My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2368 Toast to this prosperous age

Chapter 2368 A toast to this prosperous age

Since Liu Mingzhi entered the temple, his ability to observe words and demeanor has already been perfected.

From Tao Ying's short words and weird reaction, he immediately realized that the scene on the street today must have reminded Tao Ying of some not so good past.

Silently stroking the beauty's bun, Liu Mingzhi's voice was so soft that it seemed to melt solid ice.

"My good sister, speak slowly, if you don't want to bring up those sad things in the past, just don't.

The younger brother is not the kind of person who is too curious.

If speaking out will make you feel better, the younger brother is willing to listen attentively and act as a good sister for your audience.

If a good sister feels that bringing up old things will make you feel sad, then just don't say it.

Little brother fully respects your feelings, good sister. "

Tao Ying's arms trembled imperceptibly, she raised her head to look at Liu Mingzhi's gentle side face, pursed her red lips and remained silent for a long time.

In my memory, the husband who has passed away for many years seems to have never once considered the feelings of his sisters like this.

Even her elder sister Yu Qing, the concubine of the King of Shu, has never been treated so caringly by her husband, let alone women who are side concubines and concubines like herself.

In his life, it seems that only fighting for power and profit, trying to get the chair that does not belong to him is the only pursuit in his life, and it has become his obsession.

Other than that, he seemed to have no room for anything else.

Tao Ying was suddenly a little dazed and curious. How did Liu Mingzhi, a man who spent three days fishing and two days drying nets even in court, win that chair and take charge of the ten Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

Responding from her thoughts, Tao Ying couldn't help but smile apologetically when she saw Liu Mingzhi's gentle eyes still staring straight at her.

"Sorry, my sister was distracted.

Speaking of it is just some old past events, but there is actually nothing that cannot be mentioned.

If you want to hear, my sister can tell you what to do.

The first time I saw it was 23 years ago. At that time, my sister was only 13 years old. There was a severe drought in Yizhou.

Their appearance at that time was also in a hurry as now, but what appeared between their brows was not the happiness of living and working in peace and contentment, but the fear of the unknown road ahead.

The second time was the husband, the second elder brother, the fourth younger brother, the fifth younger brother, and the seventh younger brother who raised their troops to rebel. The people of nearly [-] large and small prefectures in the inner government were implicated in the flames of war. .

The look on their brows also showed confusion and panic about the unknown road ahead.

The third time, this time in front of me.

It is also crowded with people, and the flow is endless.

But the expressions on their faces were completely different from what my sister had seen the previous two times.

What my sister saw was their satisfaction with their current happy life and their longing for a better life in the future.

That's why my sister said that every time I see it, I have completely different feelings. "

Listening to Tao Ying's choked up and emotional words, Liu Mingzhi pulled out the arm held by Tao Ying to stop the beauty's shoulder and patted it.

"There should be good sisters among the people fleeing famine in Yizhou back then, right?"

Tao Ying smiled lightly, shook her head and nodded, and lightly patted Liu Mingzhi's arm: "I'm not smart when I should be smart, and I'm smart when I should be stupid."

"I can't help it, my little brother can't control my broken mouth, what should I do? For example——"

"Like what?"

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and quickly tapped the corner of Tao Ying's lips, and looked at Tao Ying's angry reaction with a smile: "For example, my little brother can't control his broken mouth."

Tao Ying gave Young Master Liu a white look with watery eyes, and got up to pick up the tea in front of her.

"The concubine replaces the wine with tea, toast this prosperous world.

May everything remain the same for the rest of my life. "

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback for a moment, shook his head with a wry smile, picked up his own tea and touched it lightly.

"Little brother, listen to your sister, and toast this prosperous world.

May everything remain the same for the rest of my life. "

As Liu Mingzhi said, the people in the capital are busy buying new year's goods, preparing to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new, and they have no intention of coming here to ask for fortune-telling.

Until the sun was setting and the sky was getting late, the two of them hadtily ate some pastries to satisfy their hunger, but they never waited for a guest to come in and give them a few tea money.

Tao Ying stretched her exquisite and graceful figure in front of First Young Master Liu: "Tomorrow will be 23, and the people will only be busier preparing for the arrival of the Spring Festival, and the possibility of any guests coming to the door is very slim.

We won't be coming tomorrow, you, the head of the Liu family, have to help the eldest wife prepare for the arrival of the new year.

The day after tomorrow will be about three poles high, and we will just meet up at the early shop on Changshun Street in Xing’anfang.

My sister waits for you to give me an unforgettable birthday, and my sister will go home first. "

"Good sister, see you the day after tomorrow."

Liu Mingzhi agreed with a light smile, watched the graceful figure of the pretty woman gradually disappear into the crowd, then put away the stalls in the shack and walked towards Penglai Restaurant.

In the elegant room of Penglai Restaurant, Liu Mingzhi was sitting behind the wide open window, holding a bong with one hand and staring at the passers-by on the street outside the window, silently puffing away, while the enchanting and charming Suzaku stood behind him gently Kneading shoulders.

"Based on what you said just now, it means that there is nothing wrong with Tao Ying these days?"

"That's right, for most of the recent period, Sister Tao has been going back and forth between Li's house and the hexagram stall almost every day, rain or shine, as before, without any abnormal behavior at all.

Even if she occasionally stayed at home for a few days, she was exactly the same as before her identity was discovered by the young master. She stayed in the mansion and lived her ordinary life, and she did not behave differently from usual at all.

It's all just living a comfortable and leisurely life honestly.

If you have to say something different, compared with the past, there are some differences. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his head slightly to look at Suzaku behind him, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.


Suzaku just smiled, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a charming look.

"That is, sister Tao and the young master are getting closer and closer than before, and when they are alone, she no longer seems to resist the young master's frivolous actions towards her.

Especially in the past month, many intimate actions were subconsciously made by her to the young master first.

If you look at a woman from a woman's point of view, Que'er can guarantee it.

In the recent days of getting along, the image of the young master has left an indelible mark on Sister Tao's heart.

In short.

Elder Sister Tao has most likely fallen in love with the young master. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, knocked the burnt soot out of the window, and nodded with a faint smile.

"It's fine if not, I just feel that she seems a little abnormal recently compared to her previous appearance, but I can't explain why she is abnormal.

Maybe it's because I'm too suspicious.

If it is as you said just now, the relationship between Tao Ying and Tao Ying has developed so far, it is the best ending I want, young master. "

Suzaku paused in rubbing her shoulders, and her willow eyebrows gradually condensed.

"Since the young master faintly feels that something is wrong, will the young master still attend the appointment on Sister Tao's birthday the day after tomorrow?"

"Go, of course.

If a person has no faith, he will not stand, and if he has agreed to other people's affairs, how can he break his promise.

This is true for ordinary friends, let alone Tao Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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