the past two years, and every time the price is taken advantage of by the little old man.

It is rare for Mrs. Li to specifically ask the little old man once, how dare the little old man care about it?
Since Mrs. Li is satisfied with the quality of this hairpin, the little old man is relieved.

As for the money, forget it, the new year is coming soon, just treat it as a little favor from the little old man, and the wife can just take it and wear it. "

"No, no, this is what the old shopkeeper deserves, how dare the little girl break the contract.

The old shopkeeper shouldn't be polite to the little girl. "

The old shopkeeper stopped being polite, and took the bunch of copper coins that Tao Ying handed over to him.

"This... the little old man is disrespectful."

"It's just a matter of course. May I ask if the old shopkeeper plans to issue the ticket for the hairpin price according to the little girl's request?"

"Madam wait a moment, the little old man will fetch it for you right away."

After a while, the old shopkeeper took out a neatly folded note from the ledger on the counter and handed it to Tao Ying.

"Mrs. Li, the ticket is planned to be issued exactly according to Madam's request. Would you like to have a look?"

Tao Ying smiled and shook her head, took the ticket from the old shopkeeper and put it in her purse: "No, my little girl can trust the old shopkeeper.

From now on, if the old shopkeeper calls the little girl again, he should just call her Mrs. Liu! "

"Huh? Liu... Mrs. Liu?"

"Yes, Liu's Tao Ying."

The old shopkeeper glanced at First Young Master Liu, nodded with understanding, and saluted Tao Ying.

"Don't worry, little old man, I've met Mrs. Liu."

Tao Ying smiled sweetly, and patted the purse on her waist lightly: "Since the money and the goods have been settled, the little girl will not delay the old shopkeeper from closing."

"Okay, okay, little old man, send off Mrs. Li respectfully, and send off this gentleman respectfully."

(End of this chapter)

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