My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2369 Unconditional Trust

Chapter 2369 Unconditional Trust

Suzaku's eyes hesitated, and the corners of his lips seemed to hesitate to speak.

"Que'er, the rhythm of your breathing has changed, you can say whatever you want, why hesitate? Why, are you still afraid that the young master will blame you?"

"Did the sparrow say that?"

Liu Mingzhi turned sideways slightly and slapped Suzaku's buttocks a few times: "Say it! There's nothing else we can't say between the two of us.

Whatever you say, the young master won't blame you for anything. "

"The young master has always acted cautiously and never took things for granted.

It seems that Sister Tao's appearance has changed the young master a lot!

So old that he didn't even care about his own safety. "

Hearing Suzaku's timid words, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help constricting his pupils, stared out the window for a long time, and smiled leisurely.

"Que'er, if someone said that Qinglong and you four harbor evil intentions towards the young master, would you believe it?

Do you think I will believe you, master? "

"How is it possible, of course Que'er doesn't believe it.

Before the young master took Que'er's body, Que'er never had any second thoughts about the young master, let alone now that Que'er and the young master are husband and wife.

Although he can only spend the rest of his life with the young master in secret with no name or title, but in Que'er's heart, the young master is already Que'er's husband.

How could Que'er treat..."

Suzaku stopped talking while talking, looked down at Liu Mingzhi who was looking up at him with a faint smile, and seemed to understand something.

Tilting her willow waist slightly, she kissed Liu Mingzhi's cheek, and Suzaku couldn't help but put a smile on her face.

"Que'er understands what the young master is thinking."

Liu Mingzhi staggered his body slightly, grabbed Suzaku's slender waist that seemed to be weak and boneless, and sat in his arms with the beautiful woman in his arms. After fiddling with his hands for a while, he filled a pot of shredded tobacco.

Seeing this, Suzaku hurriedly took out the torch and lit it.

Liu Mingzhi's palm habitually slid into the beauty's close-fitting clothes and swam, holding the bong in one hand and puffing again.

"Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

Young master, I am the same as Tao Ying, after two years of getting along day and night, her appearance has already taken root in my heart.

I don't think it's right because I suspect anything about her, but because I'm afraid that the Spy Shadow gang will use this silly woman to do some tricks.

Although there were more or less entanglements between me and her because of our mutual identities.

But as far as it is now, the young master can guarantee that she no longer has any evil intentions for me.

Now that I have chosen to go with her for the rest of my life, young master, I choose to trust her unconditionally.

Not just for her, but also for you, Yun'er and the other sisters. "

Although Suzaku was tortured by the young master, her eyes were like silk and her heart trembled, but she still retained her final sobriety.

"Then when we go to the appointment the day after tomorrow, do you want Que'er to inform Qinglong to send more people to secretly protect the young master, so as to prevent the gang of Spy Shadows from getting in the way?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head without hesitation: "There's no need for that, based on my understanding of the film master, young master, they are not fully sure, and they will definitely not make another move.

The film master knew in his heart that repeated harassment would only increase my anger, and once my anger reached the limit, he knew in his heart what consequences would happen.

They had already failed once at Li's house in Xing'anfang last time, and they will not take any action in the near future.

If my expectations are right, the young master, the actor is waiting, waiting for a chance to succeed with one blow.

Therefore, in the past year or so, he will not take any action.

The invitation to visit Tao Ying's birthday this time can completely put my heart in my stomach. "

Suzaku nodded knowingly, and suddenly leaned on Liu Mingzhi's shoulder, looked up at Young Master Liu with her beautiful eyes, and murmured softly: "Master."

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi smiled cheerfully, dropped the pipe in his hand, picked up the beautiful woman by the waist, and walked towards the bed behind the screen.

After a long time, because of the Spring Festival, only one keeper was left in the inner courtyard on the first floor on the top floor of Penglai Restaurant, and Suzaku's somewhat presumptuous singing voice echoed.

The sun and the moon flew quickly, and the short two days passed away quietly in the blink of an eye.

