Chapter 2366
December 22, the third year of Dalong Taiping.

It was about three poles high in the sun, and the roof outside the study in the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion was covered with white snow.

Young Master Liu sat under the windy window sill to clear himself of his drowsiness, and took advantage of the gap in the morning when he didn't rush to the Gua booth outside the Penglai Restaurant to deal with some paperwork that was backlogged in his hands.

And from time to time, record a few ideas about some government affairs to be prepared for the coming year. Most of these ideas come from a sudden whim when flipping through the documents in hand.

"Master, is it convenient for the little one to come in now?"

Hearing Liu Song's inquiry outside the door, Liu Mingzhi paused the brush in his hand, raised his eyes to glance at the door, and put the brush on the brush washer.

"come in."


The door of the room opened in response, and Liu Song walked in with a letter in his hand, stopped in front of the desk and handed the letter to Liu Mingzhi.

"Master, please take a look."

Liu Mingzhi stretched his arms high, took the letter and opened it directly, took out the letter paper inside and looked through it with a nod.

A moment later, the corner of Young Master Liu's mouth raised a grotesque smile, and he handed the letter to Liu Song again.

"After all, it is a legendary fighting nation. The roads in the north are blocked by heavy snow, and the cold wind is like a knife. These generals of Tsarist Russia braved such bad weather and crossed the border of my dragon to return to Tsarist Russia.

You said how much they were afraid of us going back on our promises, so they couldn't wait to leave! "

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's faintly teasing words, Liu Song hurriedly picked up the letter paper and scanned the contents on it. After a while, Liu Song put the letter paper on the table with a surprised expression.

"Hey, are these people from Tsarist Russia desperate for their lives?

A little carelessness in the winter environment in the Northland will kill people, not to mention the road and mountain closures due to heavy snow outside the pass.

To the north of Yinshan Mountain, how is the winter environment in Lake Baikal? If you have never been there, you don’t know. It is not much better than the situation in the various ministries of Xinfu.

In order to return to the country, they just bite the bullet and leave the customs? "

Liu Mingzhi disapprovingly picked up the document on the side: "Isn't it very clear in the letter? The border guards will keep them until the spring of next year, and they can't wait until the weather returns to their homeland.

We left the customs with some of our special products and what we thought were enough dry food and drinking water.

Let's hope they don't freeze to death on the way.

Otherwise, if the imperial court wanted to deal with the relationship with Tsarist Russia, without their mediation, the situation would become very pessimistic. "

Liu Song went to the stove, picked up the teapot, poured two cups of tea, turned back, put the tea in front of Liu Mingzhi, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Master, to be honest, although they are not of my race, but this time their behavior made Xiao Song admire their courage to face death like home.

Even if they might have bad luck and freeze to death on the way, Xiao Song still admires them.

At least from this point, it can be seen that they are not timid people who are afraid of death. "

Liu Mingzhi paused suddenly when he was about to open the document, he raised his eyes and stared at Liu Song who was a little moved and remained motionless.

Liu Song was about to raise his hand to drink tea, when he noticed that the young master's eyes froze for a moment, he looked at young master Liu inexplicably: "Young...Young master, did Xiao Song say something wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head silently, put the document in his hand back to its original place, walked to the window, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at the white snow on the roof reflecting the sunlight.

"A neighbor whose soldiers are not afraid of death is not the blessing of my dynasty. If I don't take him in as soon as possible, young master, one day, such a country will become a strong enemy of my dynasty sooner or later.

If it becomes prosperous, it will be a disaster rather than a blessing for my Dalong.

It seems that no matter whether the Slavs can return to Tsarist Russia alive or not, we will bring our attitude to the Queen of Tsarist Russia, and the situation will be stabilized when our national power is restored.

Young master, I have to find an unfounded title to try the depth of Tsarist Russia's strength.

It would be best if they could be married, but if they could not be married to Qin and Jin, the best way would be to cut them off as soon as possible.

Once its wings are full, it will surely become a serious threat to my confidant in the heavenly court in the future.

Forget it, it's too early to think about these things now, the internal situation is still unstable, I think it's useless to think more.

Let's discuss everything after the news of the Western Expeditionary Army comes back.

As for the matter of letting Chengfeng marry the Queen of Tsarist Russia, wait until Tao Ying's birthday is over in two days, and then ask Lianer what kind of thinking he has.

Komatsu! "


"Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Yue'er, and Chenggan, the seven brothers and sisters have been away from home for a while, is there any letter?"

"Return to the young master, young masters, the young miss has not sent any letters back yet."

"Hey! When children travel thousands of miles, not only the mother is worried, but also the father is also having a hard time.

Pay close attention to the movements of the seven brothers and sisters, and report to me immediately if there is any news. "

"Yes, Xiao Song understands."

"Is there anything else?"


"Go back and do your own business."

"Yes, Xiao Song is leaving first."

"and many more."

"What else does the young master want?"

"Your eldest son, Liu Qi, has been with Cheng Zhi for almost two years, how is it? Cheng Zhi's character is not bad for Liu Qi, right?
Although the two of them grew up together since they were young, because Chengfeng and the others had many brothers and sisters, they didn't have much contact with each other.

Liu Qi is two years younger than Cheng Zhi, so he shouldn't be under much pressure, right? "

Liu Song hurriedly shook his head: "Don't worry, young master, young master Chengzhi has never treated Xiao Qi badly, just like the two of us when we were young, there is almost no incompatibility.

It is his blessing that this child, Xiao Qi, can serve the young master Chengzhi as you did when he grows up.

Sometimes I feel that Master Chengzhi is too fond of my little Qi!

The little one was worried that this child would one day become arrogant, conceited, and forget the difference between superior and inferior because of the fact that young master Chengzhi favored him too much.

These days, the young one is still discussing with the young lady, when will he warn this brat, and let him understand what the rules of a house slave are.

If the rules are broken, the little one has to hang it up and give it a good meal. "

Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes, and gave Liu Song a slightly dissatisfied look.

"Don't you dare, my young master hangs you up and smokes you! Is there any good lesson for you?
Children have their own way of getting along with each other, so don't always use our ideas to look at the behavior of these younger generations.

Didn't we come here like this when we were young?When we were young, apart from women, what did my young master not share with you?
At that time, didn't you yourself forget the so-called difference between bullshit and inferiority?Haven't you ever been polite to the young master?

Until now you and I have passed the [-]s, we are masters and servants in name, but brothers in private, isn't it good?
Liu Song, don't be imprisoned too hard by the shackles of the world, then what's the fun of living? "

Liu Song looked at Liu Mingzhi gratefully, and nodded silently: "Xiaosong...Xiaosong, thank you, young master. Don't worry, young master, the love of our generation will be passed on forever by the people behind."

"It's good to understand that a domestic slave does not mean a real slave. You don't have to go beyond the status of master and servant, but don't put yourself too low.

The young master doesn't like this. "

"Yes, Xiao Song understands, thank you for your kindness, young master."

"Your second child, Liu Gang, is twelve years old, right?"

"Exactly, after the new year, you will be officially 12 years old."

"Time is not forgiving, your second child is 12 years old in the blink of an eye, only less than a year and a half younger than Cheng Qian.

Now Liu Gang should have learned almost all the things he should learn. When he returns to Beijing in the spring of next year, Liu Gang should be arranged by his side. "

"Hey, the little one understands. When the young master Chenggan comes back, the little one will arrange for the second child to go there."

(End of this chapter)

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