My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2367 The most beautiful scroll in the world

Chapter 2367 The most beautiful scroll in the world

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Song's calm and composed appearance, nodded in satisfaction, and moistened his throat with the tea that Liu Song had just prepared.

"Speaking of which, you, you should also work hard on the important matter of continuing the incense, we are only two years apart, young master, I already have a large group of children, and it is more than the number of hands.

And now you are nothing more than three sons, two daughters and five children.

If you don't work hard, in the future Zhenghao, Zhengran, Zhengming, Zhengwen...their brothers will all grow up in the blink of an eye, but they won't be able to find a suitable book boy to accompany them.

After your third son, Liu Xiang, grows up, he will be assigned to Zhenghao's side as a schoolboy in the future. What about the rest of Zhengzheng and his brothers?
So, when you are free, don't read those handed down classics written by the young master myself, there is only so much content back and forth, there is nothing to read.

Isn't it better to practice the skills mentioned in the book more than to read the content in the book eagerly?

Try to add two more boys in the next year, so that Uncle Liu will be happy. "

Liu Song was taken aback for a moment, scratched his head in embarrassment, looked outside the study with his head, and approached Young Master Liu with a smile.

"Master, it's not that I don't work hard because I'm young, it's just that there are only two wives in my family, which is incomparable to the number of young wives on your side, Master.

Even if the two of them have one child a year, the younger one will not be able to catch up with your footsteps, young master, right?

What's more, the two of them take the young one very seriously, so Xiaosong doesn't have the opportunity to take a concubine!
My Ping wife has just given birth to a little girl, and she is taking care of her health, so it is not suitable for Xiaosong at all now... huh... Young master, you understand.

Seeing how hard it was for them to have children, they didn't want the younger one to take up two concubines, so the younger one didn't mention anything about taking concubines anymore. "

Liu Mingzhi held his chin in silence for a while, looking at Liu Song's bitter appearance with interest.

"Then do you not want to take concubines, or do you not want Tweety and the others to be unhappy?"

"The young master asked this question. Who wouldn't want to hold three wives and four concubines in the arms of a man? Xiao Song also thought about it, but seeing the hard work of the two wives and raising children for the young one, he didn't want them to be unhappy. Nag The matter of the concubine will be over until now."

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "Good man, but since it's not that you don't intend to take a concubine, but there are reasons for the incident, I will work hard and make arrangements for you, young master!"


"Farewell, Yun'er's dowry maid Yu'er, Qingshi's maidservant Chun'er, sister Ya's maidservant Ru'er, Yan'er's... How do you feel about them?
Still worthy of you?

Although they are all my young master's housemaids in name, I have never touched a finger of them all these years, young master.

In private, they probably don't have the guts to have affairs with other servants behind your back, and they should all be perfect now.

All of them are innocent girls, pick one at random, regardless of status or appearance, it is more than enough to match you Liu Song.

Seeing them staying by Yun'er's side for so many years, and gradually changing from a young and beautiful girl to a mature old girl now, the young master felt very uncomfortable.

But the young master is now full of wives and concubines, he really doesn't have any thoughts about these maids, he has worried about their future marriage more than once, and thought about arranging a good match for them.

It's just that no good candidates have been found.

it's good now.

You have all known each other for many years, and you know each other perfectly.

Being able to betroth a few of them to you can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of the young master, me and your young wives.

I just don't know if it's on your side? "

Looking at the young master's meaningful eyes, Liu Song's face was full of excitement and hesitation.

"Xiaosong...Xiaosong is afraid that my two mothers-in-law will be unhappy."

"As long as you have no objections, treat them well after getting married, and leave the rest to the young master. I will tell Yun'er and the others to take charge of these matters.

You just wait to marry the bride and go through the door.

As for Yu'er and the others who are willing to marry you, the young master can't guarantee it, everything depends on God's will.

The young master doesn't like to force others to make things difficult, it all depends on whether there is a fate between you. "

"This - Xiaosong, thank you for your kindness, young master."

"Okay, then you can go back first, and you can try to find out the tone of the two rooms of your house from the side."

"Okay, my little one will leave."

Looking at Liu Song's sloppy steps when he went out, Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and shook his head, this guy was just pretending to be calm all along!

After Liu Song left, Liu Mingzhi picked up the document at hand and flipped through it again, but about a stick of incense passed, and he didn't even turn over the first page.

The conversation between himself and Liu Song about Tsarist Russia was lingering in his mind from time to time, Liu Mingzhi closed the document in his hand and put it back in a state of distraught, got up and walked out of the study.

Not long after, Young Master Liu's figure appeared in the shanty of Penglai Restaurant.

Tao Ying looked at Young Master Liu who got into the shanty, poured a cup of tea with a smile and put it on the table, took the cloak from Liu Mingzhi and threw it on the recliner, stretched her graceful waist.

"Why are you here so early today?"

"Good sister, didn't you come earlier than me? Where's girl Ren? Why don't you see her today?"

"It seems to be wandering the streets with your little lady named Lingyi to prepare for the New Year. I don't know the specific situation, sister."

Liu Mingzhi blew on the tea in his hand, glanced at the various New Year gift boxes on the street, and sighed at the people who were all in a hurry.

"The Spring Festival will be here in a few days, and the people in the whole city are getting busy, preparing for the New Year's goods, and I don't know if we can earn some money for tea today.

On the way here, I was still thinking about it. I thought that in order to get a good fortune in the new year, the business of the divination stall might be better in the remaining two days!

Now it seems that I really think too much.

The people are all preparing to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, who cares to do fortune-telling.

It is estimated that today, nine times out of ten, the two of us will have to chat all day. "

"Why, don't you like spending a day with your sister?"

"Don't you dare, don't you dare, little brother, I hope to earn two more tea money, and I will buy you a hairpin of better quality for my good sister in two days!"

Tao Ying looked at the people in a hurry on the street and saw that no one paid attention to the fortune-telling booth in this remote corner. She bent down Yang Liu Xiaoman and moved a small bench to Young Master Liu, and sat silently next to Liu Mingzhi. down.

Turning her eyes to look at Liu Mingzhi who looked sad, Tao Ying smiled sweetly, and naturally took Liu Mingzhi's arm and hugged her in her towering arms.

His fair neck tilted slightly, his profile leaned against Liu Mingzhi's shoulder, and he looked at the hurried passers-by outside the shed with a smile.

"Compared to buying a better hairpin for my sister, my sister prefers to see the scene of a prosperous and prosperous country in front of me where the common people live and work in peace and contentment.

Although their faces were slightly tired from running around, the happiness from the heart in their brows couldn't be concealed.

Don't you think that this is the most beautiful picture scroll in the world compared to the masterpieces of any famous artist in the world?
Under the rule of your current emperor, they can have ample food and clothing and enjoy peace. As the king of a country, aren't you happy? "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Tao Ying who was leaning on his shoulder in surprise: "We have never talked about these things since we met, why are we suddenly talking about important affairs of the country with my younger brother today?"

Tao Ying silently held Liu Mingzhi's fingers and played with them, with a faint smile on her lips.

"When you touch the scene, you will inevitably feel some emotion in your heart."

"Huh? I would like to hear more about it."

"It seems that the scene in front of me is full of people, cars are like flowing water, and horses are like dragons.

My sister is thirty to sixty years old in her life, and she has only met her three times, but every time she sees her, she has different feelings in her heart. "

"Which three times?"

Tao Yingxing's eyes showed a look of reminiscence, obviously remembering some unforgettable past events.

(End of this chapter)

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