December 24, the third year of Dalong Taiping.

At about three poles in the sun, Liu Mingzhi changed into a pale white scholar's Confucian robe, and retreated from the courtyard where the empress lived with a mean smile, and walked directly towards the outside of the mansion.

After a wretched quarter of an hour, Young Master Liu's unrestrained and handsome figure appeared on the street north of Changshun Street in Xing'an Square.

If it wasn't for the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, and accompanied by a folding fan gently shaking, Young Master Liu would be even more coquettish.

Glancing at the absence of the familiar figure on Changshun Street, Liu Liumingzhi walked to a stall beside him and sat down, and asked the boss to order a steamed bun and a bowl of eight-treasure porridge, completely ignoring his own appearance and leaning over the table Start feasting.

In a few days, even the street vendors, stalls and shops should be deserted and go home for the New Year.

At this time, it is a great blessing in the world to be able to eat a mouthful of delicious meat buns and drink a bowl of hot eight-treasure porridge.

When the last mouthful of porridge was eaten, Tao Ying's soft voice sounded behind Liu Mingzhi.

"My sister set the time to about three poles in the morning, just because I wanted you to have breakfast at home before coming out to the appointment. Now it seems that all my painstaking efforts have been in vain."

Liu Mingzhi took out a handkerchief and wiped the leftovers from the corner of his mouth, took out ten copper coins and threw them on the table, got up cheerfully and walked towards Tao Ying who was standing on the street.

Looking at Tao Ying's delicate appearance standing there alone in a moon-white skirt and a goose-yellow cloak, the smile on Liu Mingzhi's face grew stronger.

My good sister's outfit today looks like she's wearing a couple outfit.

"Isn't this helping the family to prepare for the New Year, I'm a bit busy, I went to bed late last night!

Good sister, have you eaten breakfast at home, do you want to have some too?
Brother can wait. "

"My sister is not as lazy as you. I have already eaten at home. Let's go. It's still early. Let's go around."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and raised his hand with a raised sword: "Little brother, listen to sister and open the way."

Tao Ying smiled lightly, and the two walked towards Qinglong Main Street hand in hand, like a loving couple who had been married for many years.

Tai'an Square, Changren Square, Huaixing Square, Tsinghua Square, Dingqing Square... within half a day, almost [-]% of the big and small cities in the capital left their footprints.

In Huai'en Fangfang City in the south of the city, Young Master Liu looked at Tao Ying who was trotting towards a jewelry store with great interest. The corners of his mouth trembled for a while, and Young Master Liu followed like a mournful concubine.

Going shopping with Tao Ying for half a day today is more difficult than satisfying all five kung fu ladies all at once, and it cost most of my life.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Tao Ying still hadn't bought a hairpin she wanted, but her own life was only half left.

I don't know if I gave Tao Ying an unforgettable birthday today, anyway, Tao Ying definitely gave herself an unforgettable birthday.

Walking into the shop, seeing Tao Ying's figure picking and choosing in front of rows of jewelry boxes, Liu Mingzhi looked up at the setting sun on the sky outside the shop, and shed tears of regret.

I have learned a lot from a pit, and from now on, I will never make any promises to women easily.

After a while, Tao Ying walked towards First Young Master Liu with a regretful face.

"Good brother, let's go."

Looking at Tao Ying's regretful expression, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but froze, and looked at Tao Ying with a sigh: "Good sister, doesn't this house have a hairpin that suits your wishes?"

Tao Ying shook her head helplessly: "We only have a total of more than 700 copper coins. The hairpin that my sister likes is too expensive, and my sister who is cheap is not satisfied with the quality."

After Tao Ying finished speaking, she glanced sideways at the setting sun in the sky.

"The sun has just set, and there is still some time before it sets!

Anyway, it's still early, let's go to the jewelry store in Chengkangfang, maybe there is a hairpin that is reasonably priced and my sister likes it! "

"Ah? Still... have to go to Chengkangfang?"

(End of this chapter)

